The Choice 3.1 39 Rogues have to make...

I just saw your post while browsing forums, and you click... seriously? :/

In normal BGs you seem to have to get some distance or something from your target, not far but for some reasons that works for me sometimes. And yeah gouge meld stealth is very nice :p

I understand rupture kiting normally, if you stay in the 5-8 zone so they can neither hit you or intercept - and if I do fuck up I can vanish the intercept but kiting a pally still confuses me :D
Being a warlock at 39 I would highly suggest not going glass cannon with a rogue after 3.1

But that's just based on me being a warlock at 39. :D
NO. The point is I DON'T click. Hence i wanted a macro, which turns out, is not possible to implement.
You said earlier you said you hate clicking, therefore you click. (^^_)

Think you just meant you hate doing it manually no? :p
I hate clicking, therefore - i want to avoid it at all times :p. Hence i wanted a macro where i could press 1 button, gouge, smeld, stealth, sprint. But this is not possible in PvP.
alright youve just gone and contradicted yourself again

do you have all your abilties keybound, yes or no?

do you use your keys on your keyboard to use your abilties, yes or no :p?
Benchlol said:
I understand rupture kiting normally, if you stay in the 5-8 zone so they can neither hit you or intercept - and if I do fuck up I can vanish the intercept but kiting a pally still confuses me :D

I don't exactly kite the paladin I guess, I just try to avoid toe to toeing him. Here's what I wrote in my guide:

You can't toe to toe a good Ret Paladin. It's brutal power vs finesse. It's not exactly a hard fight, focus on dps'ing him when he's stunned. You can tank him a bit while he's dismantled but you should try and reset the fight when your stuns run out. Use crippling and wound poison.

  1. Sap him. Cheapshot without breaking sap and restealth.
  2. Wait for the sap dr. Sap again and Garrote>Rupture him without breaking it. Sprint out of line of sight. If you can't run out of line of sight then Vanish and gain some distance.
  3. Restealth. Open with cheapshot asap so he can't heal himself up. If he uses freedom then kidneyshot him. Dismantle before cheapshot runs out.
  4. Incase you get hammered, trinket it instantly and pop evasion.
  5. When he uses Divine Shield: Try to run away and vanish after his seal hits you incase he keeps chasing you. If you vanish instantly his seal/aoe/taunt will probably unstealth you.
  6. Repeat the steps above until the paladin dies.
1. I bind as many functions as possible. So i don't have to click.

2. I wanted a macro so i wouldn't have to click smeld + stealth.

3. I am not a clicker.

4. I don't click icons that i have binded.

5. I click icons i don't have binded.

6. Am i free to go :p.
No one more thing :p

"2. I wanted a macro so i wouldn't have to click smeld + stealth."

If you don't have those two binded then please please please bind em up^^
Yea i kind of like that sequence ishh, it's a 'little' risky, depending on when he decides to blow his ioa/ioh trinket. I'd probably be tempted to do a double CS + 5 point EA. Then start from there. When he's being burst down that fast, he's gonna pubble.

At this stage, still got all your cooldowns and he's as 150-300 armour. If he pubbles and nukes, at least, at this stage you have sprint. Soon as pubbles off you're probably going to have 10 secs or so left of 5 point EA, disarm immediately. Pop ioa on stun. Shouldn't be necessary to blow vanish/blind/evasion.
/sigh yes, it does. Oh well, i'd rather take the initial burst dps over the rupture against the pally. 1350 armour is like a 28% dps boost. Then start the first stunlock. Coupled with a 700 garrote, you will smash 3k hp in 5-10 secs depending on crits. He will almost certainly bubble at this stage, and hopefully, even pop trinket.

Second phase of heroic instance boss : Do something like garrote + disarm + 2 hemo + 5 point KS + gouge + ghostly strike. Ioa out of stun. At this stage he's gonna be down below 1000hp, so at this stage you can blow evasion if you want (but there should be no need) and finish it off, or just eat a few white crits.

Blind/Vanish are there for the tough cookies who do something clever/dumb and have 2k lifebloom.

I do have stealth and smeld binded, i just wanted a binding for that macro! Please let me go!
After some careful consideration, i've come up with a pretty solid build for after 3.1. I've managed to get it down to only a 380HP, 30AP and 2.5% crit loss.This is with preparation and hit cap + AB trinket. Final stats will come out at 2600HP, 480AP + hit cap, 250 Agility, and 20% crit. With careful balancing of gear and stats i think most other classes can achieve something similar.
nicely balanced stats there, ill make sure to take a look when the patch goes live.

i really should get hit capped.
Presuming most people try and keep similar dps, we will see large drops in stamina. However, what people forget is that everyone is losing between 15-40% hp, that's a huge amount of proportional extra dps. We are going to see lots of sub 2k 550ap rogues going down in 1 set of warlock dots. When you factor in the amount of hp rogues are losing as a total, and are overall survivability, it actually affects our 'survivability' really hard. We do gain a nice dps boost though, due to the lower health totals of all classes.

I really think around 2500hp and 500AP, with a good amount of crit, is the sweet spot after the nerf. Some things are not worth sacrificing for a bit more hp, hit remains the most potent stat up to the 5% cap. Equally, 20% is the minimum for a rogue, i feel. I play in a pretty balanced pug, so even after the nerf i'm still going to be on the 3k mark.
They must be packing around 400SP with buffs? When im running pre-made, first thing we do is nuke the twink warlock. That's the priority above anything else, she only has 2khp, but 350sp, we can nuke that before a caster can even respond. I'm running 3.2khp at moment, 35hit rating, 503ap and 21% crit, also 4% dot resilience, can't say i've had one set of dots take my whole bar, but if it does, always got my 900hp lifeblood and ab trinket to fall back on :p
elesian said:
I hate clicking, therefore - i want to avoid it at all times :p. Hence i wanted a macro where i could press 1 button, gouge, smeld, stealth, sprint. But this is not possible in PvP.

lol ofc its posible

/castsequence gouge, smeld, stealth, sprint

Also Paladin v Rogue is just forever garrote+rupture while not breaking sap then kite and re'do it and cc bandage if needed later on in the game

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