Hello, everyone... I am reaching out to you today to announce that cooch candle has disband. The multiple practices and wargames became too demanding for my partners. On a happier note, I am currently recruiting a healer and a dps player to compete in this tournament. If that interests you please continue reading. To all my opponent, I will see you in the arena *rawr*.
Both healer and dps will have to be able to attend to almost 100% of our practice time. GP Candles, requires his players to attend to 4 3h practices during the week. Every Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday between 10am and 1pm. On top of this, occasional Saturday wargames may be mandatory. GPC players will be required to be completely BIS. We are currently looking for a Rsham and a hunter player. We encourage any exceptional player to apply even if these are not the class you are playing. To apply, reach out to me in private messages on XPOFF.
GPC is committed to offer the most ppc environement at the same time to promote the growth and potential of its player. Toxicity is not allowed and communication is very important. Monthly event will be offered to reinforce the bond of our players. For exemple a pull up competition where some decide to do chin ups.
Finally, I hope we all have a great time during this tournament but fear our team.