The 39 Private Server - BUG report!

*** A lot of these issues seem to stem from the fact that the server is running pre-3.1 content and is not up to date with 3.2 (such as ammo stacking and glyph slots). Please post these issues anyway! ***

So instead of spamming all the different threads with the bugs you have discovered, kindly post them here and I'll keep this list here as up to date as possible. Please check to see whether your bug has been posted before posting again! Categories are as follows:


Gear / Vendors (missing items or items you would like to see or bugged items)

  • [item]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/item] is missing.
  • [item]Devout Aurastone Hammer[/item] is missing.
  • [item]Dignified Headmaster's Charge[/item] is missing.
  • [item]Grand Staff of Jordan[/item] is missing.
  • [item]Reforged Truesilver Champion[/item] is missing.
  • [item]The Blessed Hammer of Grace[/item] is missing.
  • [item]Revelosh's Gloves[/item] of various varieties are missing.
  • [item]Revelosh's Spaulders[/item] of various varieties are missing.
  • [item]Revelosh's Armguards[/item] of various varieties are missing.
  • [item]Blighted Leggings[/item] are missing.
  • [item]Bonefingers[/item] are missing.
  • [item]Coldrage Dagger[/item] is missing.
  • [item]Arena Grand Master[/item] is not giving its stamina bonus.
  • [item]Arena Grand Master[/item] 's absorbtion shield occasionally lasts until logged out.
  • [item]Golden Scale Boots[/item] stats are the pre-3.1 stats (should be 6 stam, 6 strength, +6 armor penetration)
  • Enchants not working on custom gear (items that have "of the..." on them).
  • Some BoA items are providing the wrong stat increases.
  • Pre-BC enchants are missing (+4 stats, +100 health, resistance enchants, etc).
  • [item]Enchant Weapon - Icy Chill[/item] is missing.
  • Ammo (bullets/arrows) only stacking to 200 instead of 1000.

Racials (missing or ones not working correctly)

  • Blood Fury not displaying correct Attack Power/Spell Power increase.




  • Pets scaling (size) is very random.
  • Pets are having pathing issues getting to their targets.
  • Disengage has no effect when used.


  • Cone of Cold does nothing (no damage/slow effect).
  • Blastwave is dealing damage but not causing a knock back effect.
  • Mage can (somehow) use Crossbows. o_O


  • Turn Evil missing (need to do quest).
  • Blessing of Protection is usable on self while under the effects of Forbearance.
  • Judgements are dealing very low damage.


  • Improved Inner Fire not granting extra armour.
  • Casting Holy Fire seems to have a high chance of crashing the game client.


  • Disarm Trap has no effect.
  • Evasion has no effect against melee attacks.


  • Healing Stream Totem is missing (need to do quest).
  • Searing Totem is missing (need to do quest).
  • Frost Shock 's slow effect can't be trinketed or shifted out from.
  • Ghost Wolf is not working properly.
  • Flametongue Weapon is not giving increased spell damage.
  • Flametongue Totem is not giving increased spell damage.
  • Call of the Elements is not currently trainable.
  • Flurry is causing attack speed to get slower, not faster.


  • Voidwalker's Sacrifice is not giving an absorption shield.


  • Can macro a 2h weapon and shield on to character.


  • Attacking critters causes a disconnect.
  • Mounts are usable in the WSG tunnel.
  • No flag debuff when dropping the flag.
  • Only 1 major (instead of 2) glyph slot available (and 2 minor instead of 1).
  • There are no glyphs at the moment (they're working on it!)
  • Buffs disappear when using a portal.
  • Able to kill players in duels.


List updated again and made to look reaaal pretty! Last updated: 15:43pm 15/10/2009 (<-- English dating system biatches!)
- no shadowmeld

- reve of the eagle + enchants

- 5 min FF in pvp

- blighted leggings

- no working travel form

- mounts in wsg tunnel

- no recently dropped flag debuff

- BOA staves

- glyphs

- shapeshifting doesn't remove frost shock: or "The act of shapeshifting currently does not remove the caster from movement impairing or immobilizing effects." :D

- Buffs resetting after each teleport or hearthstone.

- I can shoot through walls. (Atleast the WSG ones)

- There also seems to be a bug that when you use AGM, the absorb effect lasts until you relog.
you can now get hunter pets but they are seriously bugged, my spider is the wrong sizes: keeps dissappearing through the floor etc. and it gets stuck in combat with things

warlocks can get their pets from the low lvl q's @ their trainer now

agm proves no + st bonus on equip like it should

BoA chests the dreadmist and the ones with same stas as herods shoulders (for hutners) provide the wrong stats.

edit - Hunter no longer have the passive 15% ranged haste and neither do the quivers properly apply their haste as was done before the passive 15% was given.
- vanilla wow enchants for BoA are missing

- warlock pets disappear when mounting/unmounting

- stealth doesn't work as intended (you detect rogues way too easy if you chase them)

- Searing Totem is missing

- warriors/rogues/several classes are absorbing any kind of damage

- you are able to attack before duel starts

- you are able to kill people by duel

you should sticky the priv. server threads
UPdate your list

Druids can get forms

Warriors can get stances

We added quests to get them (EX: Talk to your trainer to recieve .....)
- warrior with two-hander and shield. Macro'd

- make all FP's available

- + 15 SP on bracers

- teleport Moonglade not given (nor by the quest)
You can't use bandage while shapeshifted. ;/
hunter pets in general dont seem to be working, my crab seems to be unable to attack other players and charge / pin dont want to work
I know about many of these bugs, and am working my hardest to fix them. Quite a few can be solved by clearing your cache, however. I've seen mages with blink working correctly, and on a test rogue I made I learned vanish just fine.
Orcgasm said:
I know about many of these bugs, and am working my hardest to fix them. Quite a few can be solved by clearing your cache, however. I've seen mages with blink working correctly, and on a test rogue I made I learned vanish just fine.

I'm not posting them to belittle your efforts, I just thought it might be nice to have all the beta testers post their bugs in one thread in case you missed anything :) I'll remove the rogue and mage bugs though.

Xailter said:
I'm not posting them to belittle your efforts, I just thought it might be nice to have all the beta testers post their bugs in one thread in case you missed anything :) I'll remove the rogue and mage bugs though.


I know you aren't trying to belittle my efforts. Just saying that I am aware of these bugs and that I am doing my best to fix them ^^
- Charmed Ancient Bone Bow has more than named stats

- Warrior talents: Slam and Execute don't do any damage
-Vanish can't be trained even while 22 is min lvl. (atleast on me)

-BoA leathers dont work and stick on lvl 0.

Keep up the good work! <3
Great jobs so far Staff. Thanks!

Here's a few things I noticed that hasn't been mentioned yet

- Bonefingers is missing for some regen set.

- No Coldrage Dagger / Icy Chill enchant to use for vanity slowing if needed.

- As a paladin I could use BoP on myself while having forbearance up.

- No resistance enchants for cloak
I love quelfep, his suggestion led me to find the problem. I'll put it up later, and I think I know how to get arenas running =D

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