The place to be

So whats up guys? Had a lil break, and now I'm back in a 10 day free trial of Mop.. so far I only done some pvp and questing on my lvl 85, a lot of random pet battle and made a monk brewski doing some low lvl pvp.. considering making it into a twink and resubbing. But are the games good or bad or as usually atm?

Ps.. wtf is up with the 3 dwarfs in wsg? I know they were there back in 2007, but now I see them every game ( 2-3 dwarfs just sstanding still in the tree stump in the battlefield in wsg.) Does any1 know? You can see them shortly when you ress form horde gy since the tree stump it self is invisible from that distance. At least for me with low graphic settings. ^^
Welcome back mate :)
So whats up guys? Had a lil break, and now I'm back in a 10 day free trial of Mop.. so far I only done some pvp and questing on my lvl 85, a lot of random pet battle and made a monk brewski doing some low lvl pvp.. considering making it into a twink and resubbing. But are the games good or bad or as usually atm?

Ps.. wtf is up with the 3 dwarfs in wsg? I know they were there back in 2007, but now I see them every game ( 2-3 dwarfs just sstanding still in the tree stump in the battlefield in wsg.) Does any1 know? You can see them shortly when you ress form horde gy since the tree stump it self is invisible from that distance. At least for me with low graphic settings. ^^
Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be put to better use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.

EDIT: typo
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srsly mods stop closing threads, threads like the previous eu one r what makes this forum fun
Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be better put to use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.

So whats up guys? Had a lil break, and now I'm back in a 10 day free trial of Mop.. so far I only done some pvp and questing on my lvl 85, a lot of random pet battle and made a monk brewski doing some low lvl pvp.. considering making it into a twink and resubbing. But are the games good or bad or as usually atm?

Ps.. wtf is up with the 3 dwarfs in wsg? I know they were there back in 2007, but now I see them every game ( 2-3 dwarfs just sstanding still in the tree stump in the battlefield in wsg.) Does any1 know? You can see them shortly when you ress form horde gy since the tree stump it self is invisible from that distance. At least for me with low graphic settings. ^^

azol will let you come back because you played in wrath, so it's fine.

Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be better put to use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.

nominated for MPV
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Funny how you have no life and have to make a new TI acc to post this.
Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be better put to use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.
Funny how you have no life and have to make a new TI acc to post this.

no life? says the guy who crys that every one aint played for four years and spends there spare time on hcl :O
Greetings fellow EU tinks, it has come to my attention that the state of the current community is let's face it - terrible.

It seems some people are wasting much of their time (and others' time) making sure other people know they are bad by trashtalking for 50 pages or so in the EU threads and making sure they know that said people are much more oldschool than the other people which many feel is ruining the atmosphere overall when these efforts could be better put to use.

After much research I believe I have found an efficient solution to enable everybody to self-assess themselves and know their place without the need for 80 page flamefests which means the EU threads will be freed up for useful topics of debate since everybody will already know under which catagory they fall without other people having to tell them.

Ladies and gentleman I present to you:

This is a very straight forward flowchart, simply zoom in and start on the far left - You may start from any box labled "START" and from there just follow it through.

Thank you for your time and I hope this helps.

i laughed fucking hard at this enjoy my first and last like on this website D:
Why do you think that I am blaming every1 when the only persons on EU are you and hurrx. Start doing some wargames and play more wsg instead of getting so upset and spend all your time on the forum talking shit and even make a pic with over 20 dif screenshots + edit lol, but the must funniest part is that you had to make a new ti acc aswell because you dont want the community to see how immature you actually are xDD
no life? says the guy who crys that every one aint played for four years and spends there spare time on hcl :O
Azol saint definitely didnt make that, (no offense mark) but the spelling and grammar is too good, along with editing skills required to come up with it. I have a hunch who it is, and if he reads this here is a message: "Morrisons chicken counter fuckin owns man"
Trust me it isnt Saint. Lol.
Funny how you have no life and have to make a new TI acc to post this.

Oh I'm sorry, I thought you'd approve of this system. It essentially means you don't need to waste your oh-so-precious time telling people how bad they are and can focus your creative energies elsewhere, just think how many pages of posts it will save in the longrun - it's pretty revolutionary stuff.

With some more work it could definately be a viable sticky for new and aspiring tinkers.

When you realise just how much time you will be saving you'll be amazed you might not even know what to do with it all.


I have a hunch who it is, and if he reads this here is a message: "Morrisons chicken counter fuckin owns man"

I love you.
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Funny how you have no life and have to make a new TI acc to post this.

Come on man, that was hilarious and you possibly can't get butthurt over it :D

The flowchart is pretty accurate, too. I started to be active in cata, played HCL, even am a friend of cool TD. I tried my best to be cool, too, but I was still so bad that I ended up in hospital.

Don't try, it'll ruin your life:(

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