The reign of blood dks has begun.

Razzerz you are same class as me and you are shocking. Played with you when i was in RNG. Haven t seen a worse rogue. so shuuu
By saying you're a rogue complaining about another class being OP didn't mean im not a rogue did it? I admit my class is OP.
yh ture, most people dont like what i have to say. but Dks, are OP no matter what any 1 says, in blood specc, they cant die, bone-shield, self heal, pet heal, 8k death strike without tazik or without vengeance. But yh im not bothered haters gonna hate.

>Play 70's

>Play rogue

>Have Synapse

>***** about Blood Dk's cause its the only thing you can't 1-2 shot on

>Get trolled


btw. 70 Blood Dk's are OP as ****. Rogues are worse. This is how its works

Hemlolol Rogue > Decent to Good Frost Mage > Decent to Good Blood DK > Hemlolol Rogue

three super powers in the 70 bracket

Note** Decent to Good mages can still have downsyndrome. Just cause you can 1 V 2 people as a frost mage doesn't mean you are good @ game.
duno if u are litterly retarded, but rogues dont 1-2 shot any 1 with a brain.... so yh good 1 there to start. And i say bood is op because at least rogues once cheat death is procced are just a sitting duck to die. were as dks Cannot be killed. and also crit more that rogues. + good peeling ability silence and strangulate, + deathgrip yh kinda op there
Ok, whatever, besides all the trolling. I just leveled a DK to 70 out of curiosity, gotta say, really OP. Just in full PvP Gear I can hit 7-10k Death Strikes on PvE people NP and I have like 17k HP. It's OP. End of story.

Rogue and Mage are both OP against OTHER CLASSES and mostly in ways that make those other classes feel powerless and frustrated when they lose. Some of them also lose to Death Knights, but they at least can do SOMETHING to them, or they can kite them, or ignore, things we can't as well. This leads to them feeling like Death Knights aren't as OP because they're down in the **** with everyone else, Rogues and Mages are like the Black Ops of PvP, NO ONE LIKES YOURS. You're the ******* cheap ass assassins, you cheat and lie and do dirty nasty things to win.

Rogue and Mage have both been at stages where they were amazing, and they've often been good, BUT they have had times where they were bottom of the barrel and some times just god awful, yet people STILL complained about them more than ANY other class. It's the playstyle. You lose to a DK, ok, whatever, he his a tank,etc...blabla, you lose to a Rogue or a Mage and you look like you're getting trolled just in the way they fight. They will always rage and hate and troll and beg for nerf to any kind of control style classes, no one likes to look like a noob as they get "outplayed" by a skill class.
Rogue and Mage have both been at stages where they were amazing, and they've often been good, BUT they have had times where they were bottom of the barrel and some times just god awful...

Playing since classic, albeit on and off, when were rogues and mages "bottom of the barrel" or "god awful"? I really want to know.
Playing since classic, albeit on and off, when were rogues and mages "bottom of the barrel" or "god awful"? I really want to know.

Mages at 70 were a strong support class, they had almost no representation outside of RMP and Rogue/Mage 2s. They've had many, many times where Fire and Arcane were unplayable in PvP and times where PoM/Pyro type specs were the only really effective spec.

Mages have been overnerfed many times, they've had lots of low points, you just have to ignore the hype of the sub 2k forum trolls and actually know what's going on. Go read blogs of top players, all the stuff people did in "serious" arena at 70/80. Mages at their highest point (outside of post expansion patch prerelease) haven't been over like 15% rep many arena seasons, and have NEVER EVER been CLOSE to the 50% represensation some broken Death Knight and Paladin comps have had seasons worth of.

