The WoW TCG (Anyone but me actually play this game?)


Lord of the Black Flame
I've been an avid fan of the WoW TCG since its first set, Heroes of Azeroth. In fact I was a fan a few years before its release and regularlly visited a now dead website dedicated to the TCG.

I have been a fan of many TCGs over the years, (Magic, Pokemon, Yugioh, and The Spoils to name a few) but no TCG has been better then WoW. I do still play Pokemon on and off (I currently go to a store where the store owners son is 1st in the world and he is not even 10) and I just quick Magic because the community (Both online and off) are extremly rude. But I still have all my WoW cards. I have only found 1-2 other local players for it, but I would like to have more local people play.

Over the course of all the TCG sets I have gotten at least 2 of every loot (Sadly, I got the Spectral Tiger after I left the WoW MMO. But I did manage to sell it on eBay) and I only used 2 loot card on myself while I sold the rest. I gave my 19 priest twink the [ITEM]Tabard of Flames[/ITEM] and the Firework trinket. I also managed to get enough DCI points to get several players in my guild the [ITEM]Tabard of Frost[/ITEM], which we all used in lue of a guild tabard. But I never bought the cards to get loot.

I currently use the HoA Troll Mage (Ta'zo) in a heavy damage dealing deck, but I have enough cards to make decks for each class/spec/or race. Its just such a good game and I really wish that some of the people who buy the packs would actually play the TCG, rather then trash the non-loot cards.

So, does anyone here play or is interested in playing the WoW TCG?

never been a big fan of trading card games, i had my fair share of pokemon cards when i was a kid but I only had them because id been brainwashed into wanting to catch them all, never played the games.
yugio then magic

i played heavily in tournaments of both but never got into WoW tcg
I played Yu Gi Oh on school for a while 4 years ago..
I hate to go ff topic, but Pokemon is doing AMAZING right now. They made a lot of new cards that complelty changed the game. What I like about it the most is that there is no true meta to beat. Also, anything old has been banned. This really helps because everyone was running the same exact deck pre-D/P. (the new set)

Yugioh is in trouble right now. Konami is fighting for the rights to it again which means Upper Deck will lose the license and the game will dissolve either back into Konami or just end.

I play Magic: the Gathering and judged at a few Type 2, Type 1 and Type 1.5 Extended and a single, no holds barred Casual Tourney. Officially I'm classified as a Johnny-Spike and created a few oddball though effective decks...

Tried Yu-Gi-Oh, but too many of the people from my play group watched the anime and allowed it to affect what they thought was a "Good" strategy (Exodia, Blue-Eyes? lawl). Basically, it was worse than a Full Twink Premade vs PuG in greens. They kept doing that "Heart of the Cards" deal, ran 100+ card decks and whined constantly whenever I played them because I always won. It wasn't that I was some Yu-Gi-Oh god, it was that they were just aweful. So I quit Yu-Gi-Oh.

Pokemon... meh, collected the flying types, didn't do much else (I got a fascination with birds and most anything that flies. I was never able to explain it).

WoW TCG, meh, feels too limiting to me, so I don't even bother with going for loot cards even.

I enjoy M:tG because the rules don't prevent you from having any combination of "colors" in your deck while the resource base of the game "Lands" and "Different mana colors" provide just enough penalty to make the game something of a balancing act. Additionally, everything has really its own way distinct way of achieving the goal of winning.

Now granted, I do buy WoW TCG for the sake of collecting Rebecca Guay art.
not going to lie to you, way back when i played the star wars CCG, and before that magic. after i got out of the star wars phase i never got back into any TCGs. dunno why, i had a blast, won a few tourneys with star wars...
I will probably soon start to play this game I found some info and it seems that a shop in my city is realy populair about all those card games and I may walk in there and look how people play the game...
Conrose said:
Now granted, I do buy WoW TCG for the sake of collecting Rebecca Guay art.
I got a friend who collects Rebecca Guay cards, too, but I don't think he plays WoW.
The two other people who play at my local game store are also long time MTG players. (I think around Beta they started, but didn't get into tournaments/serious play till Arabian Nights) And they both say that the WoW TCG is currently the best TCG out there right now, because there is no mana screw. (Noun: The inability to play a land/resource which is used to pay for a cards cost.)

Any card in your hand may be played face down as a resource. You exhaust (Turn the card sideways) to pay for the cost of a card. So exhausting three resources lets you play a card who's cost is 3. But, there are special cards that can be played face up as a resource called Quests. So if you played MTG, think of a face down resource as a basic land and a Quest as a nonbasic land. Quests have an effect that can be activated by paying its cost, then the quest is turned face down and remains face down for the rest of the game. So now your deck isn't going to consist of 15-20 'Land' cards that don't do anything but give you resources to play cards. You'll have probably 15-20 quests still, but they will help your deck out A LOT.

A quest can grant you something simple like 'Look at your opponents hand.' or 'Draw a card.' To more complex effects. But they all exhaust to grant you 1 resource that you use to play cards or complete quests.

As far as limitation goes, WoW is about the same as MTG. Magic is split into 5 colors while WoW is split into 9 classes (Currently no DKs), 8 races, and 2 factions. Now this may seem WAY to limited, but there are lots of cards that any class/race/faction can play.

