Things to do when running a veteran account


I just ended a 10 day WoD trial and spent it creating 10 BiS geared/enchanted chars (1 per class) and since I had a crap experience I want to share it with anybody that will do same thing. I only hope to avoid you a bit of frustrations, mistakes and mishaps I had. If anybody wants to contribute, feel free to help, I‘ll add your considerations too.

1) P​LAN

Before activating your trial/paid subscription be sure to know exactly what you want, what class/spec you want to grow and what gear/enchant you want to farm/buy on every char. For 10 days seems a lot of time but since you have to level up to 20 every char during your trial period this time shortens for every char you want as veteran by a 5/6 hours, depending how BiS your want your gear to be.


In order to spare time of your trial you can create chars you want to grow before activating it. Level them and farm BoP BiS gear. Once done don‘t forget to log out them near to NPC that stops xp gain. With all heirlooms available (and often BiS) even killing a rare can be really unpleasant. If you forget to xp lock the worst thing ever can happen: liveling to 21 your fully BiS character!!! :( :( :(

eg my guardian druid:
Moonraine @ Sunstrider
(obviously I have also Blackened Defias Gloves enchanted with +11sta in backpack)


Now it's time to activate your trial. You should do it on a monday so you get 3 realm restarts in 10 days to farm raids for high lvl stuff. 1st thing to do is gathering heirlooms available to p2p only, so log chars that hold heirlooms you already have and go to vendors to complete your collection. Then log your 20s, lock their xp and create heirlooms for them.


If you don't already have one, try to join a guild that can seriously help you with enchantments (Power Torrent/Landslide are hardly sold in AH these days). Guild perks are not truely useful (just mounted movement boost when outside and mass res in dungs) and you can't access Guild Vault nor Guild Repairs. If you really trust somebody of your guildmates (or simply friend) best thing to do is giving them all of your gold when your paid time runs out. As a level 20 gold is not a great use for you since you can't either trade/use AH but if you regularly check AH when your subscription runs out and something really really really rare shows in AH at a reasonable price (eg Blackened Defias Belt) you can ask your trusted friend to buy it for you and keep it till you are back to game with a full account.


Buy/farm BoE you miss with your high lvl chars and then start gathering enchantments. Using AH for this is a real pain, consider spending 5/6k gold per char, depending on economy of ur server. Obviously having a tailor/leatherworker, enchanter, inscription main or friend helps a lot.


While you don't have an active subscription, professions are locked to starter edition cap, meaning that you can't make anything that requires more that 100 skill to craft. In profession tab there is litterally a lock icon showing on things you can't craft and "create" button is disabled while selecting them. For a f2p the only profession really useful is alchemy (swiftness potion/elixir boosting primary stats) while for p2p there are a few more (engineering for its tricks, jewelcrafting for statues). Limitation cap makes engineering the only attractive profession (beside alchemy) for veterans but only if you are an intellect stacking class so you can use googles, otherwise alchemy keeps being your choice. This limitation applies to First Aid too: best bandage you can craft is Heavy Linen Bandage but having First Aid capped @ 225 means that you can use Heavy Runecloth Bandages that you have sent from other chars. Stacking tons of them for when you subscription runs out is a good idea if you are a class that can't self-heal (hunter, mage, rogue, warrior)


Put enchants on your BiS gear (you need a high level char to apply +sta on BoE gloves and any shoulder or leg). Don't thing you can do this once your sub ends. I had the unpleasant experience of getting message error "starter edition accounts cannot perform this action" while applying a WoD enchantment (that I paid 800g) on a ring for chars I had not finalize. Any non vanilla enchantment work this way.


check gear on your lvl 20s one last time, empty mailboxes on all chars and

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He..hehehe! Nothing personal but one less p2p feral!

Your game knowledge is great!!! I give you a tip: feral with defias...
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I just ended a 10 day WoD trial and spent it creating 10 BiS geared/enchanted chars (1 per class) and since I had a crap experience I want to share it with anybody that will do same thing. I only hope to avoid you a bit of frustrations, mistakes and mishaps I had. If anybody wants to contribute, feel free to help, I‘ll add your considerations too.

1) P​LAN

Before activating your trial/paid subscription be sure to know exactly what you want, what class/spec you want to grow and what gear/enchant you want to farm/buy on every char. For 10 days seems a lot of time but since you have to level up to 20 every char during your trial period this time shortens for every char you want as veteran by a 5/6 hours, depending how BiS your want your gear to be.


In order to spare time of your trial you can create chars you want to grow before activating it. Level them and farm BoP BiS gear. Once done don‘t forget to log out them near to NPC that stops xp gain. With all heirlooms available (and often BiS) even killing a rare can be really unpleasant. If you forget to xp lock the worst thing ever can happen: liveling to 21 your fully BiS character!!! :( :( :(

eg my guardian druid:
Moonraine @ Sunstrider
(obviously I have also Blackened Defias Gloves enchanted with +11sta in backpack)


Now it's time to activate your trial. You should do it on a monday so you get 3 realm restarts in 10 days to farm raids for high lvl stuff. 1st thing to do is gathering heirlooms available to p2p only, so log chars that hold heirlooms you already have and go to vendors to complete your collection. Then log your 20s, lock their xp and create heirlooms for them.


Buy/farm BoE you miss with your high lvl chars and then start gathering enchantments. Using AH for this is a real pain, consider spending 5/6k gold per char, depending on economy of ur server. Obviously having a tailor/leatherworker, enchanter, inscription main or friend helps a lot.


Put enchants on your BiS gear (you need a high level char to apply +sta on BoE gloves and any shoulder or leg). Don't thing you can do this once your sub ends. I had the unpleasant experience of getting message error "starter edition accounts cannot perform this action" while applying a WoD enchantment (that I paid 800g) on a ring for chars I had not finalize. Any non vanilla enchantment work this way.


check gear on your lvl 20s one last time, empty mailboxes on all chars and

if you upgrade a pure f2p acc will you get a free 90 upgrade?
lvl 21 :3
Nice guide. I almost considered writing one myself because I'm doing pretty much the same thing.

One thing I will ask is, where are the veteran communities?

At the moment, outside of BG's we can enjoy duelling as both F2P and 29 within our respective communities, but if you're a veteran then outside of BG's you have an advantage over F2P but a disadvantage over 29, meaning no fair duels with other twinks whilst queuing for BG's, unless you know a ton of other veterans...


Can't I buy the velines with the enchants and use with the char lvl 20 himself? Do i really need a high lvl? I am a pure 2p.
Sorry about my bad english.

Can't I buy the velines with the enchants and use with the char lvl 20 himself? Do i really need a high lvl? I am a pure 2p.
Sorry about my bad english.

Roll a DK and run/tank dungeon finder until you're high enough level. Shouldn't be too bad. Also the dk will be helpful in making gold and farming BoE items.
My main reason to upgrade is for bag can I get the best bags?? AH?? What are the best bags...I'm sure most f2ps have no bag space
16 slot bags are super cheap (5-10g on most servers). Bank bag slots are 25g each.

It's sufficient space for most toons. That said, pack-hoarders will never have enough bag-space.
16 slots are the same as faction bags. only good to fill up the rest of your bank slots. not an upgrade to your 4 inventory bag slots
its also entirely possible to ask a friend to send the enchants to you and u use it right?
for a small fee of course.

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