Swinging the BAN hammer /f2ptwink chat.

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Good, so we had a couple of people insulting eachother over and over in /F2Ptwink chat AP alliance.

Let's make it clear, and a rule, that we don't tollerate such behaviour in that chat channel at all. If you want to insult others or what ever do it in /w not in the public channel. Thanks.

For the person i banned, make a reply here and some sort of apologie and the moderator online will unban you. You have to post your characters name here. It was testing anyway if it would work and surprisingly it worked for F2P. But you went a bit to far, who ever it was, and i hope you see your mistake.

Let's make this the way to unban yourself. To many times banned? bad luck and will result in a perm.


Ps. Worth beeing Sticky for the chats sake?
Hey Leo, when I ran into you on Aephrodite down in Booty Bay the other night, I didn't make the connection between your char name and your board identity. It was a pleasure to meet you!

And in keeping on topic: I was present for some of the "conversation" in question, and several of its re-conflagrations, and having been a guild leader before and seeing what out-of-control guild chat can do to morale, I can definitely stand behind this decision. Ultimately it doesn't matter how immature or insulting you think someone else is being, if you decide to step up and respond, you're making a decision to put the importance of your ego over the importance of the community. Don't do that. We (apparently) catch enough flak from outside our niche group that we have to be cohesive within our group. If I had been a newcomer to the chat and saw that going on, my opinion of the community would have been immediately soured. Well, in point of fact, it -was- my first time coming into the chat, but I personally have seen this sort of thing (and dealt with it) before... other newcomers might not have the same perspective.

tl;dr version: Think of the impact on our community before you escalate a public argument.
Sorry about that Ciroe, can't let go of my nerfed character sig ^^ but names are displayed in the other thread, should help you out figuring who people are. Anyway i placed mine in my sig now :)
leotseddap said:

Ps. Worth beeing Sticky for the chats sake?

I'll add something to the other /f2ptwink sticky. Saves having endless stickys on the same topics.
Yasueh said:
I'll add something to the other /f2ptwink sticky. Saves having endless stickys on the same topics.

I was waiting for that response :) Thanks.

I could have posted it in f2ptwink channel and you thread but i wanted to let you do it since you allready made the thread :)
allahkazam said:
my money is on a certain paladin with an attitude problem.

I was there pretty sure it was the dk that got banned cuz pally kept talking unless it was a different time.
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