Tabard of the ebon blade

You can get this tabard via using the macro. /buymerchantite(1,1) andinteract wit target key bind you just have to get a p2p to pull you to a diff realm then when you leave party spam macros in the order target interact buy . May take a try or two .gl

Did any of thos who helped u completed quest line?
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The question is whether it's still possible, and all evidence suggests not.

we are currently working on it and we are seeing the vendor (sometimes) but not getting to buy it. will report back with more progress.


look from the 90s perspective, [MENTION=1027]lofi[/MENTION]
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we are currently working on it and we are seeing the vendor (sometimes) but not getting to buy it. will report back with more progress.

Sweet, keep us updated! That's further than I got, I couldn't get the vendor to appear even for a split second. Are you just grouping with one 90? Has the 90 done the Ebon Blade quests? Does the 90 stand next to you or in another zone? When do you see the vendor, when joining or leaving the group?
Sweet, keep us updated! That's further than I got, I couldn't get the vendor to appear even for a split second. Are you just grouping with one 90? Has the 90 done the Ebon Blade quests? Does the 90 stand next to you or in another zone? When do you see the vendor, when joining or leaving the group?

one 90 and one 85, both have done the quests.
Using 2 seat mount to access vendor without cross realm seems to not work. However u not get dismounted by phase.

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