The new standard in head BIS


This is my first posting here on TI, so I want to preface by saying how great a community I think you all have formed. I left p2p after my stint on a 24 pala, and went f2p to join my new family on Darkspear(A).

To get into the matter I came here to discuss. Perceived: The head slot for most f2ps is dictated by armor type restrictions and the commitment of the player. False. I'm here to tell you what has gone right over your head. (pun wut) Now before i build up the anticipation any more, ill let down all you AP horde. The alliance advantage has been phrased in a number of ways for a number of reasons. Whatever the current consensus, my theory applies only to (A). But at least LFH is good style.

Head items:
- Lucky Fishing Hat (cloth) +150hp
- Weather Beaten Fishing Hat (cloth) +30hp +3spirit
- Flying Tiger Goggles (cloth) +40hp +4hit
- Rifle Commander's Eyepatch (leather) +110hp +8agi +8hit
- Vanity (RP>stats?)

This we all know. But wait. ITS BLUE! NO ITS GREEN! NO ITS WHITE!

- Keeshan's Bandanna (cloth) +18 arcane resist +18 fire resist

Your all like: wtf bro.

Let me elaborate briefly. This bracket is infested with hunters, some of them skilled, most of them mentally handicapped putting out 40k dmg. Their focus burst is excellent, their CC is better. Hunters will remain the most overplayed class for the immediate future. It makes sense to develop strategies against them. For each class your tactics are different, but regardless of how you shake it, you will receive several Arcane shot to the face and several Explosive shot to the arse.

Keeshan's Bandanna coupled with the 1 resist cloak enchant provides an average 27.5% dmg reduction against both of these attacks. Most every horde player will utilize the 10 spell penetration trinket, and regardless of that calculation, your still looking at SIGNIFICANT resist against: Hunters, Mages, Warlocks, Druids, Shaman. In a bracket where stamina has more of a human advantage (intimidates enemy players) than a legitimate one, I ask you to reconsider your headgear.

Of course, I am open to trolling, raging, projectile spewing. But ill probably resist some of that.

Regarding the OP I believe you're completely right. I see so many horde without a head piece when they can easily obtain one (not as easy as ally but still moderately easy) LFH shouldn't take more then 3 weeks unless you're on a bad luck streak and Keeshan's Bandanna can arguably be most underused item in the game for trials. Go over to redridge and do that quest chain won't regret it
My thanks to Lillhunter for actually addressing my post. If you want to discuss how to cheat the rules, im sure there are forums elsewhere.

I wrote this to provoke some response, I'm surprised there haven't been more objections. The reality is: when not stacking any particular stat, ap/sp > crit and stam > dodge/resist. What i find particularly enjoyable is finding ways with our limited gearing options to buff these secondary stats. It makes for a more dynamic game. So many of the twinks in our bracket roll with the exact same gear set up, because of whats largely considered BIS. I encourage you to make your character unique, develop your own play style. Push the boundaries of f2p, ill be out there with you.

about the hunter part.... they are not going to be in the top 3 OP f2p classes, come MoP.
i tryed this on a 19 going full fire resist chats/gear, its not that noticeable
Regarding the OP I believe you're completely right. I see so many horde without a head piece when they can easily obtain one (not as easy as ally but still moderately easy) LFH shouldn't take more then 3 weeks unless you're on a bad luck streak and Keeshan's Bandanna can arguably be most underused item in the game for trials. Go over to redridge and do that quest chain won't regret it

Alliance only quest right? Unless I'm just misreading you.

In my opinion, headgear is not so easy to obtain Horde side. I always get terrible RNG with the fishing dailies. I don't play on Sundays, so I'll never on any toon have LFH. If you go with the goggles it's a pretty big sacrifice of a profession.

I don't see why you'd care to wear Keeshan's band as Alliance though. There aren't near as many hunters to face from the Horde, and if there are Horde hunters they're generally the least geared people on the team. Not to mention the other great stats you get from the other headgear.
Some people in the f2p channel would have a serious problem with you having a BOA head item (as in, you're not welcome in the chan). Not wanting to police you, but people are expected to play by f2p rules 100%. We have a few p2p 20's on AP Horde but all of them have to follow f2p conditions 100%.
Some people in the f2p channel would have a serious problem with you having a BOA head item (as in, you're not welcome in the chan). Not wanting to police you, but people are expected to play by f2p rules 100%. We have a few p2p 20's on AP Horde but all of them have to follow f2p conditions 100%.
I wouldn't mind if P2P Melee 20s used BoA Heads on Horde. It just makes up for the Eyepatch.
Either way you get 2-3 shotted by hunters(or mages) even with the headband .... LFH is a sorta badge of honor showing you care enough to put effort into your char esp if your alliance and can use leather. Having the extra 150hp simply out weighs the "slight" benefit of resistance you get in pvp even against warlocks shamans or shadow priests (how many locks do encounter compared to other classes ie hunters holy plains)

That being said LFH is still BiS for horde ... and alliance clothies (you could count hpali here if you never plan on going ret as the shied reward is BiS nd take that over eyepatch)
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Some people in the f2p channel would have a serious problem with you having a BOA head item (as in, you're not welcome in the chan). Not wanting to police you, but people are expected to play by f2p rules 100%. We have a few p2p 20's on AP Horde but all of them have to follow f2p conditions 100%.

Stop talking nonsense.
resistance is good but stamina and/or offensive stats are better
Some people in the f2p channel would have a serious problem with you having a BOA head item (as in, you're not welcome in the chan). Not wanting to police you, but people are expected to play by f2p rules 100%. We have a few p2p 20's on AP Horde but all of them have to follow f2p conditions 100%.

Bs so I suppose humantrafkr follows F2P conditions? (only AP horde 20 P2P i could think of) Sure if you consider non F2P enchants, and non F2P items following F2P conditions lol.

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