The Jaja's are killing me


Seems I win 80% of the time I have a normal distribution of toons that are english speaking. I honestly don't notice 20 or 24's.

But when I get the Jaja's in the BG...MAN....I seem to lose 80% of the time!

Help me obi-wan
I hate that term Jaja. When someone uses it I wonder if they're ignorant, racist or both.
I hate that term Jaja. When someone uses it I wonder if they're ignorant, racist or both.

It's shortest non-hating term I can use for someone that types "haha" in the form of "jaja". It includes all Spanish/Portugese speaking players allowed on the US servers. Stereotypically I lose when 3-5 Jaja's are coordinating their atttacks via foreign language that most US server members cannot speak since they are ... US/Canadian on a US server. Not to mention their talent level. Clearly there are no Portugese class walkthroughs or at least they aren't being read by these players.

I live in a post-racial world. Call me what you want you won't hurt my feelings, doesn't change the OP facts.
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I hate that term Jaja. When someone uses it I wonder if they're ignorant, racist or both.

please find me a Portuguese/Spanish speaker that has err...what they call on these forums...skill that's right.

Sure they can play p2p/hunter/druid/paladin but oh wait...everyone can play those. Everyone can press 2-3 buttons. Infact in 5.1 one ofthe people on my server who used to play our resto druid was a little bit challenged and went to the special school. But that did not stop him from playing a resto druid-he was one of the best druids ive seen. He topped charts and capped flags like a pro.

Find me a skilled native speaker from Nemesis, Gallywix, Tol Barad, Ragnaros, Quel'Thalas, and Drakkari, playing a warlock/mage/ret/ench sham and link me his armory.. I will send 500 gold to you on Aerie Peak US horde or alliance. You have my word. Until view will stand as is on them.
[MENTION=19702]darkspearwow1[/MENTION]'s dumb comment: My arena partner on my warrior (high level) is a Jaja (he's Spannish) and he's Gladiator on his main and Arena Master etc.. he plays f2p aswell and im 100% sure when i say that he's better than you are...
Yes many "jajas" are dumb and bad, but don't generalise.. And there's a lot of english speaking people who are extremely bad, who also post on twinkinfo, claiming to be skilled, like you are right now.

@OP i try to communicate by using emotes and google translate + use the bad spanish which i speak..
ok you misunderstood me. I'm not talking about the Spanish in Spain.I have no idea how those play. im talking about the Brazilians that speak Spanish and those from Latin America that come to the US realms. That's why I listed the severs gallywix, quell thalas, etc. ...

a 500 gold reward still me anytime if you can find some skilled from Brasl/Latin America playing the following: warlock, ench sham, ret, mage. .

Yes there is TONS of clueless Americans but nowhere near that amount. Nice try though.I refuse to post anymore since we are getting onto a touchy subject now
[MENTION=19702]darkspearwow1[/MENTION]'s dumb comment: And there's a lot of english speaking people who are extremely bad, who also post on twinkinfo, claiming to be skilled, like you are right now.

Its like you know me
Poparms, where did I post I was ''skilled'' do you see any of my posts with me shouting ''im skilled 2k arena''?

infact one of my only 2 likes went to
dont act like this bracket is hard to play, you dont need to bind all fcking keys on your keyboard

edit: but yea, some ppl may also bind gearsets, many different mounts and such stuff because their actionbar looks more pro then
Poparms, where did I post I was ''skilled'' do you see any of my posts with me shouting ''im skilled 2k arena''?
infact one of my only 2 likes went to

I was reffering to the fact that you, by pushing other people down(calling them bad) thereby lifted yourself up on a kind of pedestal (calling yourself good = skilled)

Since when do we play on "U.S." realms? Some authors in this thread need to learn to take life a little easier. Remember, breathe slowly, think pleasant thoughts, it is just a game after all. You all get worked up over the smallest things. Can't we all just get along?

Since when do we play on "U.S." realms? Some authors in this thread need to learn to take life a little easier.

While I'm trying to win a BG, I don't have time to alt-tab out, open google translator and pop in "ajuda ferreiro" to see what needs to happen, but needless to say, the Brazilian that is calling out "ajuda ferreiro" is probably not the problem and understands strategy and how to win. It's the Jaja's making sure that the road below LM is secure that are the problem.
I hate that term Jaja. When someone uses it I wonder if they're ignorant, racist or both.

I too call them Jaja's because it's iconic and usually the only word I can understand other than the poor iterations of the word "Fuck" that they often throw around. And thank god for the fact that that's the only actual English word that most of them know, It's so helpful when it comes to objectives.

Racism is child stuff. If you're so wrapped up in what other people say that you're willing to judge them for it or be offended, it sounds more like you're the problem. I too live in a post-racism world and I'm not going to tip-toe around other peoples white guilt or just plain old fashioned dogma for the sake of being "politically correct" because I'm honestly not trying to offend anyone. It's usually the ones who take offense and blow things out of proportion that are force feeding the situation racism.

Is it ignorant do resent an entire demographic of players that don't even speak the primary language that everyone else who plays this game does? Especially when they end up dragging your entire team down because you can't even help them due to a language barrier? I don't know about any of you but I'm not about to learn Portuguese so I can play what is primarily an English speaking game.
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I too call them Jaja's because it's iconic and usually the only word I can understand other than the poor iterations of the word "Fuck" that they often throw around. And thank god for the fact that that's the only actual English word that most of them know, It's so helpful when it comes to objectives.

Racism is child stuff. If you're so wrapped up in what other people say that you're willing to judge them for it or be offended, it sounds more like you're the problem. I too live in a post-racism world and I'm not going to tip-toe around other peoples white guilt or just plain old fashioned dogma for the sake of being "politically correct" because I'm honestly not trying to offend anyone. It's usually the ones who take offense and blow things out of proportion that are force feeding the situation racism.

Is it ignorant do resent an entire demographic of players that don't even speak the primary language that everyone else who plays this game does? Especially when they end up dragging your entire team down because you can't even help them due to a language barrier? I don't know about any of you but I'm not about to learn Portuguese so I can play what is primarily an English speaking game.

Think of the great leaders of the past and the speeches they gave that moved history. All words and intent shared with others. Words. Affecting. Others. Pattern.

Anyways dress it up like you will the term is derogatory and groups together a subculture in a negative light. You know - racism!

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