THE Definitive Guide on Shadowlands 19's!


Hello everyone! Digitalchemyst here with another guide! This guide will inform you of everything you need to know to play a level 19 character in Shadowlands (SL). Since the PTR is still up as of writing this, some information may change and will be updated as such. Let's jump into it!

Class & Specialization Abilities For 19's
Gear Guide
Enchant Guide
Tier List

Of note, selecting the Cataclysm Chromie Timeline will allow you to queue for Vanilla dungeons, but not Cataclysm dungeons.

  • Blackfathom Deeps
  • Deadmines
  • Dire Maul
  • Gnomeregan
  • Maraudon
  • Ragefire Chasm
  • Razorfen Downs
  • Razorfen Kraul
  • Scarlet Halls
  • Scarlet Monastery
  • Scholomance
  • Shadowfang Keep
  • Stratholme
  • The Stockade
  • Uldaman
  • Wailing Caverns
  • Zul'Farrak
The Burning Crusade
  • Auchenai Crypts
  • Hellfire Ramparts
  • Mana-Tombs
  • Old Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Sethekk Halls
  • The Blood Furnace
  • The Slave Pens
  • The Underbog
Wrath of the Lich King
  • Ahn'Kahet: The Old Kingdom
  • Azjol-Nerub
  • Drak'Tharon Keep
  • The Nexus
  • The Violet Hold
  • Utgarde Keep
Mists of Pandaria
  • Stormstout Brewery
  • Temple of the Jade Serpent
Warlords of Draenor
  • Bloodmaul Slag Mines
  • Iron Docks
  • Shadowmoon Burial Grounds
  • Assault on Violet Hold
  • Black Rook Hold
  • Darkheart Thicket
  • Eye of Azshara
  • Halls of Valor
  • Maw of Souls
  • Neltharion's Lair
  • Vault of the Wardens
Battle for Azeroth
  • Atal'Dazar
  • Freehold
Death Knight
  • Anti-Magic Shell
  • Chains of Ice
  • Dark Command
  • Death and Decay
  • Death Coil
  • Death Grip
  • Death Strike
  • Mind Freeze
  • Raise Dead
  • Rune Forging
  • Rune Strike
  • Blood Boil
  • Heart Strike
  • Marrowrend
  • Rune Tap
  • Frost Strike
  • Howling Blast
  • Obliterate
  • Remorseless Winter
  • Apocalypse
  • Festering Strike
  • Outbreak
  • Scourge Strike
Demon Hunter
  • Chaos Strike
  • Consume Magic
  • Demon's Bite
  • Fel Rush
  • Immolation Aura (Rank 2)
  • Throw Glaive (Rank 2)
  • Torment
  • Blade Dance
  • Chaos Nova
  • Chaos Strike (Rank 2)
  • Eye Beam
  • Vengeful Retreat
  • Demon Spikes
  • Fel Devastation
  • Fiery Brand
  • Infernal Strike
  • Shear
  • Sigil of Flame
  • Soul Cleave (Rank 2)
  • Throw Glaive
  • Aquatic Form
  • Bear Form
  • Cat Form
  • Dash
  • Entangling Roots
  • Ferocious Bite
  • Growl
  • Ironfur
  • Mangle
  • Moonfire
  • Prowl
  • Regrowth
  • Revive
  • Shred
  • Wrath
  • Remove Corruption
  • Starfire
  • Starsurge
  • Rake
  • Remove Corruption
  • Thrash
  • Tiger's Fury
  • Bear Form (Rank 2)
  • Maul
  • Remove Corruption
  • Thrash
  • Ironbark
  • Nature's Cure
  • Rejuvenation
  • Swiftmend
  • Arcane Shot
  • Aspect of the Cheetah
  • Aspect of the Turtle
  • Disengage
  • Exhilaration
  • Feign Death
  • Flare
  • Freezing Trap
  • Steady Shot
Beast Mastery
  • Barbed Shot
  • Cobra Shot
  • Concussive Shot
  • Counter Shot
  • Kill Command
  • Aimed Shot
  • Bursting Shot
  • Concussive Shot
  • Counter Shot
  • Harpoon
  • Kill Command
  • Muzzle
  • Raptor Strike
  • Serpent Sting
  • Wing Clip (Rank 2)
  • Arcane Explosion
  • Arcane Intellect
  • Blink
  • Conjure Refreshment
  • Counterspell
  • Fire Blast
  • Frostbolt
  • Frost Nova
  • Polymorph
  • Slow Fall
  • Teleport
  • Alter Time
  • Arcane Barrage
