US That 19s Show

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I agree we need footage from all brackets to represent the site. If Legion population skyrockets, it could be much better than Cata and Mop in terms of twinking. Hell, even in mop we had 4 active twink brackets (20-24, 70-74, 80-84, 85's). Now we only have two. Recruitment for 19s is fine, but this website is too centered around this one specific bracket. People try to recruit themselves, but most don't get far enough because of the lack of support from the staff.

I may try and put together a video for various brackets at one point if the staff does not.
I can guarantee that 19s, 20s, and 29s can find enjoyment in other brackets. It's not that they only enjoy a particular bracket, its that they've never tried or experienced a different bracket with high populations.
We are NOT looking for
  • Footage from before the legion pre-patch.
Yeah this is actually retarded, it's gonna be atleast 1 or 2 months before people actually have enough clips for something like this to happen, why not make the first episode as a "goodbye wod" video would be much much better where ppl actually have some clips to use.
Really hyped for this, the old 19's show was amazing! But I agree, why dont make 1 epiosde of "That 19's Show" (hopefully you intent on doing more) with WoD clips? No one has good footage from the prepatch yet, and you can always make a Legion episode later
Why are people complaining about old footage not being accepted? This site is about the meta of twinking, since there has been heavy changes in the pre patch it should be obvious that old footage is not accepted.
So, since we can't put Pre-Legion patch footage, can I submit vids of me afk'ing at Invasions for Chests?
Unfortunately squidgy never received enough footage to make anything and the time frame in which he was able to work under has passed.
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