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Taitaih said:
Ironically, I bought the xpac, and didn't level to 80 until much later to get BoAs :p.

i dont see the irony. but anyways...i leveled to 80 asap just b/c i like doing new/recycled content and not waiting around. plus twinking usually dies (at least it did in vindi) every time an expac came out since everyone goes to level.

i dont see why people are BoA haters. i mean everyone says skill > gear. well then if BoAs are BiS and you cant/refuse to get them, then use superior skill and beat BoA wearers...or if you have BoA access they are the great equalizer since it means preBC chants and same stats for all, so skill can prevail.
We're getting somewhere.

The way I see it- Players with BoAs look like players with [item]Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat[/item] or [item]Bone Fishing Pole[/item], both obtainable- but very time consuming to get. If you created a player who's sole objective was to get that hat or pole, I am sure that the play time (2 hours a week) would be much less than that of a player who leveled to 80 and farmed the marks to buy the BoAs.

...but you're right, and I am wrong. I cannot deny that they are BiS when they are, so in turn, you have changed my opinion(s) on BoAs. Thankyou Falkor, and everyone else who helped me see this. I may level a toon to 80 for the sole purpose of BoAs. After all, BiS is BiS...and for argument's sakes, I will also create a toon that will only try and get the [item]Weather-Beaten Fishing Hat[/item] or the [item]Bone Fishing Pole[/item].

See you in the battleground.

Sorry, but what's an xpac?'re getting close. but weather-beaten =/= BoAs. that stuff has like 1% chance of dropping AFTER getting the right fish. lvling to 80 takes no time at all from 70. and getting badges is more of a joke than ever with random dungeon bonuses, weekly raids & more heroics/raids than ever. but gl and glad you changed your opinion on BoAs. 1 down, a million to go.

p.s. unless you're a druid staying in bear form, pole isnt worth it at all. cant use special attacks with fishing poles 'cept druids who dont actually attack with the weapon while in a feral form
Falkor said:'re getting close. but weather-beaten =/= BoAs. that stuff has like 1% chance of dropping AFTER getting the right fish. lvling to 80 takes no time at all from 70. and getting badges is more of a joke than ever with random dungeon bonuses, weekly raids & more heroics/raids than ever. but gl and glad you changed your opinion on BoAs. 1 down, a million to go.

p.s. unless you're a druid staying in bear form, pole isnt worth it at all. cant use special attacks with fishing poles 'cept druids who dont actually attack with the weapon while in a feral form

Druid would be cool..but even in the hands of a warrior, the swing damage would be much higher than you could hit with SF or anything else.

What's the record now- 6 days 21 hours /played to 80? That's 577.25 weeks of fishing hat tournaments in play time...I don't think it's really that far off.
swing damage wouldnt be worth it alone imo since you cant hamstring, hs, or rend
Falkor said:
p.s. unless you're a druid staying in bear form, pole isnt worth it at all. cant use special attacks with fishing poles 'cept druids who dont actually attack with the weapon while in a feral form

Paladins .
Quelfep said:
Paladins .

can u judge & use seals with a fishing pole?

auto attack might be nice, but if u dont one shot em you lose a lot of utility with no hamstring, rend or HS
Falkor said:
can u judge & use seals with a fishing pole?

auto attack might be nice, but if u dont one shot em you lose a lot of utility with no hamstring, rend or HS

Yes you can
Guys leveling is too hard! Can you all take off your BoA's till I get mine so it will be easier for me to win?

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