The queue thread!

19s aint popping on EU these days
So, I just logged in for the first time in many years (and by many I mean many). To me it seems to be a non-stop rampage of gigantic critical hits. I'm obviously lacking damage due to my gear being "old school" and may die a bit faster than intended thanks to my health being below current standards, but even fully geared people seem to just explode instantly when focused. Is this just a bad first impression and partially caused by my gearing being too far behind, or is the whole "long fights" thing I enjoyed the most (we are talking pre-2009 here) all gone now?

Also, who the hell came up with the idea to give a level requirement to fishing boots? They were cool :(.

Before someone asks, my armory link is:
Vipeáx @ Eonar - Community - World of Warcraft

Kind of a topic hi-jack, but that's because I'm not allowed to create my own thread.
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So, I just logged in for the first time in many years (and by many I mean many). To me it seems to be a non-stop rampage of gigantic critical hits. I'm obviously lacking damage due to my gear being "old school" and may die a bit faster than intended thanks to my health being below current standards, but even fully geared people seem to just explode instantly when focused. Is this just a bad first impression and partially caused by my gearing being too far behind, or is the whole "long fights" thing I enjoyed the most (we are talking pre-2009 here) all gone now?

Also, who the hell came up with the idea to give a level requirement to fishing boots? They were cool :(.

Before someone asks, my armory link is:
Vipeáx @ Eonar - Community - World of Warcraft

Kind of a topic hi-jack, but that's because I'm not allowed to create my own thread.

Firstly, welcome back after your extended break... if you choose to stay!

The playstyle has definitely switched from the play-it-safe-wear-down-mana-psyche-them-out days of the past. Now it's basically all about knowing what your predefined role to the team is (not really any more grey areas like 2h agi shamans or spp shockadins) and capitalising on it.

For rogues, there's not too much to grasp atm, but you still see so many playing ineffectively. You need to be as much of a pain in the ass to the other team as possible with your saps and open (if possible in-sync with others) to either cause extra pressure, force a kill or shut down heals. Positioning is vital, you should try to be a constant threat to the EFC, or know when to break away and provide support to your own FC if need be.

My recommendation would be to dust off your rogue (which has SICK gear for back in the day btw) and kit yourself out with a whole set of "newschool" chants. From what I've heard, full defias is currently an awesome thing to have, so I would guess you have that and are in a good position. I think that in BG's the defias boots scale to have even more agi than Trailblazers due to all ilvls scaling to 24 when you are in a bg/arena - new thing implemented by blizz which scales low ilvls UP to "balance" the gear situation. It does NOT scale high ilvl items like Sylvanas or Trailblazers in any way.

Last thing, you're probably right to make your post here btw cause I think you cant make a thread until you have 10 posts here :p
Thanks for the tips! I've been looking at some of the armory links hanging around here, to see what would be a good set these days. All the enchants seem to have received better replacements as well.

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