Tazik Shocker in arena

So I still want to know, does anyone know if you can put cata gems in the blacksmithing bracer and glove spot?
it is undeniably a huge advantage in competitive 70 arena. Especially when more than one team member has it, and it is used skillfully, the result can be un-healable burst that would normally never occur in arenas. I know twinking isn't always balanced, but this is ridiculous in my opinion.

To those who just say "get one" ... it is my understanding - correct me if I'm wrong - that once you level engineering to 450, you have a 1 / 8 chance to get the shocker. If you aren't lucky, you have to drop it and re-lvl eng and /pray for the shocker. I know gnomes have a better chance at getting it, but it can be an expensive and frustrating and possibly fruitless adventure to attempt.
sgswagga said:
To those who just say "get one" ... it is my understanding - correct me if I'm wrong - that once you level engineering to 450, you have a 1 / 8 chance to get the shocker. If you aren't lucky, you have to drop it and re-lvl eng and /pray for the shocker. I know gnomes have a better chance at getting it, but it can be an expensive and frustrating and possibly fruitless adventure to attempt.

welcome to twinking dude. where the hell have ya been
I laughed when someone tried to imply that 70 arena is competitive.
maybe if anyone had any type of skill it wouldnt matter if you had it or not. if you were good you can take a hit from it and still win, but instead you go to a forum and QQ about it cause your a no skill baddie. sorry just my opinion.
Sanitarium said:
I laughed when someone tried to imply that 70 arena is competitive.

I just meant at higher ratings where people at least know a thing or two about arena, and care at least a little bit. I mean, why twink if you have no vested interest in the results of your efforts?

About the BIS comment by threesets, I fully believe in obtaining the best gear and whatnot, I just don't think this particular item - one that really reduces the amount of skill and coordination required for arenas - should be in use.

And last, to respond to Brale... I do think that it hits quite hard even with resil, especially considering it is off the GCD. And as I said earlier, even for those who wish to obtain the item, it can take a very very (luck dependent) long time to get it.

It is all just food for thought. Not trying to incite anything here.

Later everyone.
Twiztid7652 said:
maybe if anyone had any type of skill it wouldnt matter if you had it or not. if you were good you can take a hit from it and still win, but instead you go to a forum and QQ about it cause your a no skill baddie. sorry just my opinion.

Haha, point well taken. I never claimed to be highly skilled, nor do I feel my complaints are completely without merit. I just played a 70 shaman (Shambulånce) to a 2434 rating and a few other 70s (Outmatch, Swaggåsåurus, Whissardra) to 1900-2kish ratings this season. I also played an 85 hunter to 2200 (Swaggasaurus). I don't cite this to brag, as certainly it isn't very meaningful ( and certainly doesn't mean I am skilled or anything other than a ''baddie'' ), yet I do feel it gives me a little bit of a right to speak my mind.

That said, the item, if used correctly by a skilled team, can be quite hard to "take a hit" from as it is off the GCD and will still hit for ~2-3k on a high resil target . Given that 2 dps could have this and time it with normal damage abilities, there is an insane amount of burst. Likely un-healable.
27% ressil - feral, pounce - blink deepfreeze, 4.5k frost bolt 3.5k icelance 7k tazzik, dead. Even if i "stop whinning and get one" it wouldnt make a difference, ide just die with it unused
youre the feral? sounds like you need some work then

where was a trinket? where was barkskin or si? where was skull bash? where was your partner for dispels/heals?

or just get more hp/resil
Falkor said:
youre the feral? sounds like you need some work then

where was a trinket? where was barkskin or si? where was skull bash? where was your partner for dispels/heals?

or just get more hp/resil

u sound like a idit.
why would i trinket the first deep freeze when im under no pressure, i cannot for see the incoming oneshot, if i knew he had tazziks, its a different story ofc

EDIT: was through BS
yea dont trinket it and get globaled, good idea pal

n tazik did not hit (or crit) 7k through 27% resil and barkskin
Tazik level 75 req. Kthx.

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