The Choice 3.1 39 Rogues have to make...

There are some interesting schools of thought over an It looks like, everyone is going to be chasing the DPS dream after 3.1 comes out. Seriously, there have been some strong arguments as to why the 'glass-cannon' model will work. As a rogue, i'm not so sure.

I've played a lot of different rogue builds, and, pre-3.1, stamina wins. It's all well and good having 600ap and 25% crit, but when a ret smashes you for 2k of your 2200hp health bar, all your damage means nothing.

At the moment it's possible to stand toe-to-toe with a 3.2k ret-paladin, and in most scenario's beat him, with a 3khp/24% crit/515ap rogue. If everyone IS going burst, surely it makes sense to increase the hp? I'm even debating to going back to combat, with 3khp being possible after the nerf - freeing up the hit cap and chucking on a tonne of stamina. Sure, 440ap won't be pretty, but with 20%+ crit + ghostly strike, rogues can still do some effective burst. IF people do go for burst and drop the HP, i've just gained an effective 25% dps increase anyhow.

I think the big concern is, if blizzard do nerf the tbc enchants for 39. I lose 25 hit rating off the bat, i can't replace catseye goggles either, so, i'm forced to spec combat/hemo mix, in order to make up the lost hit with precision.

My other idea, was to consider an improved gouge, sinister strike build, with a tonne of avoidance, something like 35% dodge, +11% parry, and ofc, that lovely haste increase from lightning reflexes. This would allow something like a 20% crit, 440ap, 3000HP build, but ofc, sacrificing a lot of utility, but gaining some haste boost and a nice amount of avoidance

My plan, providing blizzard don't do this, is to chuck in a mixture of revolosh gear into my build, add 190hp on the gloves, lose 12ap and 1.67% crit, something around 500ap/2550ap/30% avoidance/22.5% crit.

Any thoughts on builds? And what will be preferable, against our biggest enemy - ret paladin?
Armory link to your rogue?

Anyway the spec that I run with:-

I feel that the 3/3 gouge just adds more things to play with, its good to extend stun lock or create an opening to re-stealth by LOS or 0.5s after gouge has finished you will drop combat so. Also nice to use in combination with shadowmeld->stealth. And a 5.5s stun if always useful.

There is also one other point to add with your talents to whatever you feel gives the biggest advantage, and the rest of the talents allow you to go toe to toe evenly with anyone really with decent gear.
[char=eu-Hakkar]S%C3%A9ph%C3%AEroth[/char]. Don't point out lack of prep :p "please". Really not keen on that build, 60% chance of a 25 energy return on a 5 point finisher is something i can live without - i'd rather take the 20%, guaranteed, extra dps on the garrote. The improved gouge is great, but ultimately, if you are efficient, 5.5 seconds is long enough, particularily with a hemo build (essential for SS builds however).

5/5 Malice is the truth and the light. My damage burst increase from 17% crit is just unbelievable, i would never go back to pure AP build. I'm a nelf, i effectively have another vanish, if i need to blow 3 vanishes, something is very wrong. Having said that, with the arena competition heating up on my server, i might take prep, and drop 1% crit, but, how it would pain me!
Sorry to burst your bubble Elesian, but Shadowmeld isnt gunna take you outa combat nect patch, so no more extra vanish im afraid
Fluphy said:
Sorry to burst your bubble Elesian, but Shadowmeld isnt gunna take you outa combat nect patch, so no more extra vanish im afraid

Do you have proof of this? It is not in the current patch notes.
Shadoweld is already nerfed, it dont take you out of combat instant.

I clearly gonna go for more health if they nerf all leg kits and stuff.
My build was just a tester to see what i liked more and I ended up just leaving it, but partially because i was too lazy to go respec.
These are my stats on the PTR:

467 AP

17.34% Crit

32 Hit Rating

25% Dodge

2351 HP

Revelosh gear is an awesome stamina booster, and my stats are still pretty good. I do arena 90% of the time so I'm sticking to this gear and hemo/prep. Unless enchants get changed, hemo/prep is still king and everyone will use revelosh gear.

As far as 1v1'ing a ret paladin goes, I never go toe to toe :/ The PoD paladins on my BG can pretty much drop half my HP in a stun.
Im going to miss all my enchants and the 450 skinning that i spent hours and many deaths getting. Those birds in i think dragonblight were hell.
The POD pallies might be able to drop you to 1/2 hp in one stun, but you can still win. I've dueled the two best POD pallies on my BG (POD, BOA, 450 Herb, 450 Skinning, 450 First Aid, Tidal Charm and they're allowed Lay on Hands) and for the majority of times I can still beat them, only if I make a mistake in opening or using CDs that I will loose.
Have the tbc enchants been taken from us? What is the maximal level enchant we will have access to after 3.1? What are you allowed on the PTR?
Benchlol said:
The POD pallies might be able to drop you to 1/2 hp in one stun, but you can still win. I've dueled the two best POD pallies on my BG (POD, BOA, 450 Herb, 450 Skinning, 450 First Aid, Tidal Charm and they're allowed Lay on Hands) and for the majority of times I can still beat them, only if I make a mistake in opening or using CDs that I will loose.

I pointed out that toe to toe rarely works, that's all. I win all my duels against ret paladins, but I never go toe to toe. Rupture kiting works best :)

Stalker? Thanks. No, what i wanted, and because i hate clicking, is some macro that would allow me to gouge + smeld + stealth + sprint. The point being, a free vanish + they are incapaciated, therefore nothing to remove my stealth.

Later realised that, immediately smeld and stealth is only possible in certain situations. I noticed it was possible during arena, if the target switched to my opponent.

Didn't realise that most of the time, its 5 secs before you can enter stealth, so the macro, for all purposes is a) useless b) stupid. Do appologize. Does anyone know any tricks for its use in PvP as a rogue?

Edit - also stoneform racial + ioa, that really kind of puts an end to your 'rupture kiting'. I've never understood this method, even against warriors. There hardly ever seems to be a 'sweet spot' between melee attacks and charge range. Sure, i could time it just perfectly, rupture, and, whilst he has no rage, run a bazillion miles away and let him bleed. Then he could chuck in a frostweave in-between ticks and mitigate my rupture damage. Am i missing something?
What's the situation on TBC enchants for 39 on 3.1 PTR? Precise strikes/Surefooted/Fortitude/150hp chest/20AGI weps ?
elesian said:
What's the situation on TBC enchants for 39 on 3.1 PTR? Precise strikes/Surefooted/Fortitude/150hp chest/20AGI weps ?

Nothing has changed yet. Some of us think they'll put level requirement's on them in one of the future builds though.

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