  • Arcane Blast
  • Arcane Explosion (Rank 2)
  • Arcane Missiles
  • Conjure Mana Gem
  • Slow
  • Fireball
  • Fire Blast (Rank 2)
  • Flamestrike
  • Phoenix Flames
  • Pyroblast
  • Scorch
  • Blizzard
  • Cone of Cold
  • Flurry
  • Ice Lance
  • Summon Water Elemental
  • Blackout Kick
  • Crackling Jade Lightning
  • Expel Harm
  • Leg Sweep
  • Provoke
  • Resuscitate
  • Roll (Rank 2)
  • Spinning Crane Kick
  • Tiger Palm
  • Touch of Death
  • Vivify
  • Zen Pilgrimage
  • Shuffle
  • Spear Hand Strike
  • Stagger
  • Enveloping Mist
  • Renewing Mist
  • Soothing Mist
  • Blackout Kick (Rank 2)
  • Fists of Fury
  • Spear Hand Strike
  • Consecration
  • Crusader Strike
  • Divine Shield
  • Divine Steed
  • Flash of Light
  • Hammer of Justice
  • Hand of Reckoning
  • Judgment
  • Lay on Hands
  • Redemption
  • Shield of the Righteous
  • Word of Glory
  • Beacon of Light
  • Cleanse
  • Holy Light
  • Holy Shock (Rank 2)
  • Avenger's Shield
  • Cleanse Toxins
  • Consecration (Rank 2)
  • Crusader Strike (Rank 2)
  • Hammer of the Righteous
  • Judgment (Rank 3)
  • Blade of Justice
  • Cleanse Toxins
  • Crusader Strike (Rank 2)
  • Hand of Hindrance
  • Judgment (Rank 3)
  • Templar's Verdict
  • Desperate Prayer
  • Fade
  • Mind Blast
  • Power Word: Fortitude
  • Power Word: Shield
  • Psychic Scream
  • Ressurection
  • Shadow Word: Death
  • Shadow Word: Pain
  • Smite
  • Penance
  • Purify
  • Shadow Mend
  • Flash Heal
  • Heal
  • Holy Fire
  • Holy Word: Serenity
  • Purify
  • Renew
  • Smite (Rank 2)
  • Devouring Plague
  • Dispersion
  • Mind Blast (Rank 2)
  • Mind Flay
  • Purify Disease
  • Shadow Form
  • Shadow Mend
  • Vampiric Touch
  • Ambush
  • Cheap Shot
  • Crimson Vial
  • Eviscerate
  • Instant Poison
  • Kick
  • Kidney Shot
  • Pick Lock
  • Sap
  • Sinister Strike
  • Sprint
  • Stealth
  • Deadly Poison
  • Fan of Knives
  • Garrote
  • Mutilate
  • Rupture
  • Shadowstep
  • Sinister Strike
  • Blade Flurry
  • Between the Eyes
  • Grappling Hook
  • Pistol Shot
  • Sinister Strike
  • Backstab
  • Rupture
  • Shadowstep
  • Shadowstrike
  • Shuriken Storm
  • Shuriken Toss
  • Ancestral Spirit
  • Earthbind Totem
  • Far Sight
  • Flame Shock
  • Flametongue Weapon
  • Frost Shock
  • Ghost Wolf
  • Healing Surge
  • Lightning Bolt
  • Lightning Shield
  • Primal Strike
  • Reincarnation
  • Wind Shear
  • Cleanse Spirit
  • Earth Shock
  • Lava Burst
  • Cleanse Spirit
  • Lava Lash
  • Windfury Weapon
  • Ancestral Vision
  • Lava Burst
  • Purify Spirit
  • Riptide
  • Corruption
  • Create Healthstone
  • Curse of Exhaustion
  • Curse of Weakness
  • Drain Life
  • Eye of Kilrogg
  • Fear
  • Health Funnel
  • Shadow Bolt
  • Summon Imp
  • Summon Succubus
  • Summon Voidwalker
  • Unending Breath
  • Unending Resolve
  • Agony
  • Corruption (Rank 2)
  • Malefic Rapture
  • Unstable Affliction
  • Call Dreadstalkers
  • Demonbolt
  • Hand of Gul'dan
  • Summon Felguard
  • Conflagrate
  • Chaos Bolt
  • Immolate
  • Incinerate
  • Charge
  • Execute (Rank 3)
  • Hamstring
  • Ignore Pain
  • Pummel
  • Shield Block
  • Shield Slam
  • Slam
  • Taunt
  • Victory Rush (Rank 2)
  • Whirlwind
  • Colossus Smash
  • Mortal Strike
  • Overpower
  • Bloodthirst
  • Rampage
  • Raging Blow
  • Single-Minded Fury OR Titan's Grip
  • Devastate
  • Revenge
  • Shield Slam (Rank 2)
  • Thunder Clap

