The only reason Blizzard should care about our playstyle


Xonqerz said:
Does anyone else think its ironic that money always motivates people except in the case of Blizzard and twinks? Honestly if you think about it twinks probably put more money into their accounts than any other kind of player, what with the constant Faction changing, and realm transferring, I wonder just how many XP off players have subscriptions? I know people who have spent hundreds(this guy right here) and even thousands of dollars on their accounts and they are avid twinkers. I'm willing to bet that if blizzard had any idea how much money twinks give them that they would love us, I just wish they understood the financial incentives our community brings to the table, perhaps if they did they might take us into consideration on a more frequent basis.

Opinions? If blizzard were to help care for the well being of the twink population they could grow the already "above average" financial incentives we offer.
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even tho the average twink spends more money on paid services there r way too few twinks compared to the total player base to make that matter

Yeah but if they were to assist in growing our player base that would not be the case, they would make a lot of money.
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I agree with Conq. Although we aren't that many (compared to the mass of end game players), we still contribute on our own end.

Sometimes I rather just forget how much money I have actually spent on Sponsor..

P.S. I faction changed today (again).
Don't know, but with veterain edition and heirloom tab right around the corner. Yall could see vet 19s running around with yall p2p 19s (only difference is once a vet is kicked out, they'll stay out of the guild).
The way I operate is simply back in the day I didn't pay a whole lot of money to create my twinks (and back then it took way longer to do so) so I try to not invest any more money in twinking today. Some blizz store collections, sure because once you have them, you have them for good. But when it comes to 19s, blizzard doesn't need any more money from me.

Reason for that is simple... Financially for me it doesn't make sense to push money in things that I'm not terribly crazy about. I don't have dual argas' nor will I ever and I'm completely fine with that. I still have my initial name, gender, race, and I'm still on my original server. Sure some twinks have been moved from Cata on, but up until Cata I pretty much finalized my twinks.

However, most twinks feel the drive for textbook bis and have pride in saying that. To many twinks, putting more money into blizzard's pocket is well worth the status of being "bis". in terms of gold, resources and financial investments for most twinkers, you are absolutely correct.

Let's briefly touch on 3 currencies (for lack of a better term)

Blizzard feeds on taking gold from players because in able for players to afford what they want, they must invest more time to replenish their gold stocks. I wonder how many people try to play the AH just because they want to get a Swift Spectral Tiger someday. I know I do.

Blizzard feeds on time spent achieving things in WoW. Regardless of twinking or not, the more time you spend trying to get something, the more time you'll have to spend to get something else. Every second you're farming 1 item, you could have been farming another. This is why it's important to decide what you truly want as it's easy to fall to the "I NEED ZEM ALL" attitude... Especially with mounts. Now investing time into gearing twinks is pretty much not an issue, but apply a similar principle to the grand scheme of WoW. The more time you spend on your 19, the less geared your main is and the longer you'll have to play to keep updated with content. It's a game of whackamole which at the end of the day grants Blizzard 15 dollars every month. Now imagine if in 1 month you fulfilled all of your WoW desires. You're very much unlikely to resub the next month as you already have everything. Regardless, Blizzard benefits from it's player base always feeling behind the game and having to catch up as it brings on a delusional illusion of drive. Twinks in theory have been seen by blizzard to be an escape from the gear treadmill, when in reality they aid their desires by prolonging the gear treadmill for other characters.

Now the obvious one is dolla billz yo. Many twinkers play races that they did not start out with. There's money in the bank for every faction, race, name, transfer etc and as we've seen particularly often in 19s, the community as a whole typically changes everything every 2 years or so. Players are always changing names and transferring to play with others and many do so in attempt to clean the slate and delete whatever image they had previously. A lot of twink money is spent on race changes and faction changes but imagine the accumulation of money spent on transfers alone. I'd bet with the past investments, this would be the highest dollar amount that twinks have given Blizzard. I cannot even fathom how much money we had spent in transfers just from 2006-2009 (you know, back when you had to transfer to get games or take on new guilds. And you had to do so as a guild... meaning your entire guild moved). Now imagine all of the transfers in the grand scheme of WoW that twinks have given from then on. Probably not as many, but still a very significant number.

That's just looking at 19s. I wonder how much money was spent on lutes back in MOP for twinkers then. Gems back in Cata for 70s weren't cheap by any means. Man twinks have racked up bills in all areas.

