1. You cannot spell "p" with your mouth open. You will say "[f]" instead.

2. 95% of the people tried to say that.

3. You are smiling.
Rapt0R said:
1. You cannot spell "p" with your mouth open. You will say "[f]" instead.

2. 95% of the people tried to say that.

3. You are smiling.

wtf son.

1. made no sense

2. sucked

3. is erroneous

and did you HAVE to use so many damn spaces.
Falkor said:
wtf son.

1. made no sense

2. sucked

3. is erroneous

and did you HAVE to use so many damn spaces.

Hey buddy.

IT was all part of one joke.

The 3 points went together.

And yes...

Cptheal said:
acutally it was proven when someone got death sentence...

Really? When was this test done? I know that prison tests have been illegal since the 80's... That sounds awful if it's true.
Scadoosh said:
Really? When was this test done? I know that prison tests have been illegal since the 80's... That sounds awful if it's true.

When was the test done to prove that fat isn't actually a solute in milk, but they are tiny particles floating around in it?

I don't know, it just fucking happened.
Twinkzruz said:
A person remains conscious for eight seconds after being decapitated.

This must be bull. When ever you see videos of RL karate nuts doing chops to the neck and such their opponent falls to the ground instantly unconcious. Im pretty sure the source i got this from was accurate since it was a documentary type doohickey. I would have thought that if anything having the head removed would only exacerbate the bloodflow to the head problem that the karate chop to the neck caused.
Twinkzruz said:
It doesnt mean the body being concious they mean the head, the brain itself.

Could you test this for us? :D:rolleyes::confused:
The only elements liquid at room temp and pressure are: mercury, caesium, francium, gallium, bromine, and rubidium. Mercury is used in sphygmomanometers
Animals can rain from the sky

The universe is beige

Poisoning can make masses to dance hysterically

The Moon is moving away from the Earth

Belly button lint comes from your underwear

Animals can naturally explode

You can still have an erection once dead

The interstellar gas cloud that comprises Sagittarius B contains a billion billion billion (yes, that’s three orders of billion) liters of alcohol.

Anders Celsius, was an oddball scientist. When he first developed his scale, he made freezing 100 degrees and boiling 0 degrees, or upside down. No one dared point this out to him, so fellow scientists waited until Celsius died to change the scale.

At a jet plane's speed of 1,000 km (620mi) per hour, the length of the plane becomes one atom shorter than its original length.

Sound travels 15 times faster through steel than through the air.

A chip of silicon a quarter-inch square has the capacity of the original 1949 ENIAC computer, which occupied a city block.

Time slows down near a black hole; inside it stops completely.

Dating back to the 1600's, thermometers were filled with Brandy instead of mercury.
A "fulgerite" is fossilized lightning. It forms when a powerful lightning bolt melts the soil into a glass-like state.

Because of the rotation of the earth, an object can be thrown farther if it is thrown west.

The nearest galaxy to our own is Andromeda.

It takes a plastic container 50000 years to start decomposing.

There are 3 golf balls sitting on the moon.

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