The Hype of Aerie Peak

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All generalizations are silly.
I see your

and raise you a ^_^
also where are you in the bgs? I never see any of your 3 linked toons anymore

Sorry. No offense to you I just felt it was fitting.

Where am I these days? Between working full time, having other things going on, being gone on vacations, and living life large, I have not been playing much lately. It might just be dumb luck or something, as I was wondering the same thing.

Been playing a bit more arenas too so that takes away some BG time.
dont know what the fuss is about..
someone mentioned how AP is full of trash. It is true but there is no way to have full of pros unless you have small population.
AP is big so it has high population of trash and high population of pros compared to all the other servers.
lets move on... if it wasnt AP, the mainstream community will be on some other server and it would be the exact same as AP now. nothing is wrong with AP, this is blizzard's fault for making wow too hard for noobs.
Get ready for an emotional semi-rant.

I play on Aerie Peak because of the sense of community. In school, I wasn't the fastest runner, the strongest weight-lifter, the tallest guy, the cutest boy, none of that. My gift in school, as some would call it, is academics. I made all honors classes in high school. However, that didn't mean much to me, because what I really cared about, was girls. Anywhere you go, you'll always hear that girls don't like the "nerds". I was tall, shy, nerdy, and was actually known for never smiling. I kid you not. So, girls weren't my area of expertise. I play video games more than the average guy. Think of it as my ticket out of reality. I played (used to play a P2P, just came back for F2P after about 3 years) World of Warcraft. Girls and WoW are like oil and water. There are exceptions, as in people getting married after meeting each other on WoW, (or any other online game for that matter.) but that wouldn't happen in my area. I guarantee it. So, I came back to WoW to meet new people that also shared a similar interest. Look at the community of people in this section of TwinkInfo. There are fantastic people here. If Aerie Peak is known for being the "gathering place" for the majority of F2P twinks, then I want to be there as well. Look at some of the pictures of the characters lined up at, say, Halaa, or the Darkmoon Faire. Those people are together in the pictures because they like each other. They're friends. I would love to become friends with every single one of you here on this website.

Anyways, say hello to the nerdy kid who is known for never smiling, has never kissed a girl, (I'm in high school) and has only had 1 girlfriend, which lasted less than a week.

Cheers to all of you.


Do something about your problem.

You have no idea how much you are missing out on by being afraid of what others think of you, by being afraid to flirt with girls, and by not having a social life. I used to be a lot like you, never smiling, being afraid of girls and what they think of me, being used. So, I, like you, started to play lots of videogames to "escape from reality".

Yes, it worked, but it's like masturbation. You get a sense of fake pleasure. Until you actually go out and meet new people, specifically girls, you're never going to know what it's like to feel completely free and unjudged by anybody around you.
I luckily found out this great new "art" that had never came to thought before. It was the art of picking up girls. You might think right now that this is some bullshit concept that is completely useless that will only give you something to do if you're bored.
WRONG. Once I started getting a handle of the concepts they had to offer, I took action, started approaching girls and meeting new people, I had lots of failure. But, I don't call "failure" failure anymore, I call it learning now. I learned that the fear of failing was completely indifferent. If there is one thing I could not live with, it would be regret.

But anyways, take this into consideration. Pickup's main focus is not picking up girls, it's rewiring yourself to be something completely better than what you are.

So, if you ever get bored and might want to take a look at this, visit the rsdfreetour channel on Youtube. Watch a few videos by Julien, watch some videos by Adam Lyons, you'll be happy you did.
dont know what the fuss is about..
someone mentioned how AP is full of trash. It is true but there is no way to have full of pros unless you have small population.
AP is big so it has high population of trash and high population of pros compared to all the other servers.
lets move on... if it wasnt AP, the mainstream community will be on some other server and it would be the exact same as AP now. nothing is wrong with AP, this is blizzard's fault for making wow too hard for noobs.

nothing is wrong with AP? are you (all of you) even reading these forums lately? people tell you who gets agms and who dont, they kick people from chat for fishing in there/ there friends pools then they log on ti and call everyone trash, and half think you're noob if you dont arena with them. this is your idea of community? o_O

tbh i'd rather be on my dead sever and talk to the murlocs, they dgaf where you fish :p
nothing is wrong with AP? are you (all of you) even reading these forums lately? people tell you who gets agms and who dont, they kick people from chat for fishing in there/ there friends pools then they log on ti and call everyone trash, and half think you're noob if you dont arena with them. this is your idea of community? o_O

tbh i'd rather be on my dead sever and talk to the murlocs, they dgaf where you fish :p
how is that a server's problem? its the people, the internet. AP itself is not a problem. AP is a server you know? AP is same as any other server because its a server, nothing more noting less. Go anywhere and youll see that problem. did you read my post? i said if AP wasnt our mainstream, it would be on some other server
how is that a server's problem? its the people, the internet. AP itself is not a problem. AP is a server you know? AP is same as any other server because its a server, nothing more noting less. Go anywhere and youll see that problem. did you read my post? i said if AP wasnt our mainstream, it would be on some other server

*sigh* at what point did i say it was AP as in AP the sever, but it IS the community of that or w/e sever they would of rolled on.

Damn, I was going for a Majora's Mask-esque kinda ominous foreshadowing there.

I swear to god, the first time the moon crashed in that game, I nearly had an aneurysm, "WHAT?!? HOW?!? I ran out of time??? NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!"
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AP is great I can only recommend it. There are a very few jerks maybe 2 out of 40 but that's not bad at all. All the other ones are very helpful and the premades are usually very good of course it always depends on who is in the premade and how geared the toons are at that second.

It should be noted and updated though that AP A is pretty much dead while AP H is thriving.
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