Swifty playing 24 twinks too now?

^ exactly. If the flags are being run, it's containing and being effective.

It's the players own choice if they want to feed it or not.
Sometimes I don't even bother responding to the hens. :) Thanks team for backing me up where it counts.

my panties are not in a wad :O i was curious of who he was and why it was a big deal is all...

tbh when i 1st opened thread i assumed it was some jumped up 19s wannabe glad making a troll thread xD
People will be making 1 clip montages of getting a killing blow on Swifty as a f2p

View attachment 3358View attachment 3359

Edit: Most people would think that this achv would be easy. But take into consideration that him and his friend, along with a group of elite players in his premade are there to keep him alive and destroy your team. He wont go down easily.

Edit 2: Yes ik Its a fake achv.
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So many people here are just posting about hunters and how good/bad some one is and not actually talking about the thread at hand. If you are going to jack off in front of each other to prove who is the bigger man take it to inbox's please...

Back on Topic. I'm not much of a Swifty fan and I've never heard of Sodapoppin before but I think it will be interesting to see if they are open for doing premades. It would definitely mean there is more competition in this bracket and everyone knows we could use that. If they leave with the new expansion then so be it.

Also who cares if there will be an influx of new players to the bracket, That can only be a good thing. It means shorter queue times, Who knows there might even be some people who stick around and become active members of the COMMUNITY. What ever happened to twinking because it was fun? Most of the people posting in this thread are being an Elitist and that's not healthy for anything. Welcome to Swifty and Soda. I hope you stay and thank you for bring new players to the bracket.
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Let any "famous" end game player come to twinking... it will look really good on their streams when they get farmed hard by the few premade teams out there. who knows maybe they will enjoy the challenge and stay and try to beat the better players. me personally i think they will get butt hurt fast and leave what do you guys think?
Let any "famous" end game player come to twinking... it will look really good on their streams when they get farmed hard by the few premade teams out there. who knows maybe they will enjoy the challenge and stay and try to beat the better players. me personally i think they will get butt hurt fast and leave what do you guys think?

i think so too, but with different results. they'll probably try again and bring back up like the recent videos about how the multiboxers come in.
I'm excited to see what the publicity and player base from Swifty & Swifty fans and other WoW famous people will do for twinking in the future.

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