EU+US The State of Plebmades


big pwner never small pwn
Okay so as most of you must know by now @Hunnybuns has been setting up wargames nightly on US Horde and the first couple of nights had solid games, however the last 2 nights have been an absolute atrocious display for the community with countless arguments, afks and just a lack of respect to everyone else who wants to play.

So here's some guidelines or etiquette if you will:

1. Discuss with team and Pleb former about being comfortable with your class/role you're on:
As Buns discussed with the individuals involved before, if you sign up or get asked to play in plebs. Make sure you are confident/comfortable playing the role asked of you, if you're not comfortable playing the class/role asked of you it'll show to the rest of the group; you wont be having fun and in turn neither will anyone else and people will start leaving games.

Example 1: Rokkd didnt want to play FC and wasn't confident in what he was doing which ultimately caused their group to AFK later in the game.

This isn't to flame Rokkd (thats for another topic xx) but he even said he didn't want to play FC but didn't say that to the guy forming plebs and it just ruined the whole night in my opinion.

2. Don't AFK:
Another thing you shouldn't do in Plebmades is straight up AFK games, yes you might be pissed at people playing roles/classes they don't want to be on and knowing they're not even trying or don't know the basics of their class but straight up AFKing games and logging off your toon without first discussing with the people setting up the games about how they can balance teams or get people to switch classes is just childish and ruins your night, everyone elses night and makes @Hunnybuns or whoever is forming feel like 'whats the point of doing all this work just for this to happen'

Example 2: Raz AFKs a game with 2minutes left because Rokkd starts dismissing a good point Raz brought up (yes he might've brought it up in the wrong manner but its heat of the moment etc)

Again, this isn't to point fingers at Raz because i'm sure a huge percentage of the community would do the same, however. What he should've done is either play on while muting Rokkd or just sit out, go grab an irl drink, have a smoke or whatever to just stop it escalating into more, then talk with the Pleb former about how he to set up teams so he's no longer with Rokkd etc.

3. Help form the teams:
One last thing i'd like to mention, it hasn't been mentioned by anyone yet but it seems like only a few people are actually activing helping the dudes forming Plebs find numbers, it's stressful work. It might not seem like it but could you imagine spending 2 and a half hours (like yesterday 07/13)
forming numbers, filling spots, getting people in respective discords, replacing people who didn't have enough time to spend 2 1/2 hours forming groups, making sure people are on classes they actually want to play. Just for someone to DC/ragequit(?) first game with no warning then have to reform/refill group just for the second (and therefore last) game to end with people arguing, afking, not playing properly and then dipping for the night.

I would not be surprised in the slightest if @Hunnybuns didn't bother tonight (07/14) even trying.
Great thread, it's important that people understand there are more people than them playing and if they get frustrated and afk or get rude it ruins plebs for everyone, this is one of the reasons I haven't been involved, I think that people who cause consistent issues should t be invited otherwise if this game continue as are it could be like lild says and people will stop organising.
Thanks for your constructive comment, very informed and respectful Mr. Staff Member.
Just dishing out the same kind of post, similar to your very own in the recent past, soooooo if you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen?

Mr. Empathy?!
;p raz still be afking games in 2k17, brah u gotta stop dat shiet
Assholes afking from organized games isnt a new thing, they still feel that they are leaps and bounds more important than the 19 other people who ALSO have been waiting around for games to get organized. Imo, these people should be blacklisted from organized games going forward.

Just dishing out the same kind of post, similar to your very own in the recent past, soooooo if you can't take the heat then stay out of the kitchen?

Mr. Empathy?!

I saw a post not long ago about mods/admins having "higher than average social skills".



Grow up kid.
The problem with the concept of blacklisting is once you give a bunch of kids the idea they have the power to ruin other people's experience they will abuse it. I'm extremely courteous in plebs to the point of announcing I'm happy to stop playing if someone can replace my priest and then continuing to play until they can if I feel like stopping, yet I've been blacklisted by DB's bitter about arena losses.
I literally wouldn't play organized 19's for a year after that experience and if I ever get blacklisted again I'll be done. And contrary to having a few successful nights, the key to long term success is having enough active players to play for hours and do it regularly. Alienating people and letting kids think they can abuse power has its downside.
Obviously if you're afking that's a problem - but let's not kid ourselves that only those that behave like that will be blacklisted.
k here's some real talk that maybe some of you should engage in with your teams.

