The I'm too good for AGM thread.

That's right. Post here if you don't need that silly black patch thingy.
elocon said:
U jelly, brah?

Nah, I'm just pro like that. Just seeing who else is.
who needs this crap IMO only Healers and FC's should get it :p as a ret i got my burst <3 :D
I don't need it. Too much of a time sink; I'd rather grind for a zone drop.


Farming for a Zone Drop is also way more fun 'cuz you can level up mining, skinning or whatever while doing so :D btw we should also make a Topic "I'm too good for LFH thread." :D
Jeralulz said:

Farming for a Zone Drop is also way more fun 'cuz you can level up mining, skinning or whatever while doing so :D btw we should also make a Topic "I'm too good for LFH thread." :D

You can't compare AGM to LFH, specially in a PvE realm like Aerie Peak...

LFH is way easier to get, you just need to fish, you don't need to avoid a million level 85 players and the twinks while trying to open a chest for 10 seconds
how about if im not to good im just too lazy >.> i stop at the chest on whatever toon im on at the time with the exception of my 85, all my twinks have looted the chest a few times but none the 12 required times

quick edit-im not on ap so i dont have much competition, usually just a leveler or 2
I don't know if it's a question of being lazy. It's always flooded there.

Hell, I even log in before going to work (03:00 AM server time - 07:00 AM Brazil) and there are ppl there trying to get it! It's not about being lazy, it's about having 85s to help you.

Too bad if you are a f2p without an active account and are not licking anyone's balls, you're not getting AGM.
the only times you need AGM as a twink are if you're:

1. doing arenas

2. are a flag carrier in organized WSG games

for everyone else it's just a waste of time


Cotus I love you for ever now :D. (Maybe homo maybe not :D)

But maybe 3. Healers in organized WSG games when they get focused. :p
it would be nice to have, but im in no hurry to get it. fuuuuuck waking up at 6am, ima sleep in. plus i dare you to pop it vs me, purge spam and youll feel dumb :<
Subpar said:
plus i dare you to pop it vs me, purge spam and youll feel dumb :<

That's it decided, I'm going to make a shammy next, and make sure my addons give a nice big warning whenever someone pops an AGM XD
Subpar said:
it would be nice to have, but im in no hurry to get it. fuuuuuck waking up at 6am, ima sleep in. plus i dare you to pop it vs me, purge spam and youll feel dumb :<

AGM counts as a spell? I'm pretty sure that it doesn't, or else Shammys/Priests would be dispelling every "on-use" trinkets on arena and it would lead to an endless QQ
AGM would be nice for duels and PuGs which is something I frequently do, thats why I am attempting to get 1 AGM. The stamina and the bubble could save my ass in certain situations.
Waste of time? I knew this thread would pop up. I think there's a lot of hate because some of us farmed it out. I did not roll on Aerie Peak because I knew I'd want to farm the AGM. I stayed on my home server with help from my p2p guild. Dual box ftw? Took my warrior down to the arena and won.

AGM is not needed with organized WSGs. Most of us on horde are getting organized more and more. We're starting to see a stronger player base. Don't hate on the AGM because you rolled on an overpopulated f2p server.

Like it or don't. Farm it or don't. I feel like some of you are trying to justify a reason why you don't have it, or why you won't attempt to farm it.

I only posted here because I've been attacked multiple times about having them. WHY? I just don't understand.

/thread imo.

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