The Fury nerf was the last straw


I don't PvP nearly as much as I did at the start of the expansion. The reason mostly being the bloody dreadful unbalancing of hunters in every BG sucking the fun out of games. Whenever I needed to step away from the toxic PvP mess, I would get on my fury warrior and either queue up for or solo dungeons to cool off. But now that isn't even fun anymore since talasite is gone and crusader was nerfed into the ground.

I had a similar situation sometime during Warlords of Draenor when shadow priests, feral druids, and brewmaster monks were one-shotting everything, but at the time I wasn't really playing other games. I had nowhere else to turn so I kept playing. These days, I have many other games I play with my WoW alternative being Final Fantasy 14. I feel like if I step away from the game now, it could actually be the end of my World of Warcraft experience permanently. It's so cussing abstract to think of a world where the game I've been playing for 10 years just isn't there anymore. I'm kinda getting emotional just typing this out right now.

Anyway, I'm not going to delete my 20's; Ðerpy, Ðerp, Ðerped, Ðerping, Ðerps, Ðerpyderp and Ðerpeh like I did with my first 20's; Møm, Móm, Mòm, Môm, Mõm and Möm, (amazing names, yes I know.) I might get on every now and then to mess around but I don't have the retention to play a game when there are 8 survival hunters on the other team just killing me before I can leave the graveyard.

The last time I played endgame was in Mists of Pandaria and I've been in the 20-24-29 bracket ever since. There is no way I'm playing endgame in Shadowlands because... well.. you all know. I loved twinking but I just don't find happiness here anymore.

Thanks for the fun years.
Regardless of class/spec balance, imo the worst thing about this game has become the gravitation and honestly requirement to create or join fotm premades for not only BG wins, but to have a reasonably enjoyable random BG experience.

gone are the days of casually solo queuing and having a fun game, especially on a non meta spec, you will almost surely either be replacing levelers on your team that have afkd out already, or get “lucky” and join a fotm+healer deathsquad from your own faction who will either finish the game in quickly or delay for kills.

it’s not even a time of day issue anymore, with premades on both factions running almost nonstop, compounding this is folks who just swap factions when a better premade team is available.

I was semi hopeful that since crate gear in SL wasn’t as good as it was in BFA it might lessen the need for dedicated premades. But no.

tldr the class balance is only a fraction of the issue
Looks like you enjoy just making twinks as well however given the multitude. I kind of spend half my time these days running people though dungeons and whatnot, I just like seeing plans come together.

I'm sure some of the F2Ps will attest... getting shot in the ass in a BG is about 1% of what you can actually do.

I think you just need to not que when its alliance or horde kiddy hour... easy to map out.
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Well you either try to join a premade or you're straight up having a bad time, as fury especially after it lost durability.
The only little bit of fun as solo queue i got was trying to nuke someone important from the other team with aimed+tusk and that got old pretty quickly.

Bankone is 100% right about solo queue.
damn bro I'll miss you, it was interesting to see you in the bgs, funny times, even though we haven't played together I wish you the best ! GGs
the root of the hunter problem is the simple fact that most players have no balls

if you actively play a hunter, you're a cancer

if you enjoy being this way, you're a coward and this is the only escape you have from the real world reminding you how much of a pussy you really are

if you know someone who actively plays a hunter and you haven't yet told them to stop playing it and reroll, you're a moron

before you nerds quote me with some dumb shit and for the actual monkeys, notice how i used the word "actively" , meaning you queue hunter in 20s everyday

now imagine if this way of thinking was more common, we could actually have more good bgs instead of the pointless one sided ape circus

also, obviously this is aimed at the tryhard sweats, not the little innocent timmy's who just started playing the game or just really enjoy hunter but aren't good enough to really impact the outcome of a bg regularly (every bg), to those players please forgive me, but if you ever get good at the game and you continue to play hunter and if it's still busted at low level, which it probably will be, then you too can call yourself a soft pussy baby back bitch
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MJ and I are aligned here.

Hunter, fotm abusers and premade lords are ruining this bracket for the few months of “fun” they get while being a tourist in my bracket.

get off my lawn scrubs.
But now that isn't even fun anymore since talasite is gone and crusader was nerfed into the ground.

While I agree it's not fun, you're acting like these "nerfs" were intentional and not fixing BROKEN mechanics...

Just FYI that's not a nerf, you weren't SUPPOSED to have any of those things the way they were to begin with. o_O

edit- i mean.... complain when they break the game, complain when they fix it. How's that work?
@OP you should try party syncing in the 51-59 bracket for fast and fun queues. Hunters are still OP but there's almost zero twinks. Very few premades too since solo shuffle is the new best honor per hour for 60s.

No one plays survival at 51-59 either, too many buttons for the standard hunter player.
I don't PvP nearly as much as I did at the start of the expansion. The reason mostly being the bloody dreadful unbalancing of hunters in every BG sucking the fun out of games. Whenever I needed to step away from the toxic PvP mess, I would get on my fury warrior and either queue up for or solo dungeons to cool off. But now that isn't even fun anymore since talasite is gone and crusader was nerfed into the ground.

I had a similar situation sometime during Warlords of Draenor when shadow priests, feral druids, and brewmaster monks were one-shotting everything, but at the time I wasn't really playing other games. I had nowhere else to turn so I kept playing. These days, I have many other games I play with my WoW alternative being Final Fantasy 14. I feel like if I step away from the game now, it could actually be the end of my World of Warcraft experience permanently. It's so cussing abstract to think of a world where the game I've been playing for 10 years just isn't there anymore. I'm kinda getting emotional just typing this out right now.

Anyway, I'm not going to delete my 20's; Ðerpy, Ðerp, Ðerped, Ðerping, Ðerps, Ðerpyderp and Ðerpeh like I did with my first 20's; Møm, Móm, Mòm, Môm, Mõm and Möm, (amazing names, yes I know.) I might get on every now and then to mess around but I don't have the retention to play a game when there are 8 survival hunters on the other team just killing me before I can leave the graveyard.

The last time I played endgame was in Mists of Pandaria and I've been in the 20-24-29 bracket ever since. There is no way I'm playing endgame in Shadowlands because... well.. you all know. I loved twinking but I just don't find happiness here anymore.

Thanks for the fun years.

Breaks from games (especially games you invest a lot of time and effort into over long periods of time) are healthy and often times needed. It sounds like you're just burnt out from wow in its current state and that's totally understandable.

There are so many other amazing games out there to enjoy and explore. The cool thing is though, no one is forcing you to keep playing a game you aren't enjoying or finding fun. Pouring more time and effort into an experience you aren't enjoying will only lead to more frustration and a lack of enjoyment.

Don't think of it as a goodbye, just think of it as a vacation to explore other worlds and remind yourself why you fell in love with these types of games in the first place. Personally I swap around between wow and guild wars 2 quite often, and each break really keeps things fresh and fun.
I guess blizz didn't get the memo because they recently implemented a soloQ arena feature for 60s...
So you're comparing a mode designed specifically for solo q in 60s arena to random bgs at lvl 20? Seems like a completely different concept that doesn't have anything to do with the point of this thread to me.

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