
Well you can even play as protection warrior with engineering and crusader enchant + stam encants on looms and shield you could reach +3k health and still do descent dmg so probaly also possible for protection paladin but don't know about their dmg
on my warrior, with my max stamina set and prot spec, i was around 4.2k health.

good cc, survivability, mobility.

bad dps.
on my warrior, with my max stamina set and prot spec, i was around 4.2k health.

good cc, survivability, mobility.

bad dps.

4.2k health? that actually insanity, but i feel like that would still get melted compared to a healer just sitting there healing themself, like they end up with effectively 10-20k hp sometimes lmao. thats the reason i wouldnt consider prot warrior, it just feels like they need to much support and dont do enough dps to matter.

prot paladin could be interesting but i feel like ret might just do the job better, and brewmaster might be something, its abilities look solid but i have no idea how it performs
Pretty sure tanks still take 30% extra dsmage in pvp. So you'd need some significant defenses and damage to make it worth it. Brewmaster has been viable in the past, but not sure currently.

30% extra damage.... wow thats so trash. if thats the case then it doesnt matter how insane a tank can be its useless. a 30% dmg incoming debuff is a disaster
Has the extra 30% damage been confirmed. I’ve done some Prot Warrior bg’s and it didn’t feel like an extra 30%. They have quite good survivability.
I’ve geared my Prot for dps, so she can push out some decent damage, but it’s not bursty. I’d say it’s more of a nuisance class. U just stick to people beating them on the head with a semi-wet noodle. It’s a nuisance for healers. ;)
Hilarious how they nerf tanks to the ground in PVP, but continue expansion after expansion to make it more and more impossible to 1v1 healers unless they are trash and you massively outgear them.

What they lost in endless CC from MOP and late Cata, they've made up for near immortality.

The worst part is seeing healers do crazy damage and top KBs, as well. That certainly doesn't make sense.
The damage can be fine with pal or warrior tanks. The issue is actual kills. Everybody is always mouthing off about how much damage they do, but its just like leads in sales and not actually closing on any deal.

How much damage you do is irrelevant... how many people did you actually send to the back of the resurrection line so your team continues to win is all that really matters.

Throwing avengers shield into a mob of people huddled around the flag in Eye of the Storm 24/7 will net you lots of damage, but very little actual kills.

I would put elemental force on your prot warrior since you can throw your axe every second or so, and crusader really only nets you an extra 8% or so actual damage on any target in a BG... and you will be cced a lot regardless.
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Its just fkn terrible... All the tank specs are fkn terrible compared to the dps spec alternatives. It confuses me why this subject comes up as frequently as it does and bewilders me when 1-2 people advocate for the strengths of these specs every time it does. There are no strengths, there is no benefit, only detriment, detriment to your team mates for having to carry your useless ass in a bg. If fkn Onyxia rocks up in wsg then hey maybe? wait no! STILL SHIT PRot pally is shit, Prot warrior is shit, BM monk is shit and Guardian druid is shit
They haven't always been shit, so its definitely a valid question. BM Monks used to be very strong even with the 30% extra damage taken. I haven't seen anyone play it recently, but that doesn't necessarily mean its shit.

Prot pally and Guardian druid are definitely shit. Prot warriors probably are as well.
They haven't always been shit, so its definitely a valid question. BM Monks used to be very strong even with the 30% extra damage taken. I haven't seen anyone play it recently, but that doesn't necessarily mean its shit.

Prot pally and Guardian druid are definitely shit. Prot warriors probably are as well.

BM Monks were the exception that prove the rule, an absurd combination of the bonus armor = attack power mechanic and stagger reducing damage recieved which mitigated the 30% rule almost completely, along with one of the most absurd toolkits of any twink spec in history, absurd mobility, absurd spammable aoe snare and completely broken Guard ability which is definetely top 3 most broken bullshit in the history of twinking...self healing...the list goes on...........Tank in name only

The only time i can remember was shield slam beiong broken and blizzard taking way to long to fix it
give me 2 weeks and i will have 100 versatility what should give me 20 % then i will see if prot can make a comeback ;)
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Brewmaster's past is more than enough reason to never allow tanks to be viable in PvP outside of running flags... if you did not play then, well you missed out... but that **** was actually retarded.... let me do Mage damage on my 10k hp mega tank... oh yeah and I have a super shield and sweet slowz... thanks.

I've qued as Prot pal before with 34% haste and the goofy flying hammer talent... its fun in E of the Storm for when everybody is in a dumb group... just use a minor invis potion... pop out right in the middle of the the enemy enemy group on the bridge... consecration.... 4 hammers... avengers shield... you can do some bonkers mc***k damage... you also die 10000000 times, but still fun.... and you get to listen to every regular twink complain to you why you are in tank spec while you laugh.
holy shield all the way and i still do descent dmg like 40k dmg in a bg and 30 k healing +- and not even bis and elemental force procs with concentration and many other spells. also can annoy or defeat most person in 1 vs 1 sometimes it yust an endless fight :p

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