The Twinks, 19 Edition, Episode I


The Specialist
The first episode has been finished. This episode features Saxx, Mocha, Dorygon, and Mesikämmen. This video only features level 19's. If you would like to be featured in an upcoming video (any level can submit a clip) view my earlier blog.

This episode was more or less to get the basic structure down, I hope you can enjoy the clips as well!

The Twinks (TwinkInfo Community Project) 19's Edition, Episode I - YouTube


Guidelines For Clips:
  • Keep clips below 60-75 seconds, do not send anything longer than two minutes.
  • We are not interested in clips involving extreme exploiting or hacking.
  • Clips must be at least 360p however 720p or higher would be appreciated.
  • Clips do not need to have sound. Do not add music.
How To Send Us Your Clip(s):
  • Upload your COMPRESSED video to this website <-- CLICK
  • Send the link in a PM to Eliot
Very nice, watched my tab dotting clip like three times in a row. Enjoyed Mesikammen's work on the horde tunnel as well.
I refuse to kick it in the backseat, ffs.

only part that caught my interest was druid flag running.
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I liked Saxxon's broadcast during Dory's part. ;)

I'm going to start recording some games so I can submit some footage.

This was really bad.

P.S - I'll try and muster up some strength to watch the last half of it later on, only for Dory's sake.

Note: 50 second long intro/RP isn't necessary.
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I liked Saxxon's broadcast during Dory's part. ;)

I'm going to start recording some games so I can submit some footage.

gy farming is not considered decent footage. Nor is group queueing with 3+ op/dedicated healers.

This was really bad.

P.S - I'll try and muster up some strength to watch the last half of it later on, only for Dory's sake.

Note: 50 second long intro/RP isn't necessary.

I wonder which is longer, this video or the amount of time you actually play in a WSG match before AFKing.
alright, ima bring out the good things first:
Mesis' clip, as well as sax' were quite good and i liked it. music were very enthusiastic.
Mochas' clip seemed a little off in the quality.
the intro could use some work.
Dorys' clip seemed abit dull?
this will take some work, however i'm glad somebody is taking over after us, and i will be sending in clips should you want some.
I liked the music and I think it's great that somebodys continuing with The 19's Show concept.

Only downside would be some of the clips, I don't find a clip of a Warlock dotting people for a minute to be entertaining, but this could be purely because of the lack of clips in week one?

Also I felt the intro was unnecessarily long.

Also I laughed when Mocha failed twice at jumping on the canopy so +1 for comedy.

Overall good job!
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I appreciate all the feedback. As you may have noted this was more of a structure thing for the first episode rather than a quality focused episode. If you don't enjoy the clips you can't complain because you didn't submit a better one.
of course we can complain, even if we didn't submit footage o_O most of us are not in China.

People don't realise complaints are sometimes more important then content, projects won't go anywhere if nobody says what's wrong with it.
I apologize for those that are disappointed to see the same clips from me on both the 19s show and this project. Thing is, I had sent the clips to 19s show like a month ago hoping for them to publish the 3rd episode soonish, but after waiting for weeks and Squidgy not showing up I thought the project had been abandoned. So I sent the clips for a new project, but when the 3rd episode of 19s show got out surprisingly, the editing of this video was so far already it was quite impossible to remove the clips from the show. Hope nobody is butthurt because of this =P

Anyway, another great video, amazing editing and enjoyable music combined with a bunch of nice clips :) I hope this project gets to people and it will carry on from where The 19s Show stopped, I'm amazed at how little time it took to produce this magnificent and long + high quality video, and definitely looking forward for the future episodes aswell! Great job Elliot !
How can we submit clips for EP2?

Guidelines For Clips:
  • Keep clips below 60-75 seconds, do not send anything longer than two minutes.
  • We are not interested in clips involving extreme exploiting or hacking.
  • Clips must be at least 360p however 720p or higher would be appreciated.
  • Clips do not need to have sound. Do not add music.
How To Send Us Your Clips(s):
  • Upload your COMPRESSED video to this website <-- CLICK
  • Send the link in a PM to Eliot

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