The history of 19 twining...

Sàxxon said:
yea cataclysm killed it, wtb twinking from anywhere between vanilla and wotlk idc i just want ma skirmish back !!

WOTLK was worse than Cata... if you liked rogues being only a CC class, having very little utility, stacking ap > agil, using fiery over 15 agil, and everyone massively crutching on these "new" BOA chests of tunic of westfall, WOTLK was for you.

If you liked 4 hour long wsgs, dependent on skill, calling up someone to sub for you in wsg while you went to eat a shit ton of ramen, kiting warriors with throw, leaving an OOM priest alive to completely screw his healing, backstraffing like a pro, Soloing the 5 man D by ccing his 3 healers as much as possible, dodgestacking, bandaging between warrior autoswings, dueling brackets to determine who had more skill, BC was for you,

If you liked OP cheetah form, drastically changing FCing forever... Making FCing a terrible race with 0 combat, instead of 3k hp bear form in FR, Wotlk was for you.

If you liked Huntards with the monkey autosprint glyph, wotlk was for you.

If you like Terribad rogues (who don't know basic movement, zone awareness, or ccing heals etc), being "#1"

cata is for you.
I rmb, when for the first time I spoke to an ally twink in ratchet who had two accounts so he could speak to us hordes, since back then on those pvp realms you could not have chars on both faction sides ;/ so I was soooo amazed he could to to me, since I knew him from wsg (litel gnome with green goggles and green assasin blades full of that agi. He thought me Agi gave a rogue nice dodge and crit and ap :O I had ofc 2x feiry weapons due to the awesome awesome fire explotion when hitting those lvl 13's 8)

We dueled and he could hit him one effin time. He then thought me how to NOT backpeddle and keyturn <3 Loved it. Back then Hordes were RLY FOR TEHHH HORDE! hah

... and ofc the endless wsg walljump bugs behind/under bases and wall, allways fun to try chase those twinks who got up there xD
Mochabad said:
WOTLK was worse than Cata... if you liked rogues being only a CC class, having very little utility, stacking ap > agil, using fiery over 15 agil, and everyone massively crutching on these "new" BOA chests of tunic of westfall, WOTLK was for you.

If you liked 4 hour long wsgs, dependent on skill, calling up someone to sub for you in wsg while you went to eat a shit ton of ramen, kiting warriors with throw, leaving an OOM priest alive to completely screw his healing, backstraffing like a pro, Soloing the 5 man D by ccing his 3 healers as much as possible, dodgestacking, bandaging between warrior autoswings, dueling brackets to determine who had more skill, BC was for you,

If you liked OP cheetah form, drastically changing FCing forever... Making FCing a terrible race with 0 combat, instead of 3k hp bear form in FR, Wotlk was for you.

If you liked Huntards with the monkey autosprint glyph, wotlk was for you.

If you like Terribad rogues (who don't know basic movement, zone awareness, or ccing heals etc), being "#1"

cata is for you.

i only areanaed in wotlk and had no problem with it.

except of course the cursed Lock shaman teams, i played 19s in every era you listed god dam it dont lecture me!!
rithonuwy said:
naw screw that, best memory, dodge stacking rogues, 2 medow rings of eluding 2 agms when they had 12 dodge, 12 dodge to cloak dodge to fishing hat and backing up into a corner,,,, bushwhack, good times goooood times, ohhhh ohh and full of win was around

my old 19 still has a sentry cloak with 12 dodge on it! :)
Burning Crusade or get your anus plunged inside out.

hey man didnt know u were still playin, Vei here. what realm u on now?


Yeh, a history of the 19 bracket would be a great idea, new thread someone not lazy (like me) start it then we can all contribute and qq about unskilled backpeddling rogues?
lol I remember on a mage (not 19) exploiting on top of the horde base than where the water ended and there were some logs you couldn't pass due to an invisible barrier.

I took the flag up there blinked through the barrier so no other expoilters could follow and than jumped off the map. Light feathered all the way down..real far think Tendrassil.

Turned out WSG is on a giant mesa and down below was a field of snow. I held that flag for over an hour running around the outside of the map before I started to feel guilty and dropped it. everyone in chat was like where is flag.

I told a priest to mind vision me and he got to see what I saw. Good times.
Im going with post ruin migration around when Prodigy and WTB Skill PST then Be Tough No Excuses were battling to be top dog.
i remeber being the only lock with ghostly shoulders (or somin like that) instead of talbar mantle :p
i remember flag was not on map on horde we would climb in the hut in the flag room, back than no one stayed with the fc and you hope they didnt find you. the noobs we killed didnt learn to get better gear and skills all they learned to do was complain to bliz.
i remember being the only 10s in wsg around end of vanilla and durring early bc. When having 1k hp was more than 85% of the bg. Running into a grp of noob levelers as a 10 warrior, and lasting more than 1 minute was fun!
On the topic of even number brackets. I remember when the honor mounts were obtainable before 60. Epic mounts at 55 ftw.
Mochabad said:
WOTLK was worse than Cata... if you liked rogues being only a CC class, having very little utility, stacking ap > agil, using fiery over 15 agil, and everyone massively crutching on these "new" BOA chests of tunic of westfall, WOTLK was for you.

If you liked 4 hour long wsgs, dependent on skill, calling up someone to sub for you in wsg while you went to eat a shit ton of ramen, kiting warriors with throw, leaving an OOM priest alive to completely screw his healing, backstraffing like a pro, Soloing the 5 man D by ccing his 3 healers as much as possible, dodgestacking, bandaging between warrior autoswings, dueling brackets to determine who had more skill, BC was for you,

If you liked OP cheetah form, drastically changing FCing forever... Making FCing a terrible race with 0 combat, instead of 3k hp bear form in FR, Wotlk was for you.

If you liked Huntards with the monkey autosprint glyph, wotlk was for you.

If you like Terribad rogues (who don't know basic movement, zone awareness, or ccing heals etc), being "#1"

cata is for you.


Bc>wotlk>everything else.

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