What are your top 3 favorite 10/11 Twink classes?

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@Dpook Hello, i noticed some of my twinks has been removed from the armory? i remember b4 my warrior was removed because someone couldnt see the character for that moment, which happens sometime. Id like to add my character back.
Lock 11 destro: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/eu/magtheridon/necrogoblin
Shammy 10 resto: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/eu/magtheridon/voodooshaman
Rogue 11 sub: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/eu/magtheridon/mightysneeky
I would also like to add my new dh, since i accidentely forgot to turn xp back off again after i entered a dungeon.
i started working on it today but it will be ready in a day or 2.
Dh 11 havoc: https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/character/eu/magtheridon/mightymight

Thanks in advance.

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