Swifty playing 24 twinks too now?


Just noticed Swifty with the stream title: Twinks!! level 24 Grind Raf+Heirlooms!! Prizes!! 9pm Followers / subscribers

Does this mean that all his fans are gonna play 24s now?
Does this mean that a whole bunch of 24s will be joining the bracket?
Does this mean there will be hundreds of ALLIANCE 24s? I THINK YES
Don't worry... These inc 24s are no better then the current class of 24s lol.. I don't think it was the real sodah but I was sure to gy farm 2 different soah___ 24 huntards today...

More bad players isnt healthy either.
Maybe you will... I'll be dead in gy after being killed by that 24 hunt that doesn't know the difference between signet or argas and seal of argas

Perhaps that hunter picked Seal when Hunters used mana. I, myself used the "int build" way back when. Look at the glass 1/2 full, not half empty. Me, I welcome them. The more populated the bracket becomes, the shorter the queue times become.

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Perhaps that hunter picked Seal when Hunters used mana. I, myself used the "int build" way back when. Look at the glass 1/2 full, not half empty. Me, I welcome them. The more populated the bracket becomes, the shorter the queue times become.


Unless they dump popularity into one faction, in which case the queues would become displaced again - but from what I hear, Swifty is going Alliance and soda Horde - so hopefully it will be balanced.
They all look the same laying down.

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