(LINK, Work in Progress)
The Gear Guide was largely taken from work done by @villiansv, but I am adapting it for 19's. Of note for gearing, mastery now works at lvl 10, and for some classes, it will be a strong stat, if not the best stat. Please consult the spreadsheet for more detailed gear builds, this is just an EXAMPLE to help people get started:

Helm: 3 gem slots from TBC dungeons
Neck: ilvl 28 BOE world drop with 1 gem slot
Shoulders: 2 gem slots from TBC dungeons
Chest: 3 gem slots from TBC dungeons
Cloak: ilvl 28 BOE world drop with 1 gem slot
Bracers: ilvl 28 BOE world drop with 1 gem slot
Gloves: 2 gem slots from TBC dungeons
Belt: 2 gem slots from TBC dungeons
Legs: 3 gem slots from TBC dungeons
Feet: If available, 3 gem slots from TBC/WOTLK dungeons. Otherwise ilvl 28 BOE world drop with 1 gem slot
Ring 1: ilvl 28 BOE world drop with 1 gem slot
Ring 2: ilvl 28 BOE world drop with 1 gem slot
Trinket 1: Heirloom Trinket that removes CC
Trinket 2: Ghost Iron Dragonling crafted to ilvl 19
Weapon: Artifact weapon with 2 +7 ilvl relics

I suggest filling your gem slots with either Steady Talasite or Shifting Dreadstone/Timeless Dreadstone/Sovereign Dreadstone if you don't know exactly how you want to gem because the extra stamina will give you added survivability (surviving is a DPS increase!).

Shoutout to @Swoops for continuing his great enchanting guide! This guide is updated for Shadowlands, and will help you in finding all the right enchants for your gear.

(Work in Progress)
I'm going to hold off on making the tier list for now due to issues with what gearing currently looks like. I will say that just about everything looks viable, minus tank specs. Once I can see what gear makes it to live after SL launch and doesn't get nerfed after a month or so, I will make this.
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Lvl 19, 29, and 39 Shadowlands Pre-Patch Prep

  • Lvl to 40 and learn 100% mount speed! It will be GF’d!
  • Consolidate Marks of Honor to 1 or 2 characters. Prepare to buy honor gems from Stormwind PVP vendor. DO NOT BUY BEFORE PRE-PATCH!
  • Buy/Farm mats for TBC, WotLK, and possibly BfA to prepare to lvl Engineering, Jewelcrafting, and/or Alchemy on your main character(s).
  • Go to Shattrath and buy all the gear you can use from G'eras. There will be a portal available in the portal room for 19s.
  • Learn TBC, WotLK and BfA professions (might be hotfixed).
  • Unlock your artifact weapon quest (do not put in relic gems yet!)
  • Enchant your artifact weapon (needs to be applied while the ilvl is low).
  • If Legion Dungeon gear is still ilvl 44, run those until you have a full set.
  • If not, run BC dungeons to get socket gear.
  • Socket BC gear with honor gems.
  • Socket relic weapon.
  • Train your new professions.
  • Currently, if you lvl to 40 and learn 100% mount speed, that will be GF'd and unavailable to learn for lvl 19's at pre-patch.
  • Legion and BfA dungeon gear drop higher-than-normal item lvl gear, (ilvl 44) making those likely BiS.
  • The 5 agi/5 crit & 5 int/5 crit honor gems that are purchased with Marks of Honor do not scale down like the other gems.
Link to official lvl squish info: LINK

Link to Pre-Patch date: LINK
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Guess lvling to 44, getting 100% mount speed and some scaled pieces for the luls might not be a bad choice.

