The new rogue build

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LeetDraenorAlliance said:
then why did you dodge the bullet last night when i had access to an eu account?

dog you arent good stfu already and leave my mans blackout alone. that nigga would beat you so there is no point in even fightin him.
Realek said:
dog you arent good stfu already and leave my mans blackout alone. that nigga would beat you so there is no point in even fightin him.

Question: Doesn't latency problems on both ends exclude any Eu/US duels from being legit/competitive? Latency kinda rapes me on my shitty netbook and I live in the US, cant see how you are going to do well on server based in Eu.

Also, I want to see this SS's of Bobbo beating Falaris.. he never showed me the ones of him beating Goma either...
Evocate said:
Question: Doesn't latency problems on both ends exclude any Eu/US duels from being legit/competitive? Latency kinda rapes me on my shitty netbook and I live in the US, cant see how you are going to do well on server based in Eu.

Also, I want to see this SS's of Bobbo beating Falaris.. he never showed me the ones of him beating Goma either...

Well when the Us vs Eu furst Rogue v Rogue showdown happened, it was on EU PTR, which appearently gave US players beter Latency than EU's.

If you have a good connection, it's maybe a 50-100 MS in difference. I ran 50ms with mah old router. with the new, I run 150. It's a difference, but it was easy to adapt. Though never first at clicking flags no moar.
Sajn~ said:
Nevermind, I promised myself some time ago that I won't take part in discussions like this anymore.

After reading forums for years now, I really know that these discussions are in one word = useless.

So just ignore this post ;D

Can't see how going beyond the special hit cap is useless when almost all your damage is melee anyway.

Number 1 damage source is always melee for my rogue. Second is SS. Third is fiery proccs. Yay? Making your number one source of damage better isn't useless.
Doffe said:
Can't see how going beyond the special hit cap is useless when almost all your damage is melee anyway.

Number 1 damage source is always melee for my rogue. Second is SS. Third is fiery proccs. Yay? Making your number one source of damage better isn't useless.

Sorry, but you don't get the point.

Going fruther makes you miss vital stats which results in less damage.

So you may not miss 2 or 3 swings you would have otherwise but all your other swings (styles and white) do less damage. So imo it's not worth it and it never was.

Nothing to discuss really, that has been discussed a hundred times already and has been proven wrong a hundred times.
Sajn~ said:
Sorry, but you don't get the point.

Going fruther makes you miss vital stats which results in less damage.

So you may not miss 2 or 3 swings you would have otherwise but all your other swings (styles and white) do less damage. So imo it's not worth it and it never was.

Nothing to discuss really, that has been discussed a hundred times already and has been proven wrong a hundred times.

Thats the problem that you and the rest of the lemmings have. You say 'its been proven repeatedly', when in reality it was 1-2 people who presented things in a logical manner that stated a case. Then 10 people blindly parroted what the previous person said, making that 11-12 people who 'proved it wrong', when in reality it was 10 people agreeing because the people before them said something that sounded good to them.
Evocate said:
Question: Doesn't latency problems on both ends exclude any Eu/US duels from being legit/competitive? Latency kinda rapes me on my shitty netbook and I live in the US, cant see how you are going to do well on server based in Eu.

Also, I want to see this SS's of Bobbo beating Falaris.. he never showed me the ones of him beating Goma either...

I ping 130 on alakir and 170 on suramar(westcoast realm)
Sajn~ said:
Sorry, but you don't get the point.

Going fruther makes you miss vital stats which results in less damage.

So you may not miss 2 or 3 swings you would have otherwise but all your other swings (styles and white) do less damage. So imo it's not worth it and it never was.

Nothing to discuss really, that has been discussed a hundred times already and has been proven wrong a hundred times.

Have you seen how little the loss in the other dps stats are? And heck, this is pretty close to standard gear setup anyway, so we are really talking about talents. I can't really see any better choice of talent speccs when it comes to raw pure dps, what talent build can provide more sustained dps?
Evocate said:
Question: Doesn't latency problems on both ends exclude any Eu/US duels from being legit/competitive? Latency kinda rapes me on my shitty netbook and I live in the US, cant see how you are going to do well on server based in Eu.

Also, I want to see this SS's of Bobbo beating Falaris.. he never showed me the ones of him beating Goma either...

Goma is a different story all together, I was dueling him in arena and I had him to 20% while I was maybe just under 80, threw a dagger when he tried to reset, hit him, and then he left. Hes a total waste of time.
Falaris said:
Thats the problem that you and the rest of the lemmings have. You say 'its been proven repeatedly', when in reality it was 1-2 people who presented things in a logical manner that stated a case. Then 10 people blindly parroted what the previous person said, making that 11-12 people who 'proved it wrong', when in reality it was 10 people agreeing because the people before them said something that sounded good to them.

