So, I just logged in for the first time in many years (and by many I mean many). To me it seems to be a non-stop rampage of gigantic critical hits. I'm obviously lacking damage due to my gear being "old school" and may die a bit faster than intended thanks to my health being below current standards, but even fully geared people seem to just explode instantly when focused. Is this just a bad first impression and partially caused by my gearing being too far behind, or is the whole "long fights" thing I enjoyed the most (we are talking pre-2009 here) all gone now?
Also, who the hell came up with the idea to give a level requirement to fishing boots? They were cool

Before someone asks, my armory link is:
Vipeáx @ Eonar - Community - World of Warcraft
Kind of a topic hi-jack, but that's because I'm not allowed to create my own thread.