The 19s bracket may be about to get a huge influx of players...

Just a thought, and I'm reminded of debate some time ago about using an exploit that was later quashed with minor bans. Using free accounts in ways that don't affect paying customers doesn't seem to bother Blizzard (i.e. f2pchat addon). However, in this case paid 19's might resent free 19's and even unsubscribe to take like advantage. There are other reasons why I don't think this will happen (and you know that), but I just wanted to put this here.

why would we resent free 19s asuming they get all the gear and enchants like everyone else? if we want to pay for our sub to play level 100 or anything above it doesnt do anything to 19s.
having played alliance for the last few weeks i kinda forgot hod bad a spot horde is in when the regular players aren't playing, 4+ rogues ending in a gy farm. always fun...
If this ideia really goes forward from Blizzard, I'll definitely make a come-back and possibly revive a couple of fossils, just like in 2010 and 2013. Looking forward to this wonderful change.
I think I miss the point of going 19 instead of 29. Why is this so much better? If they stop at 29 and gets the same stuff 29s get why can't 29s be a new f2p bracket?

I'm not sure I will return to 19 since 2 key spells and a really important glyph are the things that makes mw fun to play. But I'll think about it if it really are exploding.
I think I miss the point of going 19 instead of 29. Why is this so much better? If they stop at 29 and gets the same stuff 29s get why can't 29s be a new f2p bracket?

I'm not sure I will return to 19 since 2 key spells and a really important glyph are the things that makes mw fun to play. But I'll think about it if it really are exploding.

Because the level 20 cap will still be in place.
Hi all, can't make a new thread because apparently my post count sucks.

If any of you were twinking in Vanilla/BC on rampage you might remember my guild, Hohos Laundry Service. I've recently reconnected with a bunch of my old guild mates and friends and we are looking at making a return to the community.

The posts here though make me a little hesitant, are queues impossible now? Do hunters ruin the bracket? How are the premades?

- Exude(Spinebreaker)/Cans(Thaurissan)
Hi all, can't make a new thread because apparently my post count sucks.

If any of you were twinking in Vanilla/BC on rampage you might remember my guild, Hohos Laundry Service. I've recently reconnected with a bunch of my old guild mates and friends and we are looking at making a return to the community.

The posts here though make me a little hesitant, are queues impossible now? Do hunters ruin the bracket? How are the premades?

- Exude(Spinebreaker)/Cans(Thaurissan)

no fuckin way! you guys are coming back? queues are kinda dependant on getting organized now that everyone is back to college. hunters are still good but not as good as they used to be. premades are top notch right now
Yeah we are pretty fuckin excited to be back. I've been looking for these cats for so long. Finally someone googled the guild name and found a reddit post, turns out we all stayed in contact with one or two people each, so it was just a matter of getting everyone together again.

We are playing on illidan right now, queues are going to be shit for us during the week since myself and Vantage are Aussie and the rest are Americans but on the weekend it should work.

This tournament sounds pretty awesome. Hopefully we can get 10 together.

Is anyone still playing from either rampage or bloodlust that still remembers us?
Yeah we are pretty fuckin excited to be back. I've been looking for these cats for so long. Finally someone googled the guild name and found a reddit post, turns out we all stayed in contact with one or two people each, so it was just a matter of getting everyone together again.

We are playing on illidan right now, queues are going to be shit for us during the week since myself and Vantage are Aussie and the rest are Americans but on the weekend it should work.

This tournament sounds pretty awesome. Hopefully we can get 10 together.

Is anyone still playing from either rampage or bloodlust that still remembers us?

i remember seeing you guys when i first started, always looked up to your players. if you guys start up id recomend you move to bleeding hollow as thats the most populated twink server. also if you quit before cata get a gm to lock your toons xp before you log into any old school twinks.

id be interested in joining you either on spinebreaker or bleeding hollow
What are the benefits of being on bleeding hollow if everything is xrealm now?

Spinebreaker is a fucking graveyard at the moment and illidan was pretty populated and a few had mains there so that's where we've landed for the time being. We're making new toons since a lot of us have different accounts now. It feels weird not really knowing what we are doing but that's part of the fun I guess
Hi all, can't make a new thread because apparently my post count sucks.

If any of you were twinking in Vanilla/BC on rampage you might remember my guild, Hohos Laundry Service. I've recently reconnected with a bunch of my old guild mates and friends and we are looking at making a return to the community.

The posts here though make me a little hesitant, are queues impossible now? Do hunters ruin the bracket? How are the premades?

- Exude(Spinebreaker)/Cans(Thaurissan)

Hey, Exude! It's Freezeframe/Buckette from Destromath. Should keep me in the loop!
Hey, Exude! It's Freezeframe/Buckette from Destromath. Should keep me in the loop!

Holy fucking shit that is awesome man! You should come join us on illidan. I'd give you my battle tag but I'm at work right now and I don't know it off the top of my head
What are the benefits of being on bleeding hollow if everything is xrealm now?

Spinebreaker is a fucking graveyard at the moment and illidan was pretty populated and a few had mains there so that's where we've landed for the time being. We're making new toons since a lot of us have different accounts now. It feels weird not really knowing what we are doing but that's part of the fun I guess

the ammount of twink items on the ah
the ammount of guilds on the realm make premades and semi serious pick up premades much much easier to start/get into
the twinks already on the server who can augment your roster
most have mains on the server to help with runs
its a real solid community no clue why BH is the place we all went but its just nice to have everyone on one server

also i have a gbank full of twink stuff on spinebreaker if anyone on there is planning to move to BH i can help you out with getting things before the inflated BH prices
I think I miss the point of going 19 instead of 29. Why is this so much better? If they stop at 29 and gets the same stuff 29s get why can't 29s be a new f2p bracket?

I'm not sure I will return to 19 since 2 key spells and a really important glyph are the things that makes mw fun to play. But I'll think about it if it really are exploding.
Why does it have the potential to be better? Because you don't have the whole f2p vs. p2w dichotomy. Everyone's on equal footing besides class imbalance, and whatnot. Besides, if this goes live, and f2ps go 19, 20-29 will cease to pop.
Why does it have the potential to be better? Because you don't have the whole f2p vs. p2w dichotomy. Everyone's on equal footing besides class imbalance, and whatnot. Besides, if this goes live, and f2ps go 19, 20-29 will cease to pop.

Or both brackets (in terms of queue times) are about equal if a lot of f2p (especially Latin American realms) don't get the $5 battle chest.

No matter how the xp-lock question works out, I am sure there will be people with lapsed subs who will give return and try out 19 or 20.
What are the benefits of being on bleeding hollow if everything is xrealm now?

Spinebreaker is a fucking graveyard at the moment and illidan was pretty populated and a few had mains there so that's where we've landed for the time being. We're making new toons since a lot of us have different accounts now. It feels weird not really knowing what we are doing but that's part of the fun I guess

AH, guilds, duels
twink accounts are still a portion of their money even if they wont admit it. If this is how the change works, they'll lose a good amount of money with twink-only accounts.

Such a minor amount I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't consider it. We spend so much time trying to convince Blizzard that we are a huge chunk of their revenue when we want something, when in reality we know we're not, also there are many that would still play without twinks.

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