So an Orc Warrior can use Corpse Run (Because it can be used by any class/race/faction), Blood Fury (Because he is an Orc), Skewer (Because he is Horde), and Gear Upgrade (Because he is a Warrior). He can also use Kulan (Because he is a Horde ally) and A'dal (Because he is a Neutral ally). Your Orc War can also wear only certain gear, like Merc Glad, Arcanite Reaper, and Hearthstone.

Basically, if you play the WoW MMO you should know what abilities/armor/allies you should be allowed to have in your deck. It is a really fun game to play. If anyone is interested in learning more shoot me a PM.

So basically, amongst the cards there are solid barriers (Related to class, race, faction) that cannot be crossed. Additionally, the resource system is just about completely open and at the player's beck and call and completely immune to "Mana Screw", and locking many mechanics to very specific folds in the game. I love M:tG because most any line can be crossed, albeit at the cost of splitting up your resource base and increasing your chance of being mana screwed.

High Risk, High Reward. You like to straight up kill things with minimal effort? Go black. Want to slip some direct damage into the mix, split your mana base amongst red and black and empty your mana pool for that Blaze after you done cleaned their side of the board. Many people criticize that M:tG is about luck. I say part of the skill involved is designing your deck and weigh benefit against cost. I had a Tri-Color Reanimator deck straight up banned from local Type 1 and Extended Tournaments because it so reliably finished a game in 4-6 turns. Sure other decks could win in as little as the first turn, but this usually involved what we termed a Deck's "God Hand".

But yeah, I've alway enjoyed just how open to creativity M:tG is since there are no real solid barriers, hell, they make cards that straight up break the rules if not for "The Golden Rule"
@ Conrose - The last set did release multiple class abilities (Natural Disaster or Bloody Ritual are a few examples) and Armor/Weapons/Items usually have more then 1 class. So a Pally and Warrior will have access to almost the same gear, but obviously a Mage can't get plate nor do you want a Hunter in cloth.

@ Vander - This is a good start and if you pick up a WoW TCG starter (Should look like this, a hardcase with a starter deck, 2 packs, 3 hero cards, and a new/improved rule book) you get the latest rules and better clarification on mechanics you may not udnerstand. Also, I use WoW TCG Database to look up all the cards currently out or coming out in the next set. Just click Cards at the top and chose what you are looking for. Any other questions you can PM me and I will be happy to assist you.

Zuty said:
@ Conrose - The last set did release multiple class abilities (Natural Disaster or Bloody Ritual are a few examples) and Armor/Weapons/Items usually have more then 1 class. So a Pally and Warrior will have access to almost the same gear, but obviously a Mage can't get plate nor do you want a Hunter in cloth.

@ Vander - This is a good start and if you pick up a WoW TCG starter (Should look like this, a hardcase with a starter deck, 2 packs, 3 hero cards, and a new/improved rule book) you get the latest rules and better clarification on mechanics you may not udnerstand. Also, I use WoW TCG Database to look up all the cards currently out or coming out in the next set. Just click Cards at the top and chose what you are looking for. Any other questions you can PM me and I will be happy to assist you.


Thanks :)
Ive been playing since HoA came out, up untill Drums of War, since WotLK came out, ive not played it as much, and kind of fell behind. I played in major tournments as such World championships in America and Paris, i guess ill start to play again when the new set is out, or maybe go to the next Darkmoon faire (won a spectral tiger at a 3v3 arena tournment there). I got a crap load of UDE points, and thats where i get most my gold from, sold about 10 different colord tabards for 3-5k each :D
I've always been a casual gamer. I hate grinding to be the best in any game (whether it be WoW, Pokemon, or Golden Sun.) and I hated always being told what I needed in my Magic/Pokemon/YuGiOh decks to make it good, because it always seemed that as soon as I did, the card would be banned by then or its to expensive.

WoW doesn't do that for me. While I don't strive to be the best ( no one ever was...) in the WoW TCG, I still want to be really good. Once again, its the same view I had at twinking when I played live WoW. I want to be known, but I don't want to be the world champion. I guess I could give playing in a WoW tournament a chance, but last time I played in a WoW tournament I wreaked face (That was pre-Drums of War) and I haven't played since. But IDK what to expect in World Tourns. or Darkmoon Events.

Zuty said:
@ Conrose - The last set did release multiple class abilities (Natural Disaster or Bloody Ritual are a few examples) and Armor/Weapons/Items usually have more then 1 class. So a Pally and Warrior will have access to almost the same gear, but obviously a Mage can't get plate nor do you want a Hunter in cloth.

It's not that they are bending barriers a little, it's that they still have very solid barriers in regards to various mechanics. If they were to simply distribute the mechanics to all classes/allegiances, then it would end up becoming another Yu-Gi-Oh except with a decent system for resources (Though not to my liking, I admit it has its balancing characteristics where-as Yu-Gi-Oh's sacrificing mechanic for resources regarding certain cards renders many cards practically unusable while other cards are due to the lack of cost before a certain threshold, popularly regarded as OP). I'm a Johnny, M:tG term for "Combo Player". I like combos, I like multiple colors, I like bizarre outcomes and turning under-appreciated cards into a nasty surprise for any player.

Basically, looking at a card and then another, seeing the reaction they could have when used together and realizing I am not allowed to do it would be too frustrating for me.

With M:tG, no such restrictions truly exist. Hence why I love it so much more than other TCGs. Added to this is the fact that the resource system is a "Limiting" factor to this freedom so it adds to the challenge of gaining what you desire without essentially killing yourself to get it.

P.S. My understanding of the M:tG rules is what gets me selected as a tourney judge fairly often.

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