Playing a ret pally atm is so boring I can't even describe.
I might reroll holly (when they get nerfed damage) I feel so incredibly useless now since we have 3 attacking abilities and Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous share CD.
which means I have 2 attacking abilities.....
And I saw its the same with feral druids, only 2 attacking abilities.
I guess its the same with rest of classes as wel....
Ret has had HotR replace exo, and cleanse replace holy light. Bubble got swapped too. It's the same number of abilities. Exo has a much needed CD now anyway, so no more spamming it.
The real problem with ret is the 10% overall damage Nerf and CS and TV have been Nerfed over and above the overall Nerf that they scale from. Also, TV requires three holy power to use. While it's best with three, I got a KB with two HP many times. Judgement got buffed and ret heals have been buffed, but ret can go OOM fairly easily. Even still, with a mana pot, they can put out some decent healing before they do. Ret also no longer get crit from agility, so lose out there too.
Quite a few classes only get a handful of abilities now. They've dumbed it down even more than it already was. I'm still not sure why holytards have replaced huntards as the new ridiculously OP class/spec, or why healers are so OP and never run OOM, or even why it went live when it wasn't ready... Again! They will at least fix holy shock. Infinite mana at low levels may be more difficult. Not impossible obviously, but Blizz have always wanted low levels to have fast mana regen.