The I'm too good for AGM thread.

Pwnadin said:
Waste of time? I knew this thread would pop up. I think there's a lot of hate because some of us farmed it out. I did not roll on Aerie Peak because I knew I'd want to farm the AGM. I stayed on my home server with help from my p2p guild. Dual box ftw? Took my warrior down to the arena and won.

AGM is not needed with organized WSGs. Most of us on horde are getting organized more and more. We're starting to see a stronger player base. Don't hate on the AGM because you rolled on an overpopulated f2p server.

Like it or don't. Farm it or don't. I feel like some of you are trying to justify a reason why you don't have it, or why you won't attempt to farm it.

I only posted here because I've been attacked multiple times about having them. WHY? I just don't understand.

/thread imo.

becuase you didnt roll were they all went so you have no competition blah blah blah......if you can get it why would you gimp yourself anyway?
Gimp? lul. Okay, you win. I quit. My paladin is gimped. We don't need to continue this. So I'm graciously dropping my pants, bending over, and asking for this to stop. It's annoying
Pwnadin said:
Gimp? lul. Okay, you win. I quit. My paladin is gimped. We don't need to continue this. So I'm graciously dropping my pants, bending over, and asking for this to stop. It's annoying

err i actually agreed with you, if you can farm it why would you not have/use it... quit raging
Sorry, just slightly annoyed at those who sit here and make childish remarks and closed minded arguments.

I'm choosing crit & HP over Resil. I am so so so so terribly sorry /guffaw
allahkazam said:
using AGM in duels/arenas when not everyone has it is bush league and always has been.

Considering the fact that it can be dispelled, it's even cheaper when used by a shammy.
Things we say:

Side 1: "If you have AGM you crutch"

Side 2: "If you don't have AGM you aren't BiS"

Side 1: "I make up for not having AGM with skill"

Side 2: "Twinking is all about having BiS"

Reality of things:

Side 1: "Yeah I can't seem to get an AGM myself so no one should have it"

Side 2: "You're a scrub if you don't have AGM...btw I had my 5 85 friends help me get mine"

Haha...just a little fun with you guys about how ridiculous this argument really is. Bottom line: If you can get it, get it. If you can't, play on's not going to make you suck.

allahkazam said:
it's been an unwritten thing for as long as i've been twinking that if one person in an arena or duel did not have AGM it wouldn't be used. it's not a can't get it or won't get it, but a matter of respect.

that rule also applied to someone sitting if someone got a solo pop in 2's, people ignored that too
roudy said:
that rule also applied to someone sitting if someone got a solo pop in 2's, people ignored that too

and those people were ridiculed for being bad both in game and on the old forums. 2v1ign someone in arena is about as skill-less as saying LOLOLOL i win duel im gud cuz i can pop my AGM (that you don't have LOLOLOL). Arena and dueling is supposed to be fun and it was, but once in a while you'd run into complete terribles that have to 2v1 to win.
Well, my whole point about AGM is that it's a great trinket, but used in duel, especially in 19s, makes fight so long and boring that it makes no sense. When you arena and there's a shammy, he can purge it, giving one side team a whole 1k bubble thing while on the other hand, none for the other team.

Kinda hard to deal with 2 players with AGM, when you can't pop yours.

You're absolutely correct. I never once started a thread saying oh look at me guys. blah blah blah. Im so pro etc etc.

I simply made a response to "i dont get why the use of an Insignia at this level" /let the flaming begin

I hurt some feelings apparently. It was later discovered I have 2 AGMs which is how this all came into play. I chose crit and HP over < ~10 resil. Shoulders and trink wouldn't offer that much resil. Let's not even discuss the weapons.

So anyway, I wasn't trying to hate on anybody but I'm being flamed. Sorry?
allahkazam said:
and those people were ridiculed for being bad both in game and on the old forums. 2v1ign someone in arena is about as skill-less as saying LOLOLOL i win duel im gud cuz i can pop my AGM (that you don't have LOLOLOL). Arena and dueling is supposed to be fun and it was, but once in a while you'd run into complete terribles that have to 2v1 to win.

it was even more amusing if you won when they tried to 2v1 you, im just saying people will always do it.
allahkazam said:
not necessarily.

to some people, honor is more than just a currency you get for pvping.

have you actually played in this bracket, lol just kidding but ive seen more farmers in this bracket then any other xp off bracket ive ever played..
I wouldn't use the trink in either scenario tbh. I farmed them for vanity reasons and the choice in stats I was after. I won't get these on any other toon.

@Roudy - I agree. The farmers want their heirlooms. Honor = currency.

As players become BiS that may very well change. Until then expect to see a lot of gy farming from both sides ^.^
I have to agree with Ink and a few others on this one. Even recently, I have seen many times on this site, "If you don't have an agm, you're a srub."

So now its the opposite? I have one on my warrior, and it sucked trying to get it. It took friggin forever. I will never get another one and my hunter and pally don't deserve one.

My choice. If you want one, go get it. If you don't, then don't. But if you get it, earn it.
Hardc0re said:
AGM counts as a spell? I'm pretty sure that it doesn't, or else Shammys/Priests would be dispelling every "on-use" trinkets on arena and it would lead to an endless QQ

it does

*edit* i dont know if priests can dispel it
I used to dispel everything: paladins (every last buff on them), ghostwolf, hunters mark, DoTs, HoTs, fear.

Priests can't dispel anything any more. Probably because most of them were too bloody stupid to bind it at low levels, so Bliz took it away :(

I had 2 AGMs on my 19 hunter. It needed them to break 800hp, thanks to going all out for 450AP fully buffed (my multiboxed mage, paladin and druid at 80). Haven't bothered on any of my other twinks.

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