I'm intentionally naming a character Shamalamadingdong now for TCAs long as your guys's names aren't annoying as duck to cast with this time around
agreeim cringing so hard please just sign your team up like normal people wtf
I hate to rain on your parade, but that is 5 letters too long.I'm intentionally naming a character Shamalamadingdong now for TC
Retard managree
dan can you just fucking not...GSC: JusticeSign up sheet:
Artwork by Roboartist - Great guy!
Team Leader: Architech
Team Representatives: HB, Saxx & Blueprint.
Signal #1
Pay close attention, or you may miss it
Signal #2
Only few things travel at the speed of light; its MY mind, MY body & YOUR dead spirit.
Signal #3
In the mist of darkness this group wanders, on our path towards the light
Signal #4
You better get out of our way young blood, 'cuz we bring the fight!
Signal #5
Try not to take any offense to the battles we choose, just try to watch and learn,
Signal #6
As a good friends used to say; 'some men, just want to watch the world burn'.
Signal #7
Sorry if I'm being rude, it isn't my intention,
Signal #8
It's just that, lately there's been alot of tension?
Signal #9
In a community far far away... I hear voices of screaming,
Signal #10
That's why we've been called, because this place needs cleaning.
Signal #11
Some of you may be here for glory, others... Treasure?
Signal #12
This 'team' was merely created, because- desperate times, lead for desperate measures
Have we died heroes or become the villains?
Have we been lost on the road and become what we swore to fight?
Signal #13
Do you believe we lost track of what mattered and died? Are we now bloodless?
With all the roleplaying aside, I applaud, respect and admire, every SINGLE individual who has helped make this years cup possible.
Shoutout to all the teams signed up.
Shoutout to the management, but lets not also forget a kiss in the wind to @Myrm for helping us establish this idea to a greater gem.
But MOSTLY, shoutout to the WHOLE community for showing little or alot of love wether it be donating, attention or overall interest.
- Look forward to an awesome event!
suck urmomas eggsmoron man
But not everything is as it appears...This is such a shame. Zeiren shouldn't be a sub.
you're gonna lose no matter what names they use, so who caresCan @Conq tell this @Blueprint guy to use character names instead of first names. I'm not trying to get personal with everyone.
Team Name: LSDeeznuts
Team Leader: Jamesb (Byebyewifi#1531)
Team Member 1: Jamesb
Team Member 2: Yogi
Team Member 3: Tekno
Team Member 4: Phillem
Team Member 5: Takingashift
Team Member 6: Incredabull
Team Member 7: Arrow
Team Member 8:
Team Member 9:
Team Member 10:
Making final decisions on these last few tonight I would imagine.
Team Name: <WFS>
Team Leader: Mutando
Team Member 1:
Team Member 2:
Team Member 3:
Team Member 4:
Team Member 5:
Team Member 6:
Team Member 7:
Team Member 8:
Team Member 9:
Team Member 10:
Team Member 11:
Team Member 12:
you're gonna lose no matter what names they use, so who cares
I prefer to roam the jungleGo back to your cage you mangy chimp.