The Choice 3.1 39 Rogues have to make...

elocon said:
lol ofc its posible

/castsequence gouge, smeld, stealth, sprint

Also Paladin v Rogue is just forever garrote+rupture while not breaking sap then kite and re'do it and cc bandage if needed later on in the game

You play it that passively? How boring.. :p
You cannot stealth until combat cd timer has ended. My point was, because i thought stealth was instantly possible, during combat, after shadowmeld, that i could make that macro and effectively have another vanish.
It is true lol, you can shadowmeld ofc, but you cannot make a transition to stealth AFTER gouge until the 5 second counter.
elesian said:
It is true lol, you can shadowmeld ofc, but you cannot make a transition to stealth AFTER gouge until the 5 second counter.

ive been under the impression that shadowmeld dropped you from combat =X
Yes, and this is what i thought as well. The point was that, if i put in a quick gouge that would stop any aoe effects breaking my stealth.
Thanks for clearing that up, hearing everything from 5-6 secs. Kind of a shame improved gouge isn't 6 secs, or the ccd is 5.5. Do you know if it always has been six seconds?
You can gouge, shadowmeld, stealth, re-open before gouge runs out. If you want I can go fraps me doing it now :/

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