Gold is an exact reflection of time and effort (unless purchased with money) and Blizzard takes as much gold out of the player base as possible as it creates drive. Think about how many of us transferred over to Ruin back in WOTLK. That's a lot of legit money. Sure I'll transfer a toon here and there, but very rarely do I ever pay for them but back in the day I had no choice but to.

We all know that Blizzard is focusing on doing the right thing as a company and that is pushing new content. That's why they don't care about getting old subs back when they'd rather have new kids buying subs. It makes amazing sense in terms of their business model. Previous players (although more mature) did not spend as much money as kids today do in WoW. Kids today fall for the gear treadmills and gold sinks and need to have everything in the game. They're a more profitable demographic by far!

Twinking has never been lucrative in the eyes of Blizzard and this is something we've all known. We've given them a nice chunk of cash and time, but it would not make sense for them to attempt to milk twinking.

This is not a post disagreeing with the OP or anything. I'm voicing my opinions on the matter and I know I'm not saying anything we don't already know. As much as I'd love to see the World of Twinking where Twinks are actually acknowledged and we actually receive some bonus gifts for us, I don't think it's anything Blizzard would ever be interested in endorsing. Now if we saw a handful of big name WoW / Twitch partners who were as crazy about twinking as they were 3v3s, no doubt we would see more blue posts and responses to twinking.

But again, Blizzard always wants people behind on the treadmill, so if they could fulfill their PvP desires on a level 19 character where they don't have to get any new gear for a few years at a time, it's nothing Blizzard would be interested in backing. They could easily create an amazing strategy to use twinking to their financial gains but the main guys in charge I feel aren't the most educated on twinking, what we do and what we're all about. It's clear they know we exist, but I feel as though whenever anyone references twinking, someone higher up shoots them down with "who cares?" and rightfully so given our extremely small number in retrospect to the overall WoW player base.
The way I operate is simply back in the day I didn't pay a whole lot of money to create my twinks (and back then it took way longer to do so) so I try to not invest any more money in twinking today. Some blizz store collections, sure because once you have them, you have them for good. But when it comes to 19s, blizzard doesn't need any more money from me.

Reason for that is simple... Financially for me it doesn't make sense to push money in things that I'm not terribly crazy about. I don't have dual argas' nor will I ever and I'm completely fine with that. I still have my initial name, gender, race, and I'm still on my original server. Sure some twinks have been moved from Cata on, but up until Cata I pretty much finalized my twinks.

However, most twinks feel the drive for textbook bis and have pride in saying that. To many twinks, putting more money into blizzard's pocket is well worth the status of being "bis". in terms of gold, resources and financial investments for most twinkers, you are absolutely correct.

Let's briefly touch on 3 currencies (for lack of a better term)

Blizzard feeds on taking gold from players because in able for players to afford what they want, they must invest more time to replenish their gold stocks. I wonder how many people try to play the AH just because they want to get a Swift Spectral Tiger someday. I know I do.

Blizzard feeds on time spent achieving things in WoW. Regardless of twinking or not, the more time you spend trying to get something, the more time you'll have to spend to get something else. Every second you're farming 1 item, you could have been farming another. This is why it's important to decide what you truly want as it's easy to fall to the "I NEED ZEM ALL" attitude... Especially with mounts. Now investing time into gearing twinks is pretty much not an issue, but apply a similar principle to the grand scheme of WoW. The more time you spend on your 19, the less geared your main is and the longer you'll have to play to keep updated with content. It's a game of whackamole which at the end of the day grants Blizzard 15 dollars every month. Now imagine if in 1 month you fulfilled all of your WoW desires. You're very much unlikely to resub the next month as you already have everything. Regardless, Blizzard benefits from it's player base always feeling behind the game and having to catch up as it brings on a delusional illusion of drive. Twinks in theory have been seen by blizzard to be an escape from the gear treadmill, when in reality they aid their desires by prolonging the gear treadmill for other characters.

Now the obvious one is dolla billz yo. Many twinkers play races that they did not start out with. There's money in the bank for every faction, race, name, transfer etc and as we've seen particularly often in 19s, the community as a whole typically changes everything every 2 years or so. Players are always changing names and transferring to play with others and many do so in attempt to clean the slate and delete whatever image they had previously. A lot of twink money is spent on race changes and faction changes but imagine the accumulation of money spent on transfers alone. I'd bet with the past investments, this would be the highest dollar amount that twinks have given Blizzard. I cannot even fathom how much money we had spent in transfers just from 2006-2009 (you know, back when you had to transfer to get games or take on new guilds. And you had to do so as a guild... meaning your entire guild moved). Now imagine all of the transfers in the grand scheme of WoW that twinks have given from then on. Probably not as many, but still a very significant number.

