The Tag Cloud

Just took a quick look,

There's what you'd expect there- advice, dps, rogue, mage, battleground etcetc.

What I'd like to know is how one weapon in particular has made it's name on the list. That weapon is of course the infamous [item]Shadowfang[/item].

Anyone remember the days when this thing dropped once every few runs?


Honestly, this comes very close... Only a few marks off the DPS and comparable per hit damage. You also get the nice stats, which IMO make this a better weapon.

[item]Venerable Dal'Rend's Sacred Charge[/item]

(The main hand equivalent)

[item]Battleworn Thrash Blade[/item]

Now I am completely against BoA items. They stand for what has caused the dislike of twinks by others- the fact that no matter how hard other players try, they can never be geared as well as them. If you remove the expensive enchants from a twink, you're left with something viable for an average player to obtain.

Regardless, I met a player today, outside of SFK, telling me he had ran the instance on his DK over 300 times to get the Shadowfang. Think about this. 300 times. At 5 runs an hour, that's 60 hours of play- That's insanity... Go and farm for the [item]Pendulum of Doom[/item] on a Nightfall realm, they sell for 15k~ and have a comparable drop rate. Better still you're better off farming 3k gold and paying for a double transfer to a realm that you know has it. Please, melee 19's, don't kill yourselves over this thing, because honestly it's not worth it.
i dont understand how BoAs cause(ed) the dislike of twinks by nontwinkers....pretty sure that animosity always existed between the have and have nots.

also i never remember seeing/hearing SF having a high drop rate. i used to farm for it in vanilla and BC and never saw it drop in hundreds of solo runs. btw PoD has a smaller chance of dropping afaik b/c it can only drop off the dwarves and ppl in the rear of ulda, whereas SF can (like i said, afaik) drop of any mob in SFK. but yes a PoD would garner more gold than SF
Audiofreak said:
the fact that no matter how hard other players try, they can never be geared as well as them.

because levelling to 80 and getting your own BoAs is hard amirite
Falkor said:
i dont understand how BoAs cause(ed) the dislike of twinks by nontwinkers....pretty sure that animosity always existed between the have and have nots.

also i never remember seeing/hearing SF having a high drop rate. i used to farm for it in vanilla and BC and never saw it drop in hundreds of solo runs. btw PoD has a smaller chance of dropping afaik b/c it can only drop off the dwarves and ppl in the rear of ulda, whereas SF can (like i said, afaik) drop of any mob in SFK. but yes a PoD would garner more gold than SF

SF only drops from the bosses since the nerf of the instance afaik
Falkor said:
i dont understand how BoAs cause(ed) the dislike of twinks by nontwinkers....pretty sure that animosity always existed between the have and have nots.

also i never remember seeing/hearing SF having a high drop rate. i used to farm for it in vanilla and BC and never saw it drop in hundreds of solo runs. btw PoD has a smaller chance of dropping afaik b/c it can only drop off the dwarves and ppl in the rear of ulda, whereas SF can (like i said, afaik) drop of any mob in SFK. but yes a PoD would garner more gold than SF

Drops from bosses from Odo on.
Ramune said:
because levelling to 80 and getting your own BoAs is hard amirite

No, I had an 80. There are idiots with multiple 80's. Leveling to 80 is not hard.

I said they "stand" for what has caused the hatred for twinks, not they themselves caused it.

The fact is that everyone that doesn't have an 80 doesn't have access to BoAs. A leveling player, or a very determined player, cannot be as well geared as you. I had a 39 twink warrior on Emerald Dream- and it was infuriating knowing that I worked so hard for BiS, and with the release of BoAs, myself and most of my twinking friends were run out in one foul swoop.

I had a PoD. I made about 3k gold on my twink just AH whoring, and up popped the pendulum in trade chat. I bought it that same second, and a week later BoAs come along and fuckers are beating me, and they haven't worked for it at all.

If BoAs are used for what they are intended to be used for- leveling, I don't have a problem with them one bit. A leveling player has tried really hard to get some nice gear on his ass, jumps into an instance, and is slaughtered on the damage meter by a player with 3 BoAs and nothing else.

It's unfair to use in a competitive sense.
Audiofreak said:
No, I had an 80. There are idiots with multiple 80's.

do you call everyone names that is better at the game than you?

The fact is that everyone that doesn't have an 80 doesn't have access to BoAs.

sucks for them, they could level to 80 and get BoAs themselves. you said yourself that it's not that hard.
Hmm, Shadowfang's are more common than PoD's simply because SFK is run a lot more than Uldaman. You'll also notice that Horde have a much higher % of all SF's accrued too since they run the instance more than alliance. These are all simply factors too. Also, there is no Main Hand equivalent item to Shadowfang, no other 1her touches it in DPS, an unenchanted Shadowfang has more raw dps than a cruel barb with 15 agility on a rogue, and I don't really know exactly how 15 Str scales for a War/pally, but you can see my point. Same for PoD, there wasn't really any weapon that could touch it either till the BoA 2h axe came out, and that also falls in comparison too.
Ramune said:
do you call everyone names that is better at the game than you?

sucks for them, they could level to 80 and get BoAs themselves. you said yourself that it's not that hard.

