I can recommend Elemental Shaman. Im playing my 101 Ele Shaman since Novembre 16' and I still have lots of fun.
Since I hit 100% Mastery, which means my Spells are always hitting twice , I am not playing the Ascendance spec anymore. Ascendace was great for Bossfights but the 3 minutes cooldown is way to long.
Now Im going for the "Lightning Rod - Mastery- Haste" Spec.
First I'll show you my talents and try to explain why I choosed them and afterwards I'll do a Plus/Contra List.
15 - Totem Mastery - each second 1 Mahlstrom, 10% increased damage of Flameshock and 2% Haste but it scales with your Gear. I get 3,54% from it. Big plus point from me.
30 - Gust of Wind - you can choose any other talent too, I only take it for NL Farming 3rd Boss for the second Chest.
45 - Lightning Surge Totem - Great Aoe Stun, speaks for itself
60 - Ancestral Swiftness - Gains 6% haste, which scales again with your Gear, I get 10% from it. Big plus point from me.
75 - Elemental Blast - Massive Damage. With Cd's it hits with 900k, twice + let us gain 2 stats. (Mastery/Haste/Crit)
90 - Liquid Magma Totem - Great AoE Damage. Its ticking for 171k on Bossevery 0.4(!) Sec (depends on your Haste and Intelligence) which is insane.
100 - Lightning Rod - When its up, your Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning damage does 40% damage AGAIN. And now the BIG Point why I play with it. With Stormkeeper. your Trait "Power of the Maelstrom" + 100% Mastery as I have you'll do a "Lightning Combo" which means you do !6! Casts with 1 Lightning Bolt (1 Lightning as normal cast + 1 from mastery + 1 from Power of the Maelstrom + each damage will set off Lightning Rod) which does insane Damage in a very short period of time and INSTANT. And for AoE its also very good, just spam Chain Lightning.
Plus/Contra List on Elemental Shaman
+ great Bossdps (~ 2m dps average on Boss [3,96m personal record])
+ great AoE damage
+ great mobility
+ good survivability
+ good control with AoE Stun, Slows, kicks
- you have to stand still when you want to cast (except with Stormkeeper)
If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask! And if you want you can watch my 4:50min NL PoV Run so you get some impressions.