That's just looking at 19s. I wonder how much money was spent on lutes back in MOP for twinkers then. Gems back in Cata for 70s weren't cheap by any means. Man twinks have racked up bills in all areas.

Gold is an exact reflection of time and effort (unless purchased with money) and Blizzard takes as much gold out of the player base as possible as it creates drive. Think about how many of us transferred over to Ruin back in WOTLK. That's a lot of legit money. Sure I'll transfer a toon here and there, but very rarely do I ever pay for them but back in the day I had no choice but to.

We all know that Blizzard is focusing on doing the right thing as a company and that is pushing new content. That's why they don't care about getting old subs back when they'd rather have new kids buying subs. It makes amazing sense in terms of their business model. Previous players (although more mature) did not spend as much money as kids today do in WoW. Kids today fall for the gear treadmills and gold sinks and need to have everything in the game. They're a more profitable demographic by far!

Twinking has never been lucrative in the eyes of Blizzard and this is something we've all known. We've given them a nice chunk of cash and time, but it would not make sense for them to attempt to milk twinking.

This is not a post disagreeing with the OP or anything. I'm voicing my opinions on the matter and I know I'm not saying anything we don't already know. As much as I'd love to see the World of Twinking where Twinks are actually acknowledged and we actually receive some bonus gifts for us, I don't think it's anything Blizzard would ever be interested in endorsing. Now if we saw a handful of big name WoW / Twitch partners who were as crazy about twinking as they were 3v3s, no doubt we would see more blue posts and responses to twinking.

But again, Blizzard always wants people behind on the treadmill, so if they could fulfill their PvP desires on a level 19 character where they don't have to get any new gear for a few years at a time, it's nothing Blizzard would be interested in backing. They could easily create an amazing strategy to use twinking to their financial gains but the main guys in charge I feel aren't the most educated on twinking, what we do and what we're all about. It's clear they know we exist, but I feel as though whenever anyone references twinking, someone higher up shoots them down with "who cares?" and rightfully so given our extremely small number in retrospect to the overall WoW player base.

I hate the fucking treadmill, i'd rather run outside.
The way I operate is simply back in the day I didn't pay a whole lot of money to create my twinks (and back then it took way longer to do so) so I try to not invest any more money in twinking today. Some blizz store collections, sure because once you have them, you have them for good. But when it comes to 19s, blizzard doesn't need any more money from me.

Reason for that is simple... Financially for me it doesn't make sense to push money in things that I'm not terribly crazy about. I don't have dual argas' nor will I ever and I'm completely fine with that. I still have my initial name, gender, race, and I'm still on my original server. Sure some twinks have been moved from Cata on, but up until Cata I pretty much finalized my twinks.

However, most twinks feel the drive for textbook bis and have pride in saying that. To many twinks, putting more money into blizzard's pocket is well worth the status of being "bis". in terms of gold, resources and financial investments for most twinkers, you are absolutely correct.

Let's briefly touch on 3 currencies (for lack of a better term)

Blizzard feeds on taking gold from players because in able for players to afford what they want, they must invest more time to replenish their gold stocks. I wonder how many people try to play the AH just because they want to get a Swift Spectral Tiger someday. I know I do.

Blizzard feeds on time spent achieving things in WoW. Regardless of twinking or not, the more time you spend trying to get something, the more time you'll have to spend to get something else. Every second you're farming 1 item, you could have been farming another. This is why it's important to decide what you truly want as it's easy to fall to the "I NEED ZEM ALL" attitude... Especially with mounts. Now investing time into gearing twinks is pretty much not an issue, but apply a similar principle to the grand scheme of WoW. The more time you spend on your 19, the less geared your main is and the longer you'll have to play to keep updated with content. It's a game of whackamole which at the end of the day grants Blizzard 15 dollars every month. Now imagine if in 1 month you fulfilled all of your WoW desires. You're very much unlikely to resub the next month as you already have everything. Regardless, Blizzard benefits from it's player base always feeling behind the game and having to catch up as it brings on a delusional illusion of drive. Twinks in theory have been seen by blizzard to be an escape from the gear treadmill, when in reality they aid their desires by prolonging the gear treadmill for other characters.

