The place to be

Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be put to better use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.

EDIT: typo
Lol ubad
Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be put to better use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.

EDIT: typo

Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be put to better use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.

EDIT: typo

I still don't understand why you flame Blackout, leave him out of this he has contributed way too much for the makings of this bracket to be made fun out of he has been in most of what you now play and do
Hahahaha. Ty for the good laugh. This post alone was worth the thread. @others stop beeing mad, this was Funny. Trialdruid im sure you dont need to protect blackout there. Stop taking everything so serious.
I still don't understand why you flame Blackout, leave him out of this he has contributed way too much for the makings of this bracket to be made fun out of he has been in most of what you now play and do

In the internet, everything is to be made fun of!

ps. that sentence sounded so weird that it's prolly wrong, could someone correct it? :p I'm curious!

Pps. TD meen tänää leikkauksee, wish me luck <3
Pps. TD meen tänää leikkauksee, wish me luck <3

Onnee br0 toivottavast pääset sielt pois ni pääsee pelaa jonkun järkevän kans joka ei vaa flamee 24/7 forumeil niiku joku vitun aivokuollu apaasi ja täl hetkel tuntuu kyl ett' kaikki muut vitun flamerit täs bräketis flamee 24/7 paitsi sä propsit siit mayneee zzzz
Onnee br0 toivottavast pääset sielt pois ni pääsee pelaa jonkun järkevän kans joka ei vaa flamee 24/7 forumeil niiku joku vitun aivokuollu apaasi ja täl hetkel tuntuu kyl ett' kaikki muut vitun flamerit täs bräketis flamee 24/7 paitsi sä propsit siit mayneee zzzz

Niinno ois täältä kiva päästä muuteenki pois :D mut mikäs täs on lääkepäissä mä makoillessa, jos en ois sairaana ni täähä ois vittu 11 tähen hotelli : DD koht tulee flamee ku jauhetaa suomeks

Sorry for moonspeak, it's just that we could talk shit about each and everyone of you in a way that nobody knows what we talk!
I still don't understand why you flame Blackout, leave him out of this he has contributed way too much for the makings of this bracket to be made fun out of he has been in most of what you now play and do

His name was used merely to put a point across, atleast he has the decency to keep his ego to himself and not publicly hate on people I'll give him that.
Why do you think that I am blaming every1 when the only persons on EU are you and hurrx. Start doing some wargames and play more wsg instead of getting so upset and spend all your time on the forum talking shit and even make a pic with over 20 dif screenshots + edit lol, but the must funniest part is that you had to make a new ti acc aswell because you dont want the community to see how immature you actually are xDD

wtf are you even talking about? you really think i'd make a new acc to make you look stupid when you do so well on your own...

Azol saint definitely didnt make that, (no offense mark) but the spelling and grammar is too good, along with editing skills required to come up with it. I have a hunch who it is, and if he reads this here is a message: "Morrisons chicken counter fuckin owns man"

we talking all supermarket chains here?

Sorry for moonspeak, it's just that we could talk shit about each and everyone of you in a way that nobody knows what we talk!

im sure someone could decript finnish
detectiv ídc and hurxr alrdy figured out who brian the dogg is, but we've decided to keep it a secret for a while eu
so if any of you nasty euro(epeens) wants to farm ethereum keys for rep, throw me a PM here on twinkinfo

does opening the prisons work x-sever?

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