The War Within F2P & Veteran Armory

It doesn't seem to be showing all of the Achievements, but she's back, for now...
level up to 20 and gear regear it before resubmitting it again


Not sure if its not updated or if u thought it was good enough right now :KEKW:
Nice BFA set tho
The Great Armory Purge of 2024 will be taken place on the August 20th.
  • Make sure to farm and equip your new gear before then.
  • Make sure to be in the correct spec, because your character will be moved to the spec you currently play as.
  • Make sure that all your gear is gemmed and enchanted, even as F2P it is expected.
Missing 1-2 BiS slots is fine, missing more than that and you will be purged.
If you get purged and then decided to regear, you can of course resubmit your character(s).

The main goal of this this Armory thread is not to flex your chars, it is done so new F2P and Vet twinks can find inspiration for their gear, talents, gems, and enchants.
So don't take it personal if you get purged.
The Great Armory Purge of 2024 will be taken place on the August 20th.
  • Make sure to farm and equip your new gear before then.
  • Make sure to be in the correct spec, because your character will be moved to the spec you currently play as.
  • Make sure that all your gear is gemmed and enchanted, even as F2P it is expected.
Missing 1-2 BiS slots is fine, missing more than that and you will be purged.
If you get purged and then decided to regear, you can of course resubmit your character(s).

The main goal of this this Armory thread is not to flex your chars, it is done so new F2P and Vet twinks can find inspiration for their gear, talents, gems, and enchants.
So don't take it personal if you get purged.
Heh, I'll never be BiS, so I won't bother.

Thanks for the explanation.
You never know, gearing is a lot easier now in TWW/Prepatch than it was during DF
I can gear up a new f2p char in under 1 day / played
Uh, it's more a matter of my playstyle.

Also, I hadn't played for about five years.

Getting back into it is hard work!
Just started to explore Pandaria. Bought a whole set of things from murlocks that are far better than anything I had, for silver.

You never know, gearing is a lot easier now in TWW/Prepatch than it was during DF
I can gear up a new f2p char in under 1 day / played
You can get tert/socket procs on all your gear in one day /played? Or is that not a requirement for armory post Aug20th?

Genuine question, no sarc
You can get tert/socket procs on all your gear in one day /played? Or is that not a requirement for armory post Aug20th?

Genuine question, no sarc
No procs are required for the list, just the basic gear is required.

It would be good to get socket procs on the slots that can, but not necessary.
Head is a socket proc which is still possible, base one comes with 1 meta + 1 prismatic
2 sockets on those boots are standard
this is the first time i notice 2 sockets on the boots .. how are the 2 sockets added to the boots ?

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