The best class in cata


I am looking forward to reroll a lvl 19 twink. But idont know which class would be the best in cataclysm.

What do u think?
shammys are looking awesome atm but seeing as theres still alot of changes going on i would wait for cata.

and you can never really say 1 class is the best off all it depends if you have the skill to use the class you play
Do u think, meele or caster will be better?^^

Because ive a warrior, and so many spells will be locked at lvl 19.
Rogue will be fine in Cata

Hunter DMG got nerfed since last Patch, so dunno if its worth to reroll Huntard

I´m Priest and can say, Holy is fine, the stun is very nice and the Heals and Mana Efficiency is still pretty good.

Mage dmg is not bad, Blink and Ele Pet is good and the dmg got buffed last patch (yesterday)
Classes that will be gimped:

- O warrior

- Prot/ret

- D resto shammy

Classes that i'm excited about, and will/would/have roll if i get round to it.

- Priests, especially holy

- Boomkin & feral

- O Shamans of all specs

- Mages.
warriors r going to be like the only class thats going to be incredibly fucking useless and possibly rogues, because their usefulness will depend completely on how good both teams are.
I intend on using my warrior as a tank FC. I think it could be fun, if not completely viable. I'm anticipating rogues being abit more hassle as a healer since a good rogue in live who knows how to time sprint and such is annoying enough. With sprint on a third of the cooldown, shadowstep and goblin/worgen racials i see rogues interrupts becoming more dangerous, especially for classes like the Hpala who doesnt have aura mastery etc at his level and is primarily a direct healer.
Kore nametooshort said:
rogues being abit more hassle as a healer since a good rogue in live who knows how to time sprint and such is annoying enough. With sprint on a third of the cooldown, shadowstep and goblin/worgen racials i see rogues interrupts becoming more dangerous, especially for classes like the Hpala who doesnt have aura mastery etc at his level and is primarily a direct healer.

it really wont be worse in cataclysm because of no more dispel. but a rogues usefulness will depend on which team is better at ccing.

and uhh, if you see a rogue on the other team in a premade you should be relieved because they are so fucking bad. stacking hunters/wars on offense is only way to go. it doesnt matter how amazing the rogue is because hes just going to get kited all day. do people not use defense hunters or double mage d in eu or something?
blueisbetterthanyou said:
stacking hunters/wars on offense is only way to go. it doesnt matter how amazing the rogue is because hes just going to get kited all day.

I was talking arena or duels when i said they were hassle, rather than wsg. I assume you're talking about live rather than cata in this post.
Kore nametooshort said:
I was talking arena or duels when i said they were hassle, rather than wsg. I assume you're talking about live rather than cata in this post.

i c, never cared about duels/arena seeing as both r pretty retarded
Rogues definitely need to be on this list of best classes in Cata.

681 hp, BoA rogue (non twink really), takes a 1.4k hp hunter (fully twinked) to 10% hp before the hunter can notice there's a rogue. A twink rogue gets an opener of 1k+ crit, 90% chance. It's the currently most OP class there is for most things. 2nd I'd go hunter, cus their damage is still ridicules, 3rd a mage. Enjoy :)
People do have to note that PTR is PTR tons of things are going to be changed, possibly including the damage of certain classes.
Eliot said:
People do have to note that PTR is PTR tons of things are going to be changed, possibly including the damage of certain classes.

True, however most classes roles and utility are pretty well established in the beta and ptr atm. Imo this decides more about how good a class is than raw damage output anyway, to a degree anyway.
I was talking mainly about the post above my original post.
Unless they downscale Ambush etc, change talents around to avoid 19s having +60% crit on ambush and so forth, this is going to hit live as it is. Overpowered. :)
I'd have to go with a Frost Mage since they'll have respectable damage, CC, spammable snare (even if it isn't instant cast) plus a DPS/CC cooldown in the form of the elemental pet that can either double their snaring ability or boost their burst potential by a significant margin. Bonus Points if said mage is Forsaken, Goblin, Human or Gnome.

Hunters seem to be receiving decent damage and burst potential, but to keep up their snares they have to sacrifice a significant portion of their Damage for a given time frame. Focus really raises their skill cap but I see BM being the Snare Class from hell while MM will be the Hunter you really want to keep from using their focus on Aimed Shots... the synergy an MM Hunter could have alongside a Frost Mage is very frightening. I'll need to see specifics on Explosive Shot before I can really judge the SV Build, but from what I can tell, it'll come with haste and extra agility.

I have a Survival Hunter and Frost mage on PTR atm.

First off, pet isn't going to be all that. Yes, it's an additional nova, and it's "out for eternity until killed". But the pet has 427 hp (1-hit for most classes) and hits something along the lines of 47 dmg every 2 sec. Also it breaks sheep (at least on PTR). What is amazing is trolling troll + lifeblood haste and killing someone is a nova as frost(but I guess arcane would be just as effective).

Hunters ... auch, how to I begin. The nerf we'd all hoped for isn't quite a nerf. And yet it is a nerf. You: WHAT?! YOU'RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE!

Well, let me explain.

My hunter isn't even proper geared, since it's still wearing a lot of int gear. Yet I'm hitting 200~ and critting (more often than not) 400~ with arcane shot. Arcane shot is 25 focus and you have 100 focus. This means, that within a few globals a hunter can kill most targets (if not healed etc) with pure arcane shot spam. Regardless of specc. You: Ye AND?! Nothing new!!!!. Well that's the thing. They're still OP as F* especially in large numbers due to the high range dmg. But. First off: Pet took a major nerf the other day, went from 1300 -> 700 hp. 2ndly, the most important thing is that hunters once they have used their focus for "burst potentional" are left having to cast with Steady shot, to gain focus and to do dmg. THIS is a very fragile state for a hunter to get in, making them nerfed in that specific time frame, but still more than OP in the rest, especially if teamed up with other DPS(such as a rogue). Explosive shot isn't worth it's focus compared to arcane shot. Arcane shot is burst and higher dmg at half focus cost, and half GCD.

God.. that turned in to a wall of text

You: YE and I DIDNT READ IT. But I'll still comment on it!

This is just my experience anyway. It's up for debate! :p

Best regards,

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