The QQ about Mages and Rogues isn't always unwarranted, it is sometimes though, and it is definitely overplayed.
Why are people replying to this thread with xavi, you are rogue you cant QQ you are bad you cant beat mage 1v1 QQQQQQQ. shut the **** up lol. Yes i can QQ about another class being overpowered. Rogues yes can kill some 1 in 1 dance. and have very good burst. But if im in a 2s game v mage priest. And i get no dispels or my priest missed a SWD polly. then we are under insane pressure. If there mage has any clue, and blocks when i dance. then we cant rly win. So stop with the bad **** cuz its old now. This isn't a thread about how rogues are op. Its about how Why can a DK 9k then 8k a rogue in 2 seconds and proc cheat death which is basically the game is lost.

Btw played well, Prot pala and Dk are just as op as rogue mage.

If you have a partner that can dispel mages, are useless. If you have a partner that can atculy heal, fear/cc, then rogues aren't anything special. The only class that can legitemently QQ on this forum are warriors. so stop with the bull **** about how a rogue can beat a mage 1v1, equal skill Mage wins EVERY time.
Why are people replying to this thread with xavi, you are rogue you cant QQ you are bad you cant beat mage 1v1 QQQQQQQ. shut the **** up lol. Yes i can QQ about another class being overpowered. Rogues yes can kill some 1 in 1 dance. and have very good burst. But if im in a 2s game v mage priest. And i get no dispels or my priest missed a SWD polly. then we are under insane pressure. If there mage has any clue, and blocks when i dance. then we cant rly win. So stop with the bad **** cuz its old now. This isn't a thread about how rogues are op. Its about how Why can a DK 9k then 8k a rogue in 2 seconds and proc cheat death which is basically the game is lost.

Btw played well, Prot pala and Dk are just as op as rogue mage.

If you have a partner that can dispel mages, are useless. If you have a partner that can atculy heal, fear/cc, then rogues aren't anything special. The only class that can legitemently QQ on this forum are warriors. so stop with the bull **** about how a rogue can beat a mage 1v1, equal skill Mage wins EVERY time.

I agree with everything except that Rogue vs Mage 1v1 Rogue wins every time, if you don't beat Mage 1v1 all cooldowns as a Rogue you're doing it wrong, wrong, wrong.
But if im in a 2s game v mage priest. And i get no dispels or my priest missed a SWD polly. then we are under insane pressure. If there mage has any clue, and blocks when i dance. then we cant rly win.

You sir need a new partner and a brain raising this point - you failing makes the enemy team op? Feel free to keep posting though funny reading your opinions, and on the rogue v mage part - yes rogue should win, but you need to be a very good rogue to win, whereas if the mage blocks at the right time and lands a poly ... then yeah, alot harder to play rogue than most think as i can testify and before anybody calls me bad im one of the best players in the eu bracket as most have testified to, yet i can't play rogue for crap - it's not as easy as most think.
BRB REROLLING BLOOD DK, i just hope that cyanerd trains me for 30seconds and wastes blind on the enemy healer so i can get full vengeance and then swaps to my healer partner, leaving me free to go on the enemy priest and oneshot him, but i guess there isn't really alot of rogues like dognerd
I agree with everything except that Rogue vs Mage 1v1 Rogue wins every time, if you don't beat Mage 1v1 all cooldowns as a Rogue you're doing it wrong, wrong, wrong.

Well obv I don't use preparation in duels, so.

You sir need a new partner and a brain raising this point - you failing makes the enemy team op? Feel free to keep posting though funny reading your opinions, and on the rogue v mage part - yes rogue should win, but you need to be a very good rogue to win, whereas if the mage blocks at the right time and lands a poly ... then yeah, alot harder to play rogue than most think as i can testify and before anybody calls me bad im one of the best players in the eu bracket as most have testified to, yet i can't play rogue for crap - it's not as easy as most think.

I know you play priest well but have you ever played a 70 rogue competitively
I know you play priest well but have you ever played a 70 rogue competitively

I've had a 70 rogue since like season 2, i know the theory behind rogue gameplay probably better than yourself, just with energy added into the equation + all the opportunities a rogue has to peel or do damage in arena, under the pressure it just doesn't suit me at all having to choose which ability to use. I'm fairly good in duels (or i'd like to think) on my rogue, just that doesn't equate to arena. It's just alot harder than most think.

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