Lemming? Good one.

And no, you're wrong. This discussion doesn't only exist in the 19 or twink bracket generally, it is also represent in endgame. It has been proven a hundred times with a) theorycraft and b) personal experience.

But I'm out now, it's useless anyway. Just go your way if it fits you but if you are a decent player (from the way you present yourself you don't seem to be 'bad') you should notice soon enough that you miss the biggest point of a Rogue with this build of yours, the burst.

"Oh well, efc survived the duration of my cooldowns but atleast I was saved up not to miss with white damage, ffs."

Doffe said:
I can't really see any better choice of talent speccs when it comes to raw pure dps, what talent build can provide more sustained dps?

Best spec/build for pure dps? 5/5/0 and getting stylecapped, depending on the situation - if you can play it right and have no problems with dying more often in (maybe) important situations. But in fact MoD is pretty much a must have these days or you'll rarely get the opener against good opponents with target macros. So the best spec for dps + some survivability would be 5/2/3 (imo the best spec along with 0/0/10, depends on the way you play and which role you take).

My last post in this thread.

Bye ;)
Diiesel said:
The World of Warcraft Armory - Gomayo @ Elune - Profile

I find it funny that Goma is rockin the exact same setup your posting about minus the lifestealing, is this were you got this nonsense from?

Turn that around and youre probably accurate. I cant say for sure that he wasnt that setup before I made this thread, but what probably happened is he did what several people have said they would do and tried it out after reading this thread, the Ruin thread, or just hearing about it.
Falaris said:
Turn that around and youre probably accurate. I cant say for sure that he wasnt that setup before I made this thread, but what probably happened is he did what several people have said they would do and tried it out after reading this thread, the Ruin thread, or just hearing about it.

I switched over to run it in a premade and test it out with dual fiery and I was impressed with it. I don't look at my damage %99 of the time so I can't say first hand how much of a difference it was. I can however say kiting wasn't that big of an issue, once I popped SnD if I got snared I would just pour the damage into the mage, shaman, or priest that was on D with the FC.
Sajn~ said:
Lemming? Good one.

And no, you're wrong. This discussion doesn't only exist in the 19 or twink bracket generally, it is also represent in endgame. It has been proven a hundred times with a) theorycraft and b) personal experience.

But I'm out now, it's useless anyway. Just go your way if it fits you but if you are a decent play (from the way you present yourself you don't seem to be 'bad') you should notice soon enough that you miss the biggest point of a Rogue with this build of yours, the burst.

Big difference between 19s and end game with ratings. Remember 80-90% dodge at 19? Guess what at 80 stacking dodge wasn't a good idea over other stats but due to the scaling of the rating it was at 19. If your at 80 and you can choose between +7 hit rating or 500 AP yeah I would agree. But at 19 and you could run 210 AP and 18-19 hit compared to 250 AP 11 hit, the hit will mean WAY more at 19 due to the same scaling. So that 7-8 extra hit is a lot more valuable at 19 than it is at 80. The 40 more AP you get is about 2.9dps so its not that much of a difference. If you read my posts earlier I even figured up the difference in average damage per swing on the mainhand with Shadowfang and it was only 10 damage. If someone would figure up how many more white hits you get with the extra hit and convert that to DPS we could get a factual answer. If the extra white hits are > 2.9dps then the hit would be better, based on the 40 AP difference in my example.

There is no one answer for any of this, in the end it is all situational. However, all situations being equal I believe the spec has its merits.
Doffe said:
Also means more proccs of fiery/LS, since I doubt enchants can procc of a miss.

Exactly, I even broke this down earlier as well. They are both proc per minute based so its hard to say but obviously less misses = less chances to not get the proc per minute maximum. I would try to break down the difference in white hits vs the extra AP and less hit over 100 swings based on average MH and OH damage but then people would want to pull out the fact that your specials hit harder as well and then I would have to argue that Imp SnD would factor in and you can see it is way more complex than I can probably figure accurately. I'm sure there is someone here that can do it. I say we just acknowledge the spec is "viable", notice VIABLE not > X and unless someone actually can run the numbers factoring in everything drop it at that.
Blackout said:
The only thing that actually matters, is winning. fuck all of this BiS omg bad setup nooblol shit.

So you admit you're not as good as you could be, you acknowledge it, and you therefore acknowledge that you're bad? Okay.
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