Could lvl through pvp and get some boxes too for those that care enough.
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Guess lvling to 45, getting 100% mount speed and some scaled pieces for the luls might not be a bad choice.

Could lvl through pvp and get some boxes too for those that care enough.

I wouldn't lvl past 44, since that is the highest lvl that will squish down to 19. I personally am shooting for lvl 42 on my GF'd 39, since it appears that on pre-patch, your character will be 1 XP from lvling to the next lvl, which is a little too close for comfort for me.
I wouldn't lvl past 44, since that is the highest lvl that will squish down to 19. I personally am shooting for lvl 42 on my GF'd 39, since it appears that on pre-patch, your character will be 1 XP from lvling to the next lvl, which is a little too close for comfort for me.
Just shut off your xp at your desired level, or wait by the xp off person
I wouldn't lvl past 44, since that is the highest lvl that will squish down to 19. I personally am shooting for lvl 42 on my GF'd 39, since it appears that on pre-patch, your character will be 1 XP from lvling to the next lvl, which is a little too close for comfort for me.

Just leveled my 39 druid to 40 on retail, going for the 100% mount speed wouldn't hurt :) ill be holding off on deciding whether to go to 18-19 until after SL releases to see what changes tbh, kinda scared to go any higher than 40 right now on live especially if characters are grandfathered.

Also, i'd like to note that going from 39-40 would not present any negatives to your character in SL... even if you have full titanforged Felshroud gear, or timewarped AV armor etc, or even highly scaled old quest gear ilvl 45+
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kind of hurts leveling to 40...
kind of hurts leveling to 40...

Yep, Took me a while to make the decision. But nothing changes once your character hits 40 when the transfer to SL takes place. Whether your 39-40 it makes no difference at all, will still be at SL 17 twinked with 100% mount speed and same exact items/ilvl.
has anyone been able to test out if leg/shoulder enchants are able? and or anything req in that range like sharpening stones ect...
has anyone been able to test out if leg/shoulder enchants are able? and or anything req in that range like sharpening stones ect...

ALL leg/shoulder/scopes have a required lvl now for the enchant to work. Most enchanting enchants still work, though a few are a bit buggy.
Currently leveling all 29s/39s to 40 does hurt but they wont go back on the level squish! will be keeping 19s as they are until we see what the new vet cap will be. That way with a sub can play the Shadowlands 19s, and then without a sub play whatever the new cap is.
Currently leveling all 29s/39s to 40 does hurt but they wont go back on the level squish! will be keeping 19s as they are until we see what the new vet cap will be. That way with a sub can play the Shadowlands 19s, and then without a sub play whatever the new cap is.

I agree. 19s XP-OFF are a safe bet moving forward. You can gear with confidence that it will be 1) a playable bracket, and 2) not subject to the chicanery Blizzard likes to do. Since we don't know what the F2P bracket is going to be, that could be a dangerous game of lvling to 20, then in a few weeks/months Blizzard says oh, that wasn't supposed to be the F2P cap, it should be 10 instead...
if blizz continues with the x0-x9 BG bracketing, i would like to think 19's are a safe bet. but 19s could not keep it going in retail BFA, many went to classic wow, and maybe next year TBC. players will be split between 3 separate video games
if blizz continues with the x0-x9 BG bracketing, i would like to think 19's are a safe bet. but 19s could not keep it going in retail BFA, many went to classic wow, and maybe next year TBC. players will be split between 3 separate video games

Perhaps, but I have A LOT of players who moved to classic expressing interest in SL 19's.
Just testing Zuldazar rares at the moment with my 19 on the PTR... Haven't seen the proc yet but here's a cloak.
[doublepost=1601126530,1601126213][/doublepost]Also I don't know if its been mentioned in this thread but I have been buying up 43/44 epics on live that are ilvl 56... These seem to become ilvl 28/29 on the PTR. An interesting one I've seen so far is the Green Shield (here it is compared to the Shattrath vendor):


[doublepost=1601127088][/doublepost]Scrap that, green cloaks look superior! Btw do we have a 19 item find thread? It appears that newly dropped 19 greens are ilvl 28. Level 44 greens are ilvl 25.

[doublepost=1601132408][/doublepost]Edit: Also worth noting that if you enter Bfa dungeons higher levels can trade you ilevel 72 items... and you can equip them!


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