Sub about to expire, need constructive suggestions so that I can improve.
Hopefully this becomes a useful thread for other druid players out there too.
I need help with my gear choices (don't worry about enchants, I will worry about enchants next time I see @Hashbrowns online)
I am going to play WSG and AB only, will FC in WSGs and protect node in ABs. resto in WSG, resto or guardian in AB.
Please let me know if you see upgrade options (don't worry about 28 BoEs, I am on a server with a lot of twinks, 28 socket gears with leech/speed are very hard to come by)
in case armory becomes down, here is a SS of my set-up, thansk in advance!
Hopefully this becomes a useful thread for other druid players out there too.
I need help with my gear choices (don't worry about enchants, I will worry about enchants next time I see @Hashbrowns online)
I am going to play WSG and AB only, will FC in WSGs and protect node in ABs. resto in WSG, resto or guardian in AB.
Please let me know if you see upgrade options (don't worry about 28 BoEs, I am on a server with a lot of twinks, 28 socket gears with leech/speed are very hard to come by)
in case armory becomes down, here is a SS of my set-up, thansk in advance!