Now the obvious one is dolla billz yo. Many twinkers play races that they did not start out with. There's money in the bank for every faction, race, name, transfer etc and as we've seen particularly often in 19s, the community as a whole typically changes everything every 2 years or so. Players are always changing names and transferring to play with others and many do so in attempt to clean the slate and delete whatever image they had previously. A lot of twink money is spent on race changes and faction changes but imagine the accumulation of money spent on transfers alone. I'd bet with the past investments, this would be the highest dollar amount that twinks have given Blizzard. I cannot even fathom how much money we had spent in transfers just from 2006-2009 (you know, back when you had to transfer to get games or take on new guilds. And you had to do so as a guild... meaning your entire guild moved). Now imagine all of the transfers in the grand scheme of WoW that twinks have given from then on. Probably not as many, but still a very significant number.

That's just looking at 19s. I wonder how much money was spent on lutes back in MOP for twinkers then. Gems back in Cata for 70s weren't cheap by any means. Man twinks have racked up bills in all areas.

Gold is an exact reflection of time and effort (unless purchased with money) and Blizzard takes as much gold out of the player base as possible as it creates drive. Think about how many of us transferred over to Ruin back in WOTLK. That's a lot of legit money. Sure I'll transfer a toon here and there, but very rarely do I ever pay for them but back in the day I had no choice but to.

We all know that Blizzard is focusing on doing the right thing as a company and that is pushing new content. That's why they don't care about getting old subs back when they'd rather have new kids buying subs. It makes amazing sense in terms of their business model. Previous players (although more mature) did not spend as much money as kids today do in WoW. Kids today fall for the gear treadmills and gold sinks and need to have everything in the game. They're a more profitable demographic by far!

Twinking has never been lucrative in the eyes of Blizzard and this is something we've all known. We've given them a nice chunk of cash and time, but it would not make sense for them to attempt to milk twinking.

This is not a post disagreeing with the OP or anything. I'm voicing my opinions on the matter and I know I'm not saying anything we don't already know. As much as I'd love to see the World of Twinking where Twinks are actually acknowledged and we actually receive some bonus gifts for us, I don't think it's anything Blizzard would ever be interested in endorsing. Now if we saw a handful of big name WoW / Twitch partners who were as crazy about twinking as they were 3v3s, no doubt we would see more blue posts and responses to twinking.

But again, Blizzard always wants people behind on the treadmill, so if they could fulfill their PvP desires on a level 19 character where they don't have to get any new gear for a few years at a time, it's nothing Blizzard would be interested in backing. They could easily create an amazing strategy to use twinking to their financial gains but the main guys in charge I feel aren't the most educated on twinking, what we do and what we're all about. It's clear they know we exist, but I feel as though whenever anyone references twinking, someone higher up shoots them down with "who cares?" and rightfully so given our extremely small number in retrospect to the overall WoW player base.

tldr pls
The way I operate is simply back in the day I didn't pay a whole lot of money to create my twinks (and back then it took way longer to do so) so I try to not invest any more money in twinking today. Some blizz store collections, sure because once you have them, you have them for good. But when it comes to 19s, blizzard doesn't need any more money from me.

Reason for that is simple... Financially for me it doesn't make sense to push money in things that I'm not terribly crazy about. I don't have dual argas' nor will I ever and I'm completely fine with that. I still have my initial name, gender, race, and I'm still on my original server. Sure some twinks have been moved from Cata on, but up until Cata I pretty much finalized my twinks.

However, most twinks feel the drive for textbook bis and have pride in saying that. To many twinks, putting more money into blizzard's pocket is well worth the status of being "bis". in terms of gold, resources and financial investments for most twinkers, you are absolutely correct.

Let's briefly touch on 3 currencies (for lack of a better term)

Blizzard feeds on taking gold from players because in able for players to afford what they want, they must invest more time to replenish their gold stocks. I wonder how many people try to play the AH just because they want to get a Swift Spectral Tiger someday. I know I do.

Blizzard feeds on time spent achieving things in WoW. Regardless of twinking or not, the more time you spend trying to get something, the more time you'll have to spend to get something else. Every second you're farming 1 item, you could have been farming another. This is why it's important to decide what you truly want as it's easy to fall to the "I NEED ZEM ALL" attitude... Especially with mounts. Now investing time into gearing twinks is pretty much not an issue, but apply a similar principle to the grand scheme of WoW. The more time you spend on your 19, the less geared your main is and the longer you'll have to play to keep updated with content. It's a game of whackamole which at the end of the day grants Blizzard 15 dollars every month. Now imagine if in 1 month you fulfilled all of your WoW desires. You're very much unlikely to resub the next month as you already have everything. Regardless, Blizzard benefits from it's player base always feeling behind the game and having to catch up as it brings on a delusional illusion of drive. Twinks in theory have been seen by blizzard to be an escape from the gear treadmill, when in reality they aid their desires by prolonging the gear treadmill for other characters.

