They finally fixed Hunters!


After 10 years Blizzard is finally cracking down... Check out a few from the new patch notes!







hur hur we can dream. Post your own funny debuffs. Lightwatcher and I had a fun time with these lol
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After 10 years Blizzard is finally cracking down... Check out a few from the new patch notes!







hur hur we can dream. Post your own funny debuffs. Lightwatcher and I had a fun time with these lol

Ok as a hunter, I would say for the excessive arcane shot is good for me because I never do it in any kind of PvP, so that would be good for me to against noob hunter.
Second, luckily it's keybind XD.
Third, I finally can dmg my opponent hunter when he cast his own explosive shot and I think I'll just go BM :D
Fourth, whole teammates can finally stick because they can't run everywhere as they are weak :D Good for protecting fc and killing efc.
Fifth, we can finally RP in bg and take a nap :D
Sixth, I can die without giving my opponent honor point and feed my pets WOOT!

Anyway good job on these debuffs for hunter :D:D:D:D
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When lil, comes back you're in soooooo much trouble.
I'm not a ppl who stay at mid once, but atm I do that because I don't have faith on anyone else anymore since they are all retarded noobies :( and I only aim for my honorable kills

Yeah... I kinda understand you at some point, but, I think you should do your best to support the t EAM killing etc.. Ialways try even when iI have a full of noobs team... keep advancing to efc, kill ny healer that is on hes way to efc.
Just dont bother stayin in mid unless its important.
Yeah... I kinda understand you at some point, but, I think you should do your best to support the t EAM killing etc.. Ialways try even when iI have a full of noobs team... keep advancing to efc, kill ny healer that is on hes way to efc.
Just dont bother stayin in mid unless its important.

I'll try to do that but if I saw someone who is good like you, Phron, Spewfeel, Bison etc. I'll always try to kill them XD
Tacticz, these "abilities" you made up are just plain silly. [Flying], [Invincibility], and [Time Travel] way more realistic for hunters.

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