Thaliose's 2nd video


between the bad resolution, the blurb about being a stolen copy of the software through half of it its a horrible video to begin with.

the s keying and the clicking make the rest of it horrible gameplay.

I especially like how you can't show a full clip of you making it all the way across the map without cutting to a new clip. Seriously at no point do you go fully across the map

If you aren't FCing yourself you aren't near a flag at all. I hear fighting in mid is what goods do.

also mousing around a scoreboard screen that nobody can read because the quality is so good just looks retarded

Some players these days...

Keep at it though Tinker! Steps 1- unbind your S key A key & D key. Learn to move with your mouse

Edit: Clean up your action bars of the un needed clutter

2- Put your raid frames in a more convenient spot ( make smaller if you have a small comp. screen)

3- Bring out your Camera view to Max if not close to max distance

4- Practice your Strayfing

5- Key bind Everything on your action Bars! /facepalm clicker

6- Use taunt to as much as possible to get in combat to avoid Saps

7- Don't run into large clutters to heal lost causes, the only reason why you didn't die is because there were garbage players in the Wsg

8- Have Bg chat macros of where your taking flag

9- Top tunnel is always best, never go tunnel

10- Do step one asap

11- Key bind all useful equips/potions/drinks etc.. in bag to avoid rumbling through your bags to find things

12- Stay in front of FC when aiding him across field

13- Bop/ Hands on Protection Healers & Mages also depending on situation. Not just yourself

14- Max out your Herb, don't haft @ss your player

15- put 4- allstats to your (healing gear chest)

16- Turn your screen (not your player) to be aware of your surroundings. What's behind you and to the side etc..

17- Make use of Focus and Keybind your focus Macros ( you didn't use Focus once)

18- Hoj near by healers ( The less free cast they get the better)

You have Deadskull shield so you must have been playing this game for awhile which confuses me.

PM me your Real ID for further Questions.
All of this footage was from this summer, and it was me just fooling aroundnmostly. I do most of the things already that you listed ore, this is me just having fun. If you judge me because I don't have key binds gtfo. I play better without them, the only reason I click is because I can double task easier tbh. As for herb, im just lazy
between the bad resolution, the blurb about being a stolen copy of the software through half of it its a horrible video to begin with.

the s keying and the clicking make the rest of it horrible gameplay.

I especially like how you can't show a full clip of you making it all the way across the map without cutting to a new clip. Seriously at no point do you go fully across the map

If you aren't FCing yourself you aren't near a flag at all. I hear fighting in mid is what goods do.

also mousing around a scoreboard screen that nobody can read because the quality is so good just looks retarded

Cy@ friday
All of this footage was from this summer, and it was me just fooling aroundnmostly. I do most of the things already that you listed ore, this is me just having fun. If you judge me because I don't have key binds gtfo. I play better without them, the only reason I click is because I can double task easier tbh. As for herb, im just lazy

Clicking takes your focus off of what is in front of you/going on in the field around you, even just for a slight second. This could be the difference of life and death for you or a teammate. Also, on your "I play better clicking" comment..Seriously?? You may think you can multitask better by clicking, but that is not how the human body works. Keybinding, and using your keybinds often/getting familiar with them builds muscle memory, which conditions your brain to process the thought of "Oh I need to AGM right now" your memory of your keybind and your muscle memory of how you specifically have to move to get that keybind will in the end be much faster, and smarter, for in order to click you will have to take your focus (and possibly your sight as a whole) to a different part of the screen, which will leave you blind to the circumstances around you. Since there is literally infinite possibilities as to wear your mouse position can start when you need to click your button, there is no way to build the muscle memory to do this as fast, and efficiently as possible..or in this case as keybinding would be

And if this is just you fooling around then why show a video of it, I doubt anyone really wants to see someone just mess around and pass it off for something fun to watch.
good video and nice gameplay, good demonstration of skill.

you could work on the length of you video as i beleive its to short to fully enjoy and people would lik to see more of you playing
you really need some help from a pro like me to play ur pallydin
You know you're fucking horrible when BTB trash are giving you expert tips.

You know you're fucking horrible when BTB trash are giving you expert tips.


Does having your profile pic of justin beiber raise your e-peen?

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