The Jaja's are killing me

I don't think there's anything inherently racist about the term jaja's anymore than if he referred to english speakers as haha's or the french as lala's...language and race are separate issues. Assuming that it's a racist term is a form of racism /mindblown

I don't have a bias toward people that speak portuguese because that would include myself. That said, "jaja" as a term is easy to identify. When I see it (jaja in chat) I know the team is going to suck. Only once was this wrong when a gally team came through like gangbusters.

It has less to do with the anything within the language or the people that speak it then it does with the dynamics of having groups on the same team that can't talk to each other. Who knows, maybe in Brazil the average player is 13 whereas in the us it's 37 (aggregate of computer gamers not ios gamers which is 30).
Think of the great leaders of the past and the speeches they gave that moved history. All words and intent shared with others. Words. Affecting. Others. Pattern.

Anyways dress it up like you will the term is derogatory and groups together a subculture in a negative light. You know - racism!

It's whatever you want to see it as. It's all about perception.

If that's really the case and you refuse to have anything but a narrow minded view on the subject than I do apologize to, as well as feel sorry for YOU.
It's really easy to "live in a post-racial world" when you're in the position of power/majority. The whole conversation about jaja being racist started because someone from a brazilian/latin american server who also understood English was offended by the term.

I'm not going to say everyone who uses the term is racist, but anyone who says it while thinking they're on some sort of moral high ground is either trolling or ignorant.
Its the spam emoting I don't get or like....language barrier is something I have just come to deal with its worse in dungeons than PVP plus you can take solace in the fact you are killing as many jaja's on the opposing team as you are dealing with on yours! LOL

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