Those vids are typical examples of the immature douchenozzles I've seen in so much of WoW PvP, whether lower brackets or endgame. Most of you kiddos use the same stupid slang words/mannerisms and talk and sound the same. Except for the one guy with the accent, none of you seem to have the ability to think or act independently of the situation, to figure out the best way to handle it w/o your punkass attitudes getting in the way.

The first thing you should get through your thick skulls is: PvP is a TEAM EFFORT. You're not dueling. You are in a fcuking BG. Therefore the sun does not rise & set around YOUR navel.

Second is: quit playing for the meters. If you're in the top 3 DPS what does it matter if you've fcked up the match and lost it? Maybe you shouldn't run to find someone to hit when that ability procs, or chase down a guy at 30% into a corner just to get a kill. Instead you should have run past them to do something else that is more important. Hey big hero...remember that no one but you gives a rat's ass about your OP spec maxing dmg & padding meters.

Third is: learn to follow orders from the RL and/or TC. Again, this has to do with getting out of your kiddie ego brain and playing for the greater good of the team and the win. If you're having trouble with that, then just go hang out in Goldshire/Org gate. You don't belong on a team.

If I organized a game and caught people doing any of that shit, they'd get ONE warning. I'd tell them before q'ing that an AFK for any reason except being called for by the RL would get an insta-kick and never inv'ed again.
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Plebmades...with PLEBS ACTING LIKE PLEBS??!!???!?!!!?!?!?!?!?1
Literally only scrubs, shit players and cry babies with immense egos afk games.
The only relevance @Razqt has is being bench for a TC champ team. The fact that he has an ego is an accurate reflection of the current state of the bracket.
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k here's some real talk that maybe some of you should engage in with your teams.

Those vids are typical examples of the immature douchenozzles I've seen in so much of WoW PvP, whether lower brackets or endgame. Most of you kiddos use the same stupid slang words/mannerisms and talk and sound the same. Except for the one guy with the accent, none of you seem to have the ability to think or act independently of the situation, to figure out the best way to handle it w/o your punkass attitudes getting in the way.

The first thing you should get through your thick skulls is: PvP is a TEAM EFFORT. You're not dueling. You are in a fcuking BG. Therefore the sun does not rise & set around YOUR navel.

Second is: quit playing for the meters. If you're in the top 3 DPS what does it matter if you've fcked up the match and lost it? Maybe you shouldn't run to find someone to hit when that ability procs, or chase down a guy at 30% into a corner just to get a kill. Instead you should have run past them to do something else that is more important. Hey big hero...remember that no one but you gives a rat's ass about your OP spec maxing dmg & padding meters.

Third is: learn to follow orders from the RL and/or TC. Again, this has to do with getting out of your kiddie ego brain and playing for the greater good of the team and the win. If you're having trouble with that, then just go hang out in Goldshire/Org gate. You don't belong on a team.

If I organized a game and caught people doing any of that shit, they'd get ONE warning. I'd tell them before q'ing that an AFK for any reason except being called for by the RL would get an insta-kick and never inv'ed again.

+1. Save your shit-talking and toxicity for the forums after the games. The top players in the bracket keep their composure in the game because they know that being a retard during the game is only going to make things worse. Just look at Slique. He's an above average player but there's a reason why he's always been the weakest link for Pizza's squad. The kid was so close to being benched for the 2014 Twink Cup for Darfs, who joined the guild less than 2 weeks before the tournament. In 2015 he got benche for a girl. Crying and bitching at others during the game isn't going to help your team win.
The only relevance @Razqt has is being bench for a TC champ team. The fact that he has an ego is an accurate reflection of the current state of the bracket.
i dont have an ego i just get annoyed easily i guess, also idk but ive never ever bragged about winning twinkcup ever ever ever
+1. Save your shit-talking and toxicity for the forums after the games. The top players in the bracket keep their composure in the game because they know that being a moron during the game is only going to make things worse. Just look at Slique. He's an above average player but there's a reason why he's always been the weakest link for Pizza's squad. The kid was so close to being benched for the 2014 Twink Cup for Darfs, who joined the guild less than 2 weeks before the tournament. In 2015 he got benche for a girl. Crying and bitching at others during the game isn't going to help your team win.

Yep, so keep the same asshats after they've shown their asshattery. Or don't lay down the rules beforehand b/c you're afraid to hurt their delicate egos and feelies. gg

Everything I posted above is basic PvP/BG 101. Not rocket surgery.

Toxicity? Sorry but if the pussies can't handle what's expected on good teams then they can play Hello kitty.

You're so bright I had to put on my shades. o_O
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