Curley is great in wsg, but the way 19s are today, great for todays players = not up to par with the original guys........... for example, I have not seen a single person attempt to fake jump, fake heal, since the beginning of wotlk, and I haven't seen anything special at all from anyone. I remember in BC 2v1ing an efc pally and priest, every heal was ccd by me on a rogue until the 2.3k hp pally was dead.... I'm not /flexing, as I was never anything special myself, but from an offensive standpoint, I see nothing special.... noting as great as Salt or Cirran.... Akfortyseven was an amazing wsg rogue btw, but Salt was the kind of rogue that would 4v1 the entire D himself and surely, if he were on O, the flag is returned.... Not from SS spamming but from great CCing such as regaining stealth while dotted and sapping a healer.... and whatever happened to bandaging between warrior swings? or leaving an oom healer alive on D? If Salt or Cirran were inc, you wouldn't even be able to hit them because if you weren't CCd, you wouldn't be able to land an attack on their backs.... This was oldschool Vengeance and I know for sure no one today could ever top either of them...
Let the Ego trolling begin
Cheers, Mocha