Now the obvious one is dolla billz yo. Many twinkers play races that they did not start out with. There's money in the bank for every faction, race, name, transfer etc and as we've seen particularly often in 19s, the community as a whole typically changes everything every 2 years or so. Players are always changing names and transferring to play with others and many do so in attempt to clean the slate and delete whatever image they had previously. A lot of twink money is spent on race changes and faction changes but imagine the accumulation of money spent on transfers alone. I'd bet with the past investments, this would be the highest dollar amount that twinks have given Blizzard. I cannot even fathom how much money we had spent in transfers just from 2006-2009 (you know, back when you had to transfer to get games or take on new guilds. And you had to do so as a guild... meaning your entire guild moved). Now imagine all of the transfers in the grand scheme of WoW that twinks have given from then on. Probably not as many, but still a very significant number.

That's just looking at 19s. I wonder how much money was spent on lutes back in MOP for twinkers then. Gems back in Cata for 70s weren't cheap by any means. Man twinks have racked up bills in all areas.

Gold is an exact reflection of time and effort (unless purchased with money) and Blizzard takes as much gold out of the player base as possible as it creates drive. Think about how many of us transferred over to Ruin back in WOTLK. That's a lot of legit money. Sure I'll transfer a toon here and there, but very rarely do I ever pay for them but back in the day I had no choice but to.

We all know that Blizzard is focusing on doing the right thing as a company and that is pushing new content. That's why they don't care about getting old subs back when they'd rather have new kids buying subs. It makes amazing sense in terms of their business model. Previous players (although more mature) did not spend as much money as kids today do in WoW. Kids today fall for the gear treadmills and gold sinks and need to have everything in the game. They're a more profitable demographic by far!

Twinking has never been lucrative in the eyes of Blizzard and this is something we've all known. We've given them a nice chunk of cash and time, but it would not make sense for them to attempt to milk twinking.

This is not a post disagreeing with the OP or anything. I'm voicing my opinions on the matter and I know I'm not saying anything we don't already know. As much as I'd love to see the World of Twinking where Twinks are actually acknowledged and we actually receive some bonus gifts for us, I don't think it's anything Blizzard would ever be interested in endorsing. Now if we saw a handful of big name WoW / Twitch partners who were as crazy about twinking as they were 3v3s, no doubt we would see more blue posts and responses to twinking.

But again, Blizzard always wants people behind on the treadmill, so if they could fulfill their PvP desires on a level 19 character where they don't have to get any new gear for a few years at a time, it's nothing Blizzard would be interested in backing. They could easily create an amazing strategy to use twinking to their financial gains but the main guys in charge I feel aren't the most educated on twinking, what we do and what we're all about. It's clear they know we exist, but I feel as though whenever anyone references twinking, someone higher up shoots them down with "who cares?" and rightfully so given our extremely small number in retrospect to the overall WoW player base.
Xonqerz said:
Does anyone else think its ironic that money always motivates people except in the case of Blizzard and twinks? Honestly if you think about it twinks probably put more money into their accounts than any other kind of player, what with the constant Faction changing, and realm transferring, I wonder just how many XP off players have subscriptions? I know people who have spent hundreds(this guy right here) and even thousands of dollars on their accounts and they are avid twinkers. I'm willing to bet that if blizzard had any idea how much money twinks give them that they would love us, I just wish they understood the financial incentives our community brings to the table, perhaps if they did they might take us into consideration on a more frequent basis.

This minus it being worth blizzards time to milk twinks
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Idk twinks vs changing a racial once an expansion to draw endgame pvpers? There's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more of them than us
I hate the fucking treadmill, i'd rather run outside.

[MENTION=20606]Flaxy[/MENTION] sorry that happens often when it's late and I'm about to go to bed. I don't realize how much I write sometimes.

Long story short lmao twinks do put in a LOT of money but Blizzard likes focusing on pushing new content and getting newer subs rather than keeping old subs. Also Blizzard doesn't really like us because we can just keep the same gear for a few years and enjoy being able to PvP instead of having to get the new gear and work our way through tiers in order to compete in PvP at max level.
Idk twinks vs changing a racial once an expansion to draw endgame pvpers? There's wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more of them than us

It's not really a one or the other kind of thing
I wonder how many subcriptions will drop with the new veterans account.... Maybe blizzard will notice?

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