The WoW TCG (Anyone but me actually play this game?)

Then I guess I was a Johnny player in MTG. Albeit, not the kind that searched for a 15 card chain that ended in an auto-win. I did like discarding Madness cards with Wild Mongrel and then playing the madness card to counter a spell or make a token. But I am sure that if I was more active on the forums I would have gone on to find more combos.

But with the WoW TCG you can't really tear down to many walls. Warriors can't Fireblast and Shamans can't use Bearform. Of course, almost every mechanic in the game is split amongst the classes and races. So its not like magic where Blue is Counter/Draw, almost every class has access to an Interrupt or a Draw ability. Same goes for most other effects (Searching the deck, searching the discard, dealing damage, blocking damage, healing damage, making tokens, etc.)

A combo that I found when the one set for WoW came out was an infinite damage loop that could only be down by an Alliance Shaman or Hunter.

This chest + this ally + any weapon with a strike cost of 0 = Infinite Damage

1. Exahust your Hero and your 0 strike cost wep.

2. Exahust Galway to ready your wep and hero.

3. Repeat step 1. Galway readies because of Hauberk of Desolation.

4. Repeat.

Zuty said:
Then I guess I was a Johnny player in MTG. Albeit, not the kind that searched for a 15 card chain that ended in an auto-win. I did like discarding Madness cards with Wild Mongrel and then playing the madness card to counter a spell or make a token. But I am sure that if I was more active on the forums I would have gone on to find more combos.

Actually, Mongrel + Madness was also deep in the "Spike" category of playing since it was very competitive in Type 2 while it was legal.
Lol, I guess IDK what type of player I was. I like being able to try out new things that people haven't done yet. Like if I don't see a certain class/race/color/type/etc. not being run local, I will try my best to run it.

While I did leave almost all TCG's to play a minitures game (and no, not the WoW Minis) I kept all of my WoW cards and wouldn't dare sell or give away them. (Something I did with all my Magic cards without batting an eye) Its just to good of a TCG.

But I do agree with Conrose, you don't have as much freedom as you do in magic. There is a 'Stack' in WoW just like Magic, but (as far as I know) you can not exhaust a resource and let it 'float' around until you want to use it. While in magic, you can tap 10 lands, untap them with an ability, and then tap them again to net 20 mana. So the 'engine' that it runs on is a bit more simpler then MTGs level, but that doesn't mean it lacks interrupts or combos. Its not so dumbed down that you cannot react to what your opponent is about to do.

Leshugg said:
never been a big fan of trading card games, i had my fair share of pokemon cards when i was a kid but I only had them because id been brainwashed into wanting to catch them all, never played the games.

lol SAME...i got a pc game where u actually had to play by the rules tho...but w/ cards i never played, i got up to 149/150 (damn that missing charzard lol)of the originals...then i quit when they came out with all the gay new cards

i played yugioh for real tho
Tetox said:
lol SAME...i got a pc game where u actually had to play by the rules tho...but w/ cards i never played, i got up to 149/150 (damn that missing charzard lol)of the originals...then i quit when they came out with all the gay new cards

i sent a booster pack to my friend for his birthday. he got a charizard.


and my other friend had all 150, then his blastoise went missing, and made a huge deal about it. seemed like it came up in every conversation lol

and yeah once the new cards came out, it was like...fuck this card game. i liked the originals. : /

ahh memories
When I was in forth grade I went to catholic school and I got blamed for stealing a kids Jolteon card. I was unfortunate enough to have an angry, old nun as my teacher and she believed the other kid. She gave me such a beating ...

LOL thats funny Zuty, i was raised catholic but never knew the schools were actually like that. thought it was just in the movies they did that...did she poke your chest a lot and give a switch across the knuckles? or was it just a good old fashioned i'm-a-nun-so-i-can-do-whatever-i-want-to-you beatdown?

and btw...DID you steal the jolteon card? =)
Zuty said:
Lol, I guess IDK what type of player I was. I like being able to try out new things that people haven't done yet. Like if I don't see a certain class/race/color/type/etc. not being run local, I will try my best to run it.

While I did leave almost all TCG's to play a minitures game (and no, not the WoW Minis) I kept all of my WoW cards and wouldn't dare sell or give away them. (Something I did with all my Magic cards without batting an eye) Its just to good of a TCG.

But I do agree with Conrose, you don't have as much freedom as you do in magic. There is a 'Stack' in WoW just like Magic, but (as far as I know) you can not exhaust a resource and let it 'float' around until you want to use it. While in magic, you can tap 10 lands, untap them with an ability, and then tap them again to net 20 mana. So the 'engine' that it runs on is a bit more simpler then MTGs level, but that doesn't mean it lacks interrupts or combos. Its not so dumbed down that you cannot react to what your opponent is about to do.


The Stack is more or less a cornerstone of TCGs at this point. I haven't really seen any true variation from it since it's always been "Last on, first off" and that you can let the stack resolve one or more, but don't have to wait for all to resolve before you can add more to the stack (This becomes an important point when trying to kill a player before his Biorythm gives him 20+ life and down you to a few points or even outright kill you). "The Golden Rule" is also pretty universal although M:tG's been the only one to really take advantage of it with cards that actually change the rules of the game while they are out.

Now, the major differences between TCGs come in the form of Resource Systems, Combat Rules, When What Can be put onto the Stack and when. And minor variations exist in play zones and rules regarding them. The biggest difference is "Do they have Rebecca Guay Illustrating for them." This alone puts M:tG and WoW TCG lightyears ahead of the others.

Btw, I have a Charizard >=)
I did not steal the Jolteon. I got beat with a ruler. I still have a first edition Charizard. XD

I like Rebecca Guay, but I was always a fan of RK post.


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