19s were best pre travel form HANDS DOWN.
Rogues were nearly untouchable but guess what, they weren't in stealth 80% of the game so a hunter's mark and they're not an issue.
Nothing could kill you instantly unless perhaps a rogue with STV buff + more which was rare because of the time investment going into getting those buffs.
Mages would CC an entire team, but not if your priest was Patton or Fortt who both have huge ones and could keep your team CC free.
Druids didn't 1 shot everything in the world and were mainly bear form FCs or resto.
Warriors had rend and hamstring. They were very solid melee dps and could stand up very well against all ranged DPS.
Hunters hurt a lot, but when have they not? Disengage was not a mobile ability and merely forced the enemy npc to attack a new target.
Lock dot bots hurt like crazy and would fear bomb, but not if your priest was PATTARRRRRRrrrr or Fortt.
Pallies were FCs... And very awesome ones at that.
In fact, without movement increases in 19s, nearly every class could FC. Mage FCs stacking agility for dodge were a HUGE thing and so were dodge rogue FCs.
Priests had hots for on the go heals.
Worgen, Goblins, Pandas, and Monks didn't exist. SO MUCH BETTER. I just very much don't like any of those ugly races and I only like Monk FC because of the broken movement WW has. Monks in general can die in a fire. Except Marb because he's WW which stands for Winning Withflag
Consumables made the game fun, exciting, and even! Sure we could glue you for 30 seconds, or we could just have a mage spam sheep you for the entire match.... But you could also spam sheep our mage for the entire match. But oh wait, if your bud is sheeped, just minor recrombulate him and GG.
Engineering was so sexy. Think about the goggles for those unlucky enough to get a keefer. Think of discombobulator ray. Think of the explosive sheeps and the bomb stuns! Smexy!
My absolute favorite thing profession related from back then is Gnomes with Engineering. My first twink was a gnome rogue with engineering. Why? Because back then you could get 165 engineering which was the skill level required to use Goblin Jumper Cables. Why was this so awesome? Well in WSG it was rad, but that's not what made this so badass... You could use it in arena to rez up your teammate.
Priests would often times corner themselves, heal themselves, fear bomb their attackers, wand their enemies until his mana regens, repeat process. Priests could get their team out of CC, but they only did a little bit of damage over a long time span so they weren't ridiculous.
Nothing really was ridiculously OP besides hunters and even back then, they really weren't that bad. These days it feels like ANYTHING that targets you will blow you up within 1 second. It's made for some very wimpy gameplay. I used to have fun running around without stealth on my rogue basically playing warrior and destroying foos with a healbot.
The community was much better. I was one of the elitist kids back in the day who would make fun of people trying to twink. But it was only after I was one of those noobs who got trashed on and got good enough to beat the elitists that I had encountered in 1v1 duels. People would trash talk but at least in vengeance, people were very respectful and had very high sportsman like conduct. Sure we had some bad eggs, but they were just mean because they needed to play a super op class in order to have any affect so everyone laughed at these people and disregarded them anyways. Today, people worship those who roll fotm classes and look up to people who we would have just laughed at. Sure 19s have always been bandwagony, but back in the day our bandwagon was for skill, teamwork, winning premades, and being just straight up awesome. Today's bandwagon is just for the epeen stomp your face off 1v1 BS. We get it, you're "1337".
These are just a few things that came to mind instantly when reading the recent posts of this thread.