The queue thread!

So how was the numbers on 10s in the Gulch today? :)

normally i dont rly mind or bother with 10s, but seeing lvl 10 warlocks just make me cringe and wanna slap somebody...
I mean all it can do is dmg, and then /dance at the rogue/feral/warrior thats killing your healer caus you dont have fear, b4 lvl 14, to actually help your teammates..
And even then the dmg is better on a 19 aswel..

If ppl wanna roll 10s could they at least roll a class that has some sort of team-based utility so they can be an asset rather than a liability to your team, so to speak ?

There is simply no reason to play a level 10 in a Battleground. Does nothing than gimping yourself and your team.
Going to queue in a bit. Please excuse my shitness though. Will be my first game since 2013.

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