The Fury nerf was the last straw

I'm still also just convinced outside of any actual logic that enhance dies faster or takes more damage, or whatever.

anecdotally, to add to this, I don't run a trinket on my shaman because he will die so quickly to any follow-up cc that it seems pointless. Also, I love my ring. Being able to go invis and submarine onto a target is sometimes just a lifesaver and I would never leave stormwind without it!

That being said, my build is very glass so I expected these deaths, they were choices that I made.

EDIT: This thread is extremely well-traveled feel like I have been on a tour of the bracket reading through this.
, idk. As far as survivability I can't comment on it because every game is just jam packed with hunters so I can't comment of what a potential normal game would be like,

At this point isn't every normal game just packed with hunters?
I think that people have been looking at Enhancement the wrong way. Like it just doesn't have the tools that some of the other melees have like hard CC. But, instead of trying to make Enhancement shaman do something that other classes are better at, mabey we should really focus on making enhancement shaman do something that is not designed to do!

EnHealment shaman online in 5 more hours.
I'd put the skirm tier list something like this:

Hunter tier - you really should feel no joy or accomplishment if you're winning games as / with a hunter. There is no counterplay option - it's really your game to lose. Some people might feel differently. But I'd kindly ask those players to consider taking the training wheels off and choosing a new class. You deserve zero respect and your accomplishments with one are akin to speed running a disability ramp, pushing over wheelchairs on your way up.

A tier - can have play into Hunter classes. Still requires a skill discrepancy to win, but the classes have potential answers to Hunters.

Fury, Arcane, Windwalker, Retribution, Shadow.

B tier - have good synergies with some A-tier classes, and can be a top tier comp as a result.

Unholy, Assassination, Frost(M), Balance, Demonology, Enhance.

C tier - have no play in 2's skirmishes. Includes healers, which incidentally are probably just the way to go if you want to farm hunters. Play them in 3's and 95% of them hemorrhage rating.
Sudden Death D Tier, confirmed :KappaW:
Sudden Death D Tier, confirmed :KappaW:

Lol I forgot to put Arms in B-tier :( I'll edit that in now.

Arms is good. Sudden Death is good. Even better when your 50% ms is actually reducing healing. And you have all that glorious time from 3's to fish for your one shot.

In 2's, I find Fury to be substantially better. You get to buzzsaw people down while being very hard to kill. That's better than white hitting people until the slot machines roll KO / KO / KO.
So far enhance is my most played vet in shadow lands. I just got my monk to my vet account yesterday, and have about 10 games on him so far. The damage is fucking wild, but ww just seems so clunky. I'm definitely way more used to enhance I guess, idk. As far as survivability I can't comment on it because every game is just jam packed with hunters so I can't comment of what a potential normal game would be like, lol. I think ww not having a slow is weird, but I'm getting used to it.

For comparison, here's my monk and shaman.
That monk is sexy AF catty!

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Damn gonna miss having you with us Derp. You're super fun to play with and if I continue to play 20s, you're always welcome take care my friend.

I'll bnet harass you as always
the root of the hunter problem is the simple fact that most players have no balls

if you actively play a hunter, you're a cancer

if you enjoy being this way, you're a coward and this is the only escape you have from the real world reminding you how much of a pussy you really are

if you know someone who actively plays a hunter and you haven't yet told them to stop playing it and reroll, you're a moron

before you nerds quote me with some dumb shit and for the actual monkeys, notice how i used the word "actively" , meaning you queue hunter in 20s everyday

now imagine if this way of thinking was more common, we could actually have more good bgs instead of the pointless one sided ape circus

also, obviously this is aimed at the tryhard sweats, not the little innocent timmy's who just started playing the game or just really enjoy hunter but aren't good enough to really impact the outcome of a bg regularly (every bg), to those players please forgive me, but if you ever get good at the game and you continue to play hunter and if it's still busted at low level, which it probably will be, then you too can call yourself a soft pussy baby back bitch

The thing is that , Hunters have an Immunity shield ( Kinda like divine shield but 3 min cd ) , Speed , Mobility , Instant heal that costs nothing at all , almost all the time has an anti heal pet , 50 Yards range ( If precision ) , 2 Pets ( Is beast master ) , uses mail armor , pet passives ( 10% Leech , 30% Dmg reduction, tenacity pet skill ). Flare , Hunter Mark , long range cc .

They just have the best skills for their class , imagine if Dk´s got Army of the dead , Rogue got Evasion and Vanish , my point is that they´re just unbalancead as hell.

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