I got the insperation from Bragh when he taught me something i never knew. So here it goes!

Post stuff that you dont think many people will know.

Did you know...

Hiccups happen when the diaphragm, the muscle that controls our breathing, becomes irritated and start to spasm and contract uncontrollably.

Hiccups happen when the diaphragm, the muscle that controls our breathing, becomes irritated and start to spasm and contract uncontrollably.

Your mouth produces 1 litre (1.8 pints) of saliva a day.

On average, people can hold their breath for about one minute. The world record is 21 minutes 29 seconds

On average, you breathe 23,000 times a day.

If the amount of water in your body is reduced by just 1%, you'll feel thirsty.

A person remains conscious for eight seconds after being decapitated.

The liver is the largest of the body's internal organs. The skin is the body's largest organ.

The bones in your body are not white - they range in colour from beige to light brown. The bones you see in museums are white because they have been boiled and cleaned.
if you enlarged an apple to the size of the earth, each atom would be roughly the size of an apple.
Twinkzruz said:

Did you know...

Hiccups happen when the diaphragm, the muscle that controls our breathing, becomes irritated and start to spasm and contract uncontrollably.


wrong . its from the epiglottis spasming
Cptheal said:
wrong . its from the epiglottis spasming

Hiccups happen when the diaphragm, the muscle that controls our breathing, becomes irritated and start to spasm and contract uncontrollably. With each contraction, air is pulled into the lungs very quickly, passes through the voice box, and then the epiglottis closes behind the rush of air, shaking the vocal chords, causing the "hic" sound. The irritation can be caused by rapid eating, emotional stress and even some diseases. The best cure? Breathing into a paper bag. This calms the diaphragm by increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in your bloodstream.
60% of the time, i am right 100% of the time.
To add to the discussion of hiccups... both myself and my father both get the hiccups after eating food with hot sauce on it. There has to be a substantial amount, but that's what causes our hiccups. Any explanations?
Intresting thread this is!
Twinkzruz said:
I got the insperation from Bragh when he taught me something i never knew. So here it goes!


What the candybag was that?
I learned that I got a puppy last night. Pics and separate thread will be inc when I'm not so sick and can find my camera.

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