I'll make it clearer

Crilicilyn said:
Hmm, Shadowfang's are more common than PoD's simply because SFK is run a lot more than Uldaman. You'll also notice that Horde have a much higher % of all SF's accrued too since they run the instance more than alliance. These are all simply factors too. Also, there is no Main Hand equivalent item to Shadowfang, no other 1her touches it in DPS, an unenchanted Shadowfang has more raw dps than a cruel barb with 15 agility on a rogue, and I don't really know exactly how 15 Str scales for a War/pally, but you can see my point. Same for PoD, there wasn't really any weapon that could touch it either till the BoA 2h axe came out, and that also falls in comparison too.

Thankyou, someone replied about the thread and not my signature. Cheers.
Audiofreak said:
I'll make it clearer


but people with multiple 80's are idiots.
Audiofreak said:
I had a PoD. I made about 3k gold on my twink just AH whoring, and up popped the pendulum in trade chat. I bought it that same second, and a week later BoAs come along and fuckers are beating me, and they haven't worked for it at all.

If BoAs are used for what they are intended to be used for- leveling, I don't have a problem with them one bit. A leveling player has tried really hard to get some nice gear on his ass, jumps into an instance, and is slaughtered on the damage meter by a player with 3 BoAs and nothing else.

It's unfair to use in a competitive sense.

WAHHHHH WAHHHHHH QQ baby. you worked s0o0oo0o0o hard "whoring" the AH for gold and "earned" your PoD (which is still BiS with BC chants...) and yet you cry b/c other people didnt "earn" their axe by lvling to 80 and running heroics/raids. shame on them for leveling, gorsh! man if only i was good at pvp and could win fights with my PoD, LIFE ISNT FAIR /WRISTS

omg AND THEY TOP ME ON THE METERS!!!! we all know how important pve dps is below 80....i mean jeeze you prolly dont have 100gs or the achieve, i dont want you in my pug.

@crili: for a warrior its even better b/c 15 strength is 30 AP (and some block value) for war/pal and 15 agi only adds 15 AP for rogue (and crit/dodge/armor)
Ramune said:
but people with multiple 80's are idiots.

Are you literate?

I said, again, there are idiots with 80's. I'm not saying you're an idiot nor am I saying that all people with multiple 80's are idiots.


Falkor, well put. Minus the insults and it's a completely viable post.


You do all realize that the point of the post was "Get the BoA, if the only other option is farming the Shadowfang", right?
If your comment is relevant, i can make a comment that says;

BrightTooth-----------Rank 1

40 energy---------1,000,000

Instant------1 Sec cooldown

Use:Removes all Shadowfangs

From all of the Faggots that

use them. Suck on that bitch.
Audiofreak said:
Are you literate?

I said, again, there are idiots with 80's. I'm not saying you're an idiot nor am I saying that all people with multiple 80's are idiots.

Audiofreak said:
No, I had an 80. There are idiots with multiple 80's. Leveling to 80 is not hard.


Audiofreak said:
You do all realize that the point of the post was "Get the BoA, if the only other option is farming the Shadowfang", right?

except the BoA isnt even the next best option after SF
I don't see any issue with BoAs for twinking.

We're all about min/maxing our gear to be the best geared possible in our respective bracket. That was at least our original intention. This idea has evolved of course, but the core idea is still there. If BoAs are better, BoAs are better. We have to work to be the best, and BoAs are part of that grind now.
Taitaih said:
I don't see any issue with BoAs for twinking.

We're all about min/maxing our gear to be the best geared possible in our respective bracket. That was at least our original intention. This idea has evolved of course, but the core idea is still there. If BoAs are better, BoAs are better. We have to work to be the best, and BoAs are part of that grind now.

b/c there are people who are too lazy to level. there are people too cheap to buy xpacs, and some that just dont want to buy them. and there are other people who feel that its "too easy" to level & do heroics/raid, compared to how "hard" it was back in the heyday where you had to farm the AH or run an instance a gazillion times for one piece of loot. gawd BoAs make everyone competitive, and truly reveal my lack of skill!!1!
Falkor said:
b/c there are people who are too lazy to level. there are people too cheap to buy xpacs, and some that just dont want to buy them. and there are other people who feel that its "too easy" to level & do heroics/raid, compared to how "hard" it was back in the heyday where you had to farm the AH or run an instance a gazillion times for one piece of loot. gawd BoAs make everyone competitive, and truly reveal my lack of skill!!1!

Ironically, I bought the xpac, and didn't level to 80 until much later to get BoAs :p.
Taitaih said:
Ironically, I bought the xpac, and didn't level to 80 until much later to get BoAs :p.

same